ISBN beginnend mit 9783031397
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783031397035: Le Hai Khoi: Theory of Np Spaces
- ISBN 9783031397066: John Collins: Energy Sustainability through Retail Electricity Markets – The Power Trading Agent Competition (Power TAC) Experience
- ISBN 9783031397097: John Collins: Energy Sustainability through Retail Electricity Markets – The Power Trading Agent Competition (Power TAC) Experience
- ISBN 9783031397103: Linda Makovická Osvaldová: Testing of Materials for Fire Protection Needs – European Standard Test Methods for the Building Sector
- ISBN 9783031397134: Linda Makovická Osvaldová: Testing of Materials for Fire Protection Needs – European Standard Test Methods for the Building Sector
- ISBN 9783031397141: Madrean Schober: Introduction à la pratique avancée infirmière – Une perspective internationale
- ISBN 9783031397165: Madrean Schober: La planification stratégique pour la pratique avancée infirmière
- ISBN 9783031397189: Moreno Mitrović: Superpartikeln – Eine mikrosemantische Theorie, Typologie und Geschichte der logischen Atome
- ISBN 9783031397202: Dimiter Avtanski: Obesity, Diabetes and Inflammation – Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical Management
- ISBN 9783031397233: Dimiter Avtanski: Obesity, Diabetes and Inflammation – Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical Management
- ISBN 9783031397240: Vittoria Colotta: Purinergic Receptors and their Modulators
- ISBN 9783031397271: Vittoria Colotta: Purinergic Receptors and their Modulators
- ISBN 9783031397288: Suraje Dessai: Quantifying Climate Risk and Building Resilience in the UK
- ISBN 9783031397356: Waldemar A. Marmisollé: Binding Phenomena – General Description and Analytical Applications
- ISBN 9783031397387: Waldemar A. Marmisollé: Binding Phenomena – General Description and Analytical Applications
- ISBN 9783031397394: Melanie Rogers: Advanced Practice Nurse Networking to Enhance Global Health
- ISBN 9783031397431: Mark-Oliver Casper: Situated Cognition Research – Methodological Foundations
- ISBN 9783031397462: Mark-Oliver Casper: Situated Cognition Research – Methodological Foundations
- ISBN 9783031397479: Murat Diker: Texture Spaces
- ISBN 9783031397509: Murat Diker: Texture Spaces
- ISBN 9783031397516: Waldemar Kuligowski: Festivals and Values – Music, Community Engagement and Organisational Symbolism
- ISBN 9783031397547: Waldemar Kuligowski: Festivals and Values – Music, Community Engagement and Organisational Symbolism
- ISBN 9783031397554: Sunil Mathew: Weighted and Fuzzy Graph Theory
- ISBN 9783031397585: Sunil Mathew: Weighted and Fuzzy Graph Theory
- ISBN 9783031397592: Deniz Çupi: Environmental Debates in Albania – Media Discourse during the Post-Communist Period
- ISBN 9783031397622: Deniz Çupi: Environmental Debates in Albania – Media Discourse during the Post-Communist Period
- ISBN 9783031397639: Muhammad Younas: Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems – 19th International Conference, MobiWIS 2023, Marrakech, Morocco, August 14–16, 2023, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783031397660: Andrea L'Afflitto: Control of Autonomous Aerial Vehicles – Advances in Autopilot Design for Civilian UAVs
- ISBN 9783031397691: Andrea L'Afflitto: Control of Autonomous Aerial Vehicles – Advances in Autopilot Design for Civilian UAVs
- ISBN 9783031397707: Gernot Stroth: Elementare Algebra und Zahlentheorie
- ISBN 9783031397721: Lisa Bodei: Radiopharmaceutical Therapy
- ISBN 9783031397738: Cengiz Kahraman: Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems – Intelligence and Sustainable Future Proceedings of the INFUS 2023 Conference, Volume 1
- ISBN 9783031397769: Cengiz Kahraman: Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems – Intelligence and Sustainable Future Proceedings of the INFUS 2023 Conference, Volume 2
- ISBN 9783031397790: Asunción Blanco-Romero: Spanish Tourism Geographies – Territorial Diversity and Different Approaches
- ISBN 9783031397820: Asunción Blanco-Romero: Spanish Tourism Geographies – Territorial Diversity and Different Approaches
- ISBN 9783031397837: Helle Hvid Hansen: Logic, Language, Information, and Computation – 29th International Workshop, WoLLIC 2023, Halifax, NS, Canada, July 11–14, 2023, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783031397905: Birgir Hrafnkelsson: Statistical Modeling Using Bayesian Latent Gaussian Models – With Applications in Geophysics and Environmental Sciences
- ISBN 9783031397936: Birgir Hrafnkelsson: Statistical Modeling Using Bayesian Latent Gaussian Models – With Applications in Geophysics and Environmental Sciences
- ISBN 3031397940: Rainer W. Bussmann: Ethnobotany of Northern Africa and Levant, 3 Teile
- ISBN 9783031397943: Rainer W. Bussmann: Ethnobotany of Northern Africa and Levant, 3 Teile
- ISBN 9783031397950: Jeannette Littlemore: Applying Cognitive Linguistics to Second Language Learning and Teaching
- ISBN 9783031397981: Jeannette Littlemore: Applying Cognitive Linguistics to Second Language Learning and Teaching
- ISBN 9783031397998: Mareike Fischer: Tree Balance Indices – A Comprehensive Survey