ISBN beginnend mit 9783031196
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783031196027: Georgios Psaroudakis: Risk Sharing in the Euro Area – Legal Aspects
- ISBN 9783031196034: Roger Lee: Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing
- ISBN 9783031196065: Roger Lee: Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing
- ISBN 9783031196072: Roger Lee: Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Data Science Engineering
- ISBN 9783031196102: Roger Lee: Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Data Science Engineering
- ISBN 9783031196119: Susanne Theodora Schmidt: Transmitted Light Microscopy of Rock-Forming Minerals – An Introduction to Optical Mineralogy
- ISBN 9783031196140: Susanne Theodora Schmidt: Transmitted Light Microscopy of Rock-Forming Minerals – An Introduction to Optical Mineralogy
- ISBN 9783031196157: Evangelia Papadimitriou: Matrix Pathobiology and Angiogenesis
- ISBN 9783031196188: Evangelia Papadimitriou: Matrix Pathobiology and Angiogenesis
- ISBN 9783031196195: Sergey Kovalev: Proceedings of the Sixth International Scientific Conference “Intelligent Information Technologies for Industry” (IITI’22)
- ISBN 9783031196225: Sebastian Musch: Deutsch-jüdische Begegnungen mit dem Buddhismus – Zwischen Moses und Buddha, 1890-1940
- ISBN 9783031196249: Stefan Brunnhuber: Die Finanzierung unserer Zukunft – Wie wir mit einer digitalen Parallelwährung die Welt retten, unsere Gemeingüter finanzieren und die Nachhaltigkeitsziele erreichen
- ISBN 9783031196263: Hyunsoo Jeon: Buddhismus und Psychotherapie – Impulse aus der frühen buddhistischen Lehre für die psychotherapeutische Behandlung
- ISBN 9783031196287: Helmut Asche: Regionale Integration, Handel und Industrie in Afrika
- ISBN 9783031196300: Frank D. Bean: Selected Topics in Migration Studies
- ISBN 9783031196331: Frank D. Bean: Selected Topics in Migration Studies
- ISBN 9783031196348: Dan Gabriel Cacuci: The nth-Order Comprehensive Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Methodology, Volume II – Overcoming the Curse of Dimensionality: Large-Scale Application
- ISBN 9783031196379: Dan Gabriel Cacuci: The nth-Order Comprehensive Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Methodology, Volume II – Overcoming the Curse of Dimensionality: Large-Scale Application
- ISBN 9783031196386: Patrick Girard: Machine Learning Support for Fault Diagnosis of System-on-Chip
- ISBN 9783031196416: Patrick Girard: Machine Learning Support for Fault Diagnosis of System-on-Chip
- ISBN 9783031196461: Hector Florez: Applied Informatics – 5th International Conference, ICAI 2022, Arequipa, Peru, October 27–29, 2022, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783031196492: Péter Galambos: Robotics, Computer Vision and Intelligent Systems – First International Conference, ROBOVIS 2020, Virtual Event, November 4-6, 2020, and Second International Conference, ROBOVIS 2021, Virtual Event, October 27-28, 2021, Revised Selected Papers
- ISBN 9783031196522: Davide Sivolella: The Untold Stories of the Space Shuttle Program – Unfulfilled Dreams and Missions that Never Flew
- ISBN 9783031196553: Adina Letiția Negrușa: Remodelling Businesses for Sustainable Development – 2nd International Conference on Modern Trends in Business, Hospitality, and Tourism, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2022
- ISBN 9783031196584: Adina Letiția Negrușa: Remodelling Businesses for Sustainable Development – 2nd International Conference on Modern Trends in Business, Hospitality, and Tourism, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2022
- ISBN 9783031196591: Siva Teja Kakileti: Artificial Intelligence over Infrared Images for Medical Applications and Medical Image Assisted Biomarker Discovery – First MICCAI Workshop, AIIIMA 2022, and First MICCAI Workshop, MIABID 2022, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2022, Singapore, September 1
- ISBN 9783031196621: Kersten Heins: Trusted Cellular IoT Devices – Design Ingredients and Concepts
- ISBN 9783031196652: Kersten Heins: Trusted Cellular IoT Devices – Design Ingredients and Concepts
- ISBN 9783031196669: Martin Ebers: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Powered Public Service Delivery in Estonia – Opportunities and Legal Challenges
- ISBN 9783031196690: Martin Ebers: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Powered Public Service Delivery in Estonia – Opportunities and Legal Challenges
- ISBN 9783031196706: Ninh T. Nguyen: The AFS Textbook of Foregut Disease
- ISBN 9783031196737: Ninh T. Nguyen: The AFS Textbook of Foregut Disease
- ISBN 9783031196744: Joanne Dingwall McCafferty: UNESCO, Cultural Heritage and Conflict in Yemen, Syria and Iraq
- ISBN 9783031196775: Joanne Dingwall McCafferty: UNESCO, Cultural Heritage and Conflict in Yemen, Syria and Iraq
- ISBN 9783031196782: Constantine Stephanidis: HCI International 2022 – Late Breaking Posters – 24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2022, Virtual Event, June 26 – July 1, 2022, Proceedings, Part I
- ISBN 9783031196812: Constantine Stephanidis: HCI International 2022 – Late Breaking Posters – 24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2022, Virtual Event, June 26 – July 1, 2022, Proceedings, Part II
- ISBN 9783031196843: Dimitrios Poulakis: Algebraic Informatics – 9th International Conference, CAI 2022, Virtual Event, October 27–29, 2022, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783031196874: Enzo Errichetti: Clinical and Dermoscopic Atlas of Non-Neoplastic Dermatoses – Variability According to Phototypes
- ISBN 9783031196904: Enzo Errichetti: Clinical and Dermoscopic Atlas of Non-Neoplastic Dermatoses – Variability According to Phototypes
- ISBN 9783031196911: Marc Helmold: Lean Management und Kaizen – Grundlagen aus Fällen und Beispielen in Operations und Supply Chain Management
- ISBN 9783031196935: Yo-Ping Huang: Computational Intelligence Methods for Green Technology and Sustainable Development – Proceedings of the International Conference GTSD2022
- ISBN 9783031196966: Panayotis G. Michaelides: History of Economic Ideas – From Adam Smith to Paul Krugman
- ISBN 9783031196997: Arvind Verma: Police Leaders as Thinkers