ISBN beginnend mit 9783030704
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783030704025: Manoj Karkee: Fundamentals of Agricultural and Field Robotics
- ISBN 9783030704032: Hans-Georg Ziebertz: The Ambivalent Impact of Religion on Human Rights – Empirical Studies in Europe, Africa and Asia
- ISBN 9783030704063: Hans-Georg Ziebertz: The Ambivalent Impact of Religion on Human Rights – Empirical Studies in Europe, Africa and Asia
- ISBN 9783030704070: Hansjörg Hemminger: Evolutionary Processes in the Natural History of Religion – Body, Brain, Belief
- ISBN 9783030704100: Hansjörg Hemminger: Evolutionary Processes in the Natural History of Religion – Body, Brain, Belief
- ISBN 9783030704117: Mati Keynes: Historical Justice and History Education
- ISBN 9783030704148: Mati Keynes: Historical Justice and History Education
- ISBN 9783030704155: Shahram Latifi: ITNG 2021 18th International Conference on Information Technology-New Generations
- ISBN 9783030704186: Shahram Latifi: ITNG 2021 18th International Conference on Information Technology-New Generations
- ISBN 9783030704193: Huseyin Tombuloglu: Oil Crop Genomics
- ISBN 9783030704223: Huseyin Tombuloglu: Oil Crop Genomics
- ISBN 9783030704230: Ben Vinod: The Evolution of Yield Management in the Airline Industry – Origins to the Last Frontier
- ISBN 9783030704261: Ben Vinod: The Evolution of Yield Management in the Airline Industry – Origins to the Last Frontier
- ISBN 9783030704278: Robbert Kivits: The Dynamism of Stakeholder Engagement – A Case Study of the Aviation Industry
- ISBN 9783030704308: Robbert Kivits: The Dynamism of Stakeholder Engagement – A Case Study of the Aviation Industry
- ISBN 9783030704315: Minzan Li: Soil and Crop Sensing for Precision Crop Production
- ISBN 9783030704346: Minzan Li: Soil and Crop Sensing for Precision Crop Production
- ISBN 9783030704353: Jonathan O. Chimakonam: Essays on Contemporary Issues in African Philosophy
- ISBN 9783030704384: Jonathan O. Chimakonam: Essays on Contemporary Issues in African Philosophy
- ISBN 9783030704391: Alberto Arabia: Equivariant Poincaré Duality on G-Manifolds – Equivariant Gysin Morphism and Equivariant Euler Classes
- ISBN 9783030704421: Victorino Franco: Magnetic Measurement Techniques for Materials Characterization
- ISBN 9783030704452: Victorino Franco: Magnetic Measurement Techniques for Materials Characterization
- ISBN 9783030704469: Christiane Cocozza-Thivent: Markov Renewal and Piecewise Deterministic Processes
- ISBN 9783030704490: Christiane Cocozza-Thivent: Markov Renewal and Piecewise Deterministic Processes
- ISBN 9783030704506: Shenglin Mu: 4th EAI International Conference on Robotic Sensor Networks
- ISBN 9783030704537: Shenglin Mu: 4th EAI International Conference on Robotic Sensor Networks
- ISBN 9783030704544: Antonino Carcione: Complex Cases of Personality Disorders – Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy
- ISBN 9783030704575: Antonino Carcione: Complex Cases of Personality Disorders – Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy
- ISBN 9783030704582: Mohamed Fethi Ladeb: Imaging of Spinal Infection
- ISBN 9783030704612: Mohamed Fethi Ladeb: Imaging of Spinal Infection
- ISBN 9783030704629: Ajay S. Kalamdhad: Integrated Approaches Towards Solid Waste Management
- ISBN 9783030704650: Chetan Walia: Creativity and Strategy – An Integrative Analysis
- ISBN 9783030704681: Chetan Walia: Creativity and Strategy – An Integrative Analysis
- ISBN 9783030704698: Eric Louis Russell: Alpha Masculinity – Hegemony in Language and Discourse
- ISBN 9783030704728: Eric Louis Russell: Alpha Masculinity – Hegemony in Language and Discourse
- ISBN 9783030704735: William King: Nerve Agents in Postwar Britain – Deterrence, Publicity and Disarmament, 1945–1976
- ISBN 9783030704766: William King: Nerve Agents in Postwar Britain – Deterrence, Publicity and Disarmament, 1945–1976
- ISBN 9783030704773: Fausto Pedro García Márquez: Internet of Things – Cases and Studies
- ISBN 9783030704803: Fausto Pedro García Márquez: Internet of Things – Cases and Studies
- ISBN 9783030704810: Ian Crawford: Expanding Worldviews: Astrobiology, Big History and Cosmic Perspectives
- ISBN 9783030704841: Ian Crawford: Expanding Worldviews: Astrobiology, Big History and Cosmic Perspectives
- ISBN 9783030704858: Alžbeta Hegedűsová: Selenium Supplementation in Horticultural Crops
- ISBN 9783030704889: Alžbeta Hegedűsová: Selenium Supplementation in Horticultural Crops
- ISBN 9783030704896: Dmitry Ivanov: Introduction to Supply Chain Resilience – Management, Modelling, Technology
- ISBN 9783030704926: Wilson R. Nyemba: Bridging the Academia Industry Divide – Innovation and Industrialisation Perspective using Systems Thinking Research in Sub-Saharan Africa
- ISBN 9783030704957: Wilson R. Nyemba: Bridging the Academia Industry Divide – Innovation and Industrialisation Perspective using Systems Thinking Research in Sub-Saharan Africa
- ISBN 9783030704964: Peng Bo: China and Global Governance – A New Leader?
- ISBN 9783030704995: Peng Bo: China and Global Governance – A New Leader?