ISBN beginnend mit 9783031605
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783031605017: Barbara W. K. Son: The Landscape of Global Health Inequity
- ISBN 9783031605055: Alice Morelli: A Wittgensteinian Perspective on Dispositions
- ISBN 9783031605109: Mayumi Bono: New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence – JSAI-isAI 2023 International Workshops, JURISIN, SCIDOCA, EmSemi and AI-Biz, Kumamoto, Japan, June 4-6, 2023, Revised Selected Papers
- ISBN 9783031605130: Jie Hu: Integrated Data and Energy Transfer in Wireless Networks
- ISBN 9783031605178: Tadahiro Kuroda: The Super-Evolution of Semiconductors
- ISBN 9783031605215: David A. Bell: French Revolutionary Lives
- ISBN 9783031605253: Daniel Špelda: The Origins of the Idea of Scientific Progress – Bernard de Fontenelle and His Contemporaries
- ISBN 9783031605291: Vusani Moyo: Firm, Equity Asset, and Fixed Income Securities Valuation – Practical Examples and Case Studies for Accounting and Financial Analyst Students
- ISBN 9783031605321: Rashina Hoda: Qualitative Research with Socio-Technical Grounded Theory – A Practical Guide to Qualitative Data Analysis and Theory Development in the Digital World
- ISBN 9783031605369: Mihaela Popa-Wyatt: Harmful Speech and Contestation
- ISBN 9783031605406: Jean Graham: The Sentient Tree in Speculative Fiction
- ISBN 9783031605444: Pranav Kumar Prabhakar: Preserving Health, Preserving Earth – The Path to Sustainable Healthcare
- ISBN 9783031605482: Mykola Nechyporuk: Integrated Computer Technologies in Mechanical Engineering - 2023 – Synergetic Engineering, Volume 2
- ISBN 9783031605512: María Lelia Pochettino: Nature(s) in Construction – Ethnobiology in the Confluence of Actors, Territories and Disciplines
- ISBN 9783031605550: Henning Struchtrup: Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion – Second Edition
- ISBN 9783031605598: Rosanna Fornasiero: The Future of Manufacturing: The Italian Roadmap
- ISBN 9783031605628: George Lundskow: White Supremacy and Anti-Supremacy Forces in the United States – A Sociohistorical and Social-Psychological Approach
- ISBN 9783031605666: Attilio Ferrari: Fundamentals of Astrophysics – Astrophysical Methods
- ISBN 9783031605703: Kathryn Bartimote: Theory Informing and Arising from Learning Analytics
- ISBN 9783031605741: Cónall Kelly: Computation and Simulation for Finance – An Introduction with Python
- ISBN 9783031605789: Nanae Baldauff: Japan’s Defense Engagement in the Indo-Pacific – Deterrence, Strategic Partnership, and Stable Order Building
- ISBN 9783031605826: Mara Welsh Mahmood: University-Community Partnerships for Transformative Education – Sowing Seeds of Resistance and Renewal
- ISBN 9783031605864: Sylvie Bláhová: Pluralism and Diversity – For the Sake of Equal Respect
- ISBN 9783031605901: Mohamed Ridda Laouar: 13th International Conference on Information Systems and Advanced Technologies “ICISAT 2023” – New Trends in Artificial Intelligence, Computing and Decision Making. Volume 1
- ISBN 9783031605932: Mohamed Ridda Laouar: 13th International Conference on Information Systems and Advanced Technologies “ICISAT 2023” – New Trends in Artificial Intelligence, Computing and Decision Making. Volume 2
- ISBN 9783031605963: Bistra Dilkina: Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research – 21st International Conference, CPAIOR 2024, Uppsala, Sweden, May 28–31, 2024, Proceedings, Part I