ISBN beginnend mit 9783034322
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783034322003: Petra M. Bagley, Francesca Calamita, Kathryn Robson: Starvation, Food Obsession and Identity – Eating Disorders in Contemporary Women’s Writing
- ISBN 9783034322027: Patrizia Violi: Landscapes of Memory – Trauma, Space, History
- ISBN 9783034322034: Olga Soboleva: From Orientalism to Cultural Capital – The Myth of Russia in British Literature of the 1920s
- ISBN 9783034322058: David Walton, Juan Suarez: Contemporary Writing and the Politics of Space – Borders, Networks, Escape Lines
- ISBN 9783034322065: Eiko Ohira: Subjected Subcontinent – Sectarian and Sexual Lines in Indian Writing in English
- ISBN 9783034322072: Gustavo Vicente: Intensified Bodies from the Performing Arts in Portugal
- ISBN 9783034322089: Lee Fontanella: This Favoured Land – Edward King-Tenison and Lady Louisa in Spain, 1850–1853
- ISBN 9783034322096: Margaret Atack, Alison S. Fell, Diana Holmes, Imogen Long: French Feminisms 1975 and After – New Readings, New Texts
- ISBN 9783034322102: Jieun Kim: Jerusalem in the Achaemenid period - a relationship between temple and agriculture in the book of Haggai
- ISBN 9783034322119: Nancy L. Graham: They Bear Acquaintance – African American Spirituals and the Camp Meetings
- ISBN 9783034322126: Andreas Dieter Boldt: Das Leben und Werk von Leopold von Ranke
- ISBN 9783034322133: Anne Holdorph: The Real Meaning of our Work? – Jewish Youth Clubs in the UK, 1880–1939
- ISBN 9783034322157: Guadalupe Gerardi: Writing Travel – The Work of Roberto Bolaño and Juan José Saer
- ISBN 9783034322164: Paola Colaiacomo: Natasha's Dress – Language of Literature, Language of Fashion
- ISBN 9783034322171: Giancarlo Lombardi, Christian Uva: Italian Political Cinema – Public Life, Imaginary, and Identity in Contemporary Italian Film
- ISBN 9783034322188: Anita Perkins: Travel Texts and Moving Cultures – German Literature and the Mobilities Turn
- ISBN 9783034322195: Marisol Morales: Family and Dysfunction in Contemporary Irish Narrative and Film
- ISBN 9783034322218: Clive W. Earls: Multilingualism and English in Twenty-First-Century Europe – Recent Developments and Challenges
- ISBN 9783034322225: Fergal Lenehan: Stereotypes, Ideology and Foreign Correspondents – German Media Representations of Ireland, 1946–2010
- ISBN 9783034322232: Jarlath Killeen: 'Inspiring a Mysterious Terror' – 200 Years of Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
- ISBN 9783034322249: Miri Rozmarin: Vulnerable Futures, Transformative Pasts – On Vulnerability, Temporality, and Ethics
- ISBN 9783034322256: Tiffany N. Florvil, Vanessa D. Plumly: Rethinking Black German Studies – Approaches, Interventions and Histories
- ISBN 9783034322263: Marina Spunta, Jacopo Benci: Luigi Ghirri and the Photography of Place – Interdisciplinary Perspectives
- ISBN 9783034322287: Franco Marucci: History of English Literature, Volume 1 – Medieval and Renaissance Literature to 1625
- ISBN 9783034322294: Franco Marucci: History of English Literature, Volume 2 – Shakespeare
- ISBN 9783034322362: Marguérite Corporaal, Christopher Cusack, Ruud$cvan den Beuken: Irish Studies and the Dynamics of Memory – Transitions and Transformations
- ISBN 9783034322386: Ruth Whittle: Preparing Modern Languages Students for 'Difference' – Going beyond Graduate Skills
- ISBN 9783034322393: Alessandra Sorrentino: Pirandello e un mondo da ri-disegnare
- ISBN 9783034322409: Hannes Obermair, Georg Grote: A Land on the Threshold – South Tyrolean Transformations, 1915–2015
- ISBN 9783034322416: Evdokia Karavas: Developments in Glocal Language Testing – The Case of the Greek National Foreign Language Exam System
- ISBN 9783034322423: Alberica Bazzoni: Writing for Freedom – Body, Identity and Power in Goliarda Sapienza's Narrative
- ISBN 9783034322430: Erica Segre: México Noir – Rethinking the Dark in Contemporary Writing and Visual Culture
- ISBN 9783034322454: Terry Moore: Australian Indigenous Studies – Research and Practice
- ISBN 9783034322492: Bernard Beatty: Romanticism, Reaction and Revolution – British Views on Spain, 1814–1823
- ISBN 9783034322508: Pablo Kirtchuk: A Unified and Integrative Theory of Language
- ISBN 9783034322515: Catherine Gibson: Relational Ministry – Integrating Ministry and Psychotherapy
- ISBN 9783034322522: Jeff Astley, Leslie J. Francis: Diversity and Intersectionality – Studies in Religion, Education and Values
- ISBN 9783034322539: Aneta Stępień: Shame, Masculinity and Desire of Belonging – Reading Contemporary Male Writers
- ISBN 9783034322546: Eve Forrest: Thinking, Writing, Doing – Considering opinion making through the concept of ePunditry
- ISBN 9783034322553: Philip Coleman, Peter Campion: John Berryman – Centenary Essays
- ISBN 9783034322560: Pedro Ibarra Güell: Basque Nationhood – Towards a Democratic Scenario
- ISBN 9783034322577: Avila Kilmurray: Community Action in a Contested Society – The Story of Northern Ireland
- ISBN 9783034322584: Kirsty Louisa Stewart, James Moreton Wakeley: Cross-Cultural Exchange in the Byzantine World, c.300–1500 AD – Selected Papers from the XVII International Graduate Conference of the Oxford University Byzantine Society
- ISBN 9783034322591: Alan O'Sullivan OP: Self-Giving, Self-Mastery – St John Paul II on Men, Women and Conjugal Chastity
- ISBN 9783034322607: Stefano Evangelista, Valeria Giannantonio, Elisabetta Selmi: The Poetics of Decadence in Fin-de-Siècle Italy – Degeneration and Regeneration in Literature and the Arts
- ISBN 9783034322614: Jule Goikoetxea: Privatizing Democracy – Global Ideals, European Politics and Basque Territories
- ISBN 9783034322621: Taroub A. Khayyat: Political Communication in the Age of Dissemination – Media Constructions of Hezbollah
- ISBN 9783034322638: Maura Rossi: La memoria transgeneracional – Presencia y persistencia de la guerra civil en la narrativa española contemporánea
- ISBN 9783034322645: Frank Healy, Brigitte Bastiat: Voyages between France and Ireland – Culture, Tourism and Sport
- ISBN 9783034322652: Sarah Morgan: A River Rather Than a Road – The Community Choir as Spiritual Experience
- ISBN 9783034322669: Matt Phillips: Parasites – Exploitation and Interference in French Thought and Culture
- ISBN 9783034322676: Santiago Pérez Isasi, Raquel Baltazar, Isabel Araújo Branco, Rita Bueno Maia, Ana Bela Morais, Sara Rodrigues de Sousa: Los límites del Hispanismo – Nuevos métodos, nuevas fronteras, nuevos géneros
- ISBN 9783034322690: Anne-Angélique Andenmatten: Les « Emblèmes » d’André Alciat – Introduction, texte latin, traduction et commentaire d’un choix d’emblèmes sur les animaux