ISBN beginnend mit 9783039213
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783039213016: Rowi?ski, Pawe? M.: Water-Worked Bedload: Hydrodynamic and Mass Transport
- ISBN 9783039213054: Efficiency of Bank Filtration and Post-Treatment
- ISBN 9783039213092: Causes and Consequences of Species Diversity in Forest Ecosystems
- ISBN 9783039213115: Tsai, Wen-Hsien: Modeling and Simulation of Carbon Emission Related Issues
- ISBN 303921313X: Targets, Tracers and Translation - Novel Radiopharmaceuticals Boost Nuclear Medicine
- ISBN 9783039213139: Targets, Tracers and Translation - Novel Radiopharmaceuticals Boost Nuclear Medicine
- ISBN 9783039213153: Unconventional Anticancer Metallodrugs and Strategies to Improve their Pharmacological Profile
- ISBN 9783039213177: Scordo, Alessandro: High Precision X-Ray Measurements
- ISBN 9783039213191: Stuart F. Cogan, Joseph J. Pancrazio: Neural Microelectrodes
- ISBN 3039213237: Condensed Matter Researches in Cryospheric Science
- ISBN 9783039213238: Condensed Matter Researches in Cryospheric Science
- ISBN 9783039213276: Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Aging and Diseases of Aging
- ISBN 3039213296: Zushu Li Claire Davis: Ironmaking and Steelmaking
- ISBN 9783039213290: Zushu Li Claire Davis: Ironmaking and Steelmaking
- ISBN 9783039213313: Participatory Forestry
- ISBN 3039213350: Customer Loyalty and Brand Management
- ISBN 9783039213351: Customer Loyalty and Brand Management
- ISBN 3039213415: 3D Printing of Metals
- ISBN 9783039213412: 3D Printing of Metals
- ISBN 9783039213436: Tokita, Masayuki: Advancements in Gel Science?A Special Issue in Memory of Toyoichi Tanaka
- ISBN 9783039213450: De Pinho, Paula Guedes: Cancer Metabolomics 2018
- ISBN 9783039213474: Sternberg, Troy: Arid Land Systems: Sciences and Societies
- ISBN 9783039213498: Gago-Martínez, Ana: Emerging Marine Biotoxins
- ISBN 9783039213535: Catauro, Michelina: Sol-Gel Chemistry Applied to Materials Science
- ISBN 3039213555: Aging and Age-Related Disorders
- ISBN 9783039213559: Aging and Age-Related Disorders
- ISBN 9783039213573: Bergquist, Robert: Prospects for Schistosomiasis Elimination
- ISBN 9783039213634: Dinophysis Toxins
- ISBN 3039213652: Natural Compounds as New Cancer Treatments
- ISBN 9783039213658: Natural Compounds as New Cancer Treatments
- ISBN 3039213679: Peter S Hooda John Wilkinson: Environmental Fate of Emerging Organic Micro-Contaminants
- ISBN 9783039213672: Peter S Hooda John Wilkinson: Environmental Fate of Emerging Organic Micro-Contaminants
- ISBN 9783039213719: Molecular Advances in Wheat and Barley
- ISBN 9783039213733: Rodrigues, Hugo: Masonry Buildings: Research and Practice
- ISBN 9783039213757: Machine Learning and Embedded Computing in Advanced Driver A
- ISBN 9783039213771: López de Lacalle, Luis Norberto: Machining?Recent Advances, Applications and Challenges
- ISBN 9783039213795: Energy Performance and Indoor Climate Analysis in Buildings
- ISBN 9783039213818: Application of Photoactive Nanomaterials in Degradation of Pollutants
- ISBN 9783039213856: Forest Hydrology and Watershed
- ISBN 3039213873: Thermo-Mechanical Behaviour of Structural Lightweight Alloys
- ISBN 9783039213870: Thermo-Mechanical Behaviour of Structural Lightweight Alloys
- ISBN 9783039213894: Brosh Jr, Robert M.: DNA Replication Stress
- ISBN 3039213911: Hurdles for Phage Therapy (PT) to Become a Reality
- ISBN 9783039213917: Hurdles for Phage Therapy (PT) to Become a Reality
- ISBN 9783039213931: Beverage Sensory Modification
- ISBN 9783039213955: Pawel Pohl: Plasma based Synthesis and Modification of Nanomaterials
- ISBN 3039213970: Multifunctional Oxide-Based Materials
- ISBN 9783039213979: Multifunctional Oxide-Based Materials