ISBN beginnend mit 9783034307
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783034307000: Jean Lee: The Two Pillars of the Market – A Paradigm for Dialogue between Theology and Economics
- ISBN 9783034307017: Gideon Goosen: Hyphenated Christians – Towards a Better Understanding of Dual Religious Belonging
- ISBN 9783034307024: Erica Segre: Ghosts of the Revolution in Mexican Literature and Visual Culture – Revisitations in Modern and Contemporary Creative Media
- ISBN 9783034307031: Stephen Butler Murray: Reclaiming Divine Wrath – A History of a Christian Doctrine and Its Interpretation
- ISBN 9783034307048: Cordelia Scharpf: Luise Büchner – Eine evolutionäre Frauenrechtlerin des 19. Jahrhunderts
- ISBN 9783034307055: Xosé Rosales Sequeiros: Linguistic Meaning and Non-Truth-Conditionality
- ISBN 9783034307062: Nicholas Hammond: Gossip, Sexuality and Scandal in France (1610-1715)
- ISBN 9783034307079: Miri Rozmarin: Creating Oneself – Agency, Desire and Feminist Transformations
- ISBN 9783034307086: Benjamin Wardhaugh: The History of the History of Mathematics – Case Studies for the Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
- ISBN 9783034307093: Christine Chaillot: The Orthodox Church in Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century
- ISBN 9783034307109: Bill Richardson: Power, Place and Representation – Contested Sites of Dependence and Independence in Latin America
- ISBN 9783034307116: Claire Bisdorff: Le Cœur dans tous ses états – Essais sur la littérature et l’art français
- ISBN 9783034307123: Jennifer FitzGerald: Helen Waddell and Maude Clarke – Irishwomen, Friends and Scholars
- ISBN 9783034307130: Lam Lai Sing: The romance of the three kingdoms and Mao's global order of tripolarity
- ISBN 9783034307147: Ian Cooper: Dialectic and Paradox – Configurations of the Third in Modernity
- ISBN 9783034307154: Rosalind Pritchard: Neoliberal Developments in Higher Education – The United Kingdom and Germany
- ISBN 9783034307161: Michael Gardiner: Weak Messianism – Essays in Everyday Utopianism
- ISBN 9783034307178: Lorna Collins, Elizabeth Rush: Making sense - for an effective aesthetics
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- ISBN 9783034307192: Jamileh Manoochehri: The Politics of Social Housing in Britain
- ISBN 9783034307208: Ana Goncalves Matos: Literary Texts and Intercultural Learning – Exploring New Directions
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- ISBN 9783034307222: Marie-Laure Vuaille-Barcan: Transfert de langue, transfert de culture - la traduction en français du roman Southern Steel de l'Australienne Dymphna Cusack
- ISBN 9783034307239: John Harvey: The Poetics of Sight
- ISBN 9783034307246: Claire Lozier: De l’abject et du sublime – Georges Bataille, Jean Genet, Samuel Beckett
- ISBN 9783034307253: Matthew Beaumont: The spectre of utopia - utopian and science fictions at the fin de siècle
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- ISBN 9783034307277: Franck Dalmas: Lectures phénoménologiques en littérature française – De Gustave Flaubert à Malika Mokeddem
- ISBN 9783034307284: Janey Gordon: Community Radio in the Twenty-First Century
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- ISBN 9783034307307: David Montero: Thinking Images – The Essay Film as a Dialogic Form in European Cinema
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- ISBN 9783034307376: Mel Cousins: Poor Relief in Ireland, 1851-1914
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- ISBN 9783034307567: Shannon Hunter Hurtado: Genteel Mavericks – Professional Women Sculptors in Victorian Britain
- ISBN 9783034307574: Emma Bielecki: The Collector in Nineteenth-Century French Literature – Representation, Identity, Knowledge
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- ISBN 9783034307604: Paul Downes: The Primordial Dance – Diametric and Concentric Spaces in the Unconscious World
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- ISBN 9783034307628: Jeffrey Schnapp: Modernitalia
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- ISBN 9783034307659: Gerald Morgan: Chaucer in Context – A Golden Age of English Poetry
- ISBN 9783034307666: Helena Chadderton: Marie Darrieussecq’s Textual Worlds – Self, Society, Language
- ISBN 9783034307673: Alexandra M. Hill: Playing House – Motherhood, Intimacy, and Domestic Spaces in Julia Franck’s Fiction
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- ISBN 9783034307741: Emilio Rosales: Baroja – La novela como laberinto
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- ISBN 9783034307932: Theo Harden, Arnd Witte: Intercultural Competence – Concepts, Challenges, Evaluations
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- ISBN 9783034307963: B.J. Epstein: Translating Expressive Language in Children’s Literature – Problems and Solutions
- ISBN 9783034307970: Alan Corkhill: Spaces for Happiness in the Twentieth-Century German Novel – Mann, Kafka, Hesse, Jünger
- ISBN 9783034307994: Yvonne O'Keeffe: New Voices, Inherited Lines – Literary and Cultural Representations of the Irish Family