ISBN beginnend mit 9783030989
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783030989026: Clarissa Correa Neto Ribeiro: Overlapping Regional Organizations in South America and Africa – Coexistence Through Political Crises
- ISBN 9783030989033: Daniel Bloom: Knowing and Being in Ancient Philosophy
- ISBN 9783030989064: Daniel Bloom: Knowing and Being in Ancient Philosophy
- ISBN 9783030989071: Péter Érdi: Repair – When and How to Improve Broken Objects, Ourselves, and Our Society
- ISBN 9783030989101: Giovanni Ghibaudo: Manual to Veterinary Video-Oto-Endoscopy – Use and Utility in Canine and Feline Ear Diseases
- ISBN 9783030989132: Giovanni Ghibaudo: Manual to Veterinary Video-Oto-Endoscopy – Use and Utility in Canine and Feline Ear Diseases
- ISBN 9783030989149: Sune Borkfelt: Reading Slaughter – Abattoir Fictions, Space, and Empathy in Late Modernity
- ISBN 9783030989170: Sune Borkfelt: Reading Slaughter – Abattoir Fictions, Space, and Empathy in Late Modernity
- ISBN 9783030989187: Zena Kamash: Comics and Archaeology
- ISBN 9783030989217: Zena Kamash: Comics and Archaeology
- ISBN 9783030989224: Anna Matalová: Gregor Mendel - The Scientist – Based on Primary Sources 1822-1884
- ISBN 9783030989255: Anna Matalová: Gregor Mendel - The Scientist – Based on Primary Sources 1822-1884
- ISBN 9783030989262: Rita Basu: Precision Medicine in Diabetes – A Multidisciplinary Approach to an Emerging Paradigm
- ISBN 9783030989293: Rita Basu: Precision Medicine in Diabetes – A Multidisciplinary Approach to an Emerging Paradigm
- ISBN 9783030989309: Cam McLeman: Explorations in Number Theory – Commuting through the Numberverse
- ISBN 9783030989330: Cam McLeman: Explorations in Number Theory – Commuting through the Numberverse
- ISBN 9783030989347: Angel Urbina-García: Transitions to School: Perspectives and Experiences from Latin America – Research, Policy, and Practice
- ISBN 9783030989378: Angel Urbina-García: Transitions to School: Perspectives and Experiences from Latin America – Research, Policy, and Practice
- ISBN 9783030989385: A.J. Larner: Transient Global Amnesia – From Patient Encounter to Clinical Neuroscience
- ISBN 9783030989415: A.J. Larner: Transient Global Amnesia – From Patient Encounter to Clinical Neuroscience
- ISBN 9783030989422: Jan A. Ali: A Sociological Study of the Tabligh Jama’at – Working for Allah
- ISBN 9783030989453: Wit Pietrzak: Constitutions of Self in Contemporary Irish Poetry – ‘Into the Light’
- ISBN 9783030989484: Wit Pietrzak: Constitutions of Self in Contemporary Irish Poetry – ‘Into the Light’
- ISBN 9783030989491: Lars A. Akslen: Biomarkers of the Tumor Microenvironment
- ISBN 9783030989521: Lars A. Akslen: Biomarkers of the Tumor Microenvironment
- ISBN 9783030989538: Martin Oliver Steinhauser: Computational Multiscale Modeling of Fluids and Solids – Theory and Applications
- ISBN 9783030989569: Martin Oliver Steinhauser: Computational Multiscale Modeling of Fluids and Solids – Theory and Applications
- ISBN 9783030989583: Vítor João Pereira Domingues Martinho: Trends of the Agricultural Sector in Era 4.0
- ISBN 9783030989613: Mustafa Öztürk: Educational Response, Inclusion and Empowerment for SDGs in Emerging Economies – How do education systems contribute to raising global citizens?
- ISBN 9783030989644: Mustafa Öztürk: Educational Response, Inclusion and Empowerment for SDGs in Emerging Economies – How do education systems contribute to raising global citizens?
- ISBN 9783030989651: Marina Dabić: Women Entrepreneurs in Sub-Saharan Africa – Historical Framework, Ecosystem, and Future Perspectives for the Region
- ISBN 9783030989682: Marina Dabić: Women Entrepreneurs in Sub-Saharan Africa – Historical Framework, Ecosystem, and Future Perspectives for the Region
- ISBN 9783030989699: Matthew McManus: The Emergence of Post-modernity at the Intersection of Liberalism, Capitalism, and Secularism – The Center Cannot Hold
- ISBN 9783030989729: Matthew McManus: The Emergence of Post-modernity at the Intersection of Liberalism, Capitalism, and Secularism – The Center Cannot Hold
- ISBN 9783030989736: Stefania Tomasiello: Contemporary Fuzzy Logic – A Perspective of Fuzzy Logic with Scilab
- ISBN 9783030989767: Stefania Tomasiello: Contemporary Fuzzy Logic – A Perspective of Fuzzy Logic with Scilab
- ISBN 9783030989774: Éric Renault: Machine Learning for Networking – 4th International Conference, MLN 2021, Virtual Event, December 1–3, 2021, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783030989804: Chandra Shekhar Jha: Geospatial Technologies for Resources Planning and Management
- ISBN 9783030989835: Chandra Shekhar Jha: Geospatial Technologies for Resources Planning and Management
- ISBN 9783030989842: Patrick Fafard: Integrating Science and Politics for Public Health
- ISBN 9783030989873: Patrick Fafard: Integrating Science and Politics for Public Health
- ISBN 9783030989880: Brian Golding: Towards the “Perfect” Weather Warning – Bridging Disciplinary Gaps through Partnership and Communication
- ISBN 9783030989910: Brian Golding: Towards the “Perfect” Weather Warning – Bridging Disciplinary Gaps through Partnership and Communication
- ISBN 9783030989927: Edoardo Novelli: The 2019 European Electoral Campaign – In the Time of Populism and Social Media
- ISBN 9783030989958: Edoardo Novelli: The 2019 European Electoral Campaign – In the Time of Populism and Social Media
- ISBN 9783030989965: Ewa Ziemba: Information Technology for Management: Business and Social Issues – 16th Conference, ISM 2021, and FedCSIS-AIST 2021 Track, Held as Part of FedCSIS 2021, Virtual Event, September 2–5, 2021, Extended and Revised Selected Papers
- ISBN 9783030989996: Allam Hamdan: Future of Organizations and Work After the 4th Industrial Revolution – The Role of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Automation, and Robotics