ISBN beginnend mit 9783031573
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783031573033: Raphael J. Heffron: The Rise of Restorative Justice in the Energy Transition and for Climate Mitigation
- ISBN 9783031573071: Esther Mukewa Lisanza: The Palgrave Handbook of Language Policies in Africa
- ISBN 9783031573118: Tetsuya Hoya: Syntactic Networks—Kernel Memory Approach
- ISBN 9783031573156: Arthur David Snider: From STEM to STEAM – A Study of Art from the Perspective of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
- ISBN 9783031573194: Stefka Fidanova: Recent Advances in Computational Optimization – Selected Papers from the WCO 2022 – Workshop on Computational Optimization
- ISBN 9783031573231: Mounir Ben Amar: Advances in Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing III – Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference on Advanced Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing (A3M’2023), March 20-21, 2023, Sousse, Tunisia
- ISBN 9783031573262: Daniel Mendez: Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality – 30th International Working Conference, REFSQ 2024, Winterthur, Switzerland, April 8–11, 2024, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783031573293: Marc James Deegan: Reflections on Criticality in Educational Philosophy – Critical Traditions, Freire and Wittgenstein
- ISBN 9783031573330: Roger Kinns: The World of Visual Time Signals for Mariners – Time Balls, Time Guns, Time Lights and Other Signals
- ISBN 9783031573378: Max-Emanuel Geis: Dealing with Totalitarian Regimes and Human Rights – A Polish-German Dialogue
- ISBN 9783031573415: Michael McCarthy: Concise Guide to the Internet of Things – A Hands-On Introduction to Technologies, Procedures, and Architectures
- ISBN 9783031573446: Xiaonan Guo: Mobile Technologies for Smart Healthcare System Design
- ISBN 9783031573484: Javier Hernandez Fernandez: Physical Layer Security in Power Line Communications – Fundamentals, Models and Applications
- ISBN 9783031573521: Robert French: The Roles of Representation in Visual Perception
- ISBN 9783031573569: Murat Altug Erberik: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology – 7ICEES 2023—Volume 2
- ISBN 9783031573606: Jorge G. Ruiz: Frailty – A Multidisciplinary Approach to Assessment, Management, and Prevention
- ISBN 9783031573644: Rod Giblett: Wetland Cultures – Ancient, Traditional, Contemporary
- ISBN 9783031573682: Charurut Somboonwit: Global Virology IV: Viral Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Delivery in the 21st Century
- ISBN 9783031573767: Ana Marta González: Accessing the Public Sphere – Mediation Practices in a Global World
- ISBN 9783031573804: Marko Hapke: Metallocenes in Regio- and Stereoselective Synthesis
- ISBN 9783031573880: Shaofeng Li: Backdoor Attacks against Learning-Based Algorithms
- ISBN 9783031573927: Ahmed J. Obaid: Advanced Studies on Environmental Sustainability – Proceeding of International Conference on Environment and Sustainability 2023
- ISBN 9783031573934: R. Sooryamoorthy: African Societies – The Changing Sociological Landscape
- ISBN 9783031573972: Sam Goldstein: Clinician Guide to Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder in Children and Adolescents