ISBN beginnend mit 9783319101
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783319101026: Reinhard Kahle: Gentzen's Centenary – The Quest for Consistency
- ISBN 9783319101057: Chungmin Lee: Contrastiveness in Information Structure, Alternatives and Scalar Implicatures
- ISBN 9783319101088: Valentin Asanbayev: Alternating Current Multi-Circuit Electric Machines – A New Approach to the Steady-State Parameter Determination
- ISBN 9783319101118: Roberto G. de Almeida: Cognitive Science Perspectives on Verb Representation and Processing
- ISBN 9783319101149: Osama Naga: Pediatric Board Study Guide – A Last Minute Review
- ISBN 9783319101170: Karen Wendt: Positive Impact Investing – A Sustainable Bridge Between Strategy, Innovation, Change and Learning
- ISBN 9783319101200: Kaye Stacey: Assessing Mathematical Literacy – The PISA Experience
- ISBN 9783319101231: Gabriel Hallevy: Liability for Crimes Involving Artificial Intelligence Systems
- ISBN 9783319101262: MariaCaterina La Barbera: Identity and Migration in Europe: Multidisciplinary Perspectives
- ISBN 9783319101293: Craig W. Gruber: Constraints of Agency – Explorations of Theory in Everyday Life
- ISBN 9783319101323: Anastasios Karasavvoglou: EU Crisis and the Role of the Periphery
- ISBN 9783319101354: Fabio Taucer: Experimental Research in Earthquake Engineering – EU-SERIES Concluding Workshop
- ISBN 9783319101385: Saber Jafarpour: Time-Varying Vector Fields and Their Flows
- ISBN 9783319101415: Marco A. van den Berg: Genetic Transformation Systems in Fungi, Volume 1
- ISBN 9783319101446: Monique Snoeck: Enterprise Information Systems Engineering – The MERODE Approach
- ISBN 9783319101477: Dédée F. Murrell: Clinical Cases in Autoimmune Blistering Diseases
- ISBN 9783319101569: Orit Hazzan: Agile Anywhere – Essays on Agile Projects and Beyond
- ISBN 9783319101590: Ladjel Bellatreche: Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery – 16th International Conference, DaWaK 2014, Munich, Germany, September 2-4, 2014. Proceedings
- ISBN 9783319101620: Anca Capatina: Variational Inequalities and Frictional Contact Problems
- ISBN 9783319101651: Nelson Baloian: Collaboration and Technology – 20th International Conference, CRIWG 2014, Santiago, Chile, September 7-10, 2014, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783319101682: Reza Rezaiesarlak: Chipless RFID – Design Procedure and Detection Techniques
- ISBN 9783319101712: Shazia Sadiq: Business Process Management – 12th International Conference, BPM 2014, Haifa, Israel, September 7-11, 2014, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783319101743: Emmanuel Prouff: Constructive Side-Channel Analysis and Secure Design – 5th International Workshop, COSADE 2014, Paris, France, April 13-15, 2014. Revised Selected Papers
- ISBN 9783319101774: Andrea Kő: Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective – Third International Conference, EGOVIS 2014, Munich, Germany, September 1-3, 2014. Proceedings
- ISBN 9783319101804: Elvira Albert: Integrated Formal Methods – 11th International Conference, IFM 2014, Bertinoro, Italy, September 9-11, 2014, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783319101835: Josef Windsperger: Interfirm Networks – Franchising, Cooperatives and Strategic Alliances
- ISBN 9783319101866: Naser Pour Aryan: Design and Modeling of Inductors, Capacitors and Coplanar Waveguides at Tens of GHz Frequencies
- ISBN 9783319101897: Matthew Lombard: Immersed in Media – Telepresence Theory, Measurement & Technology
- ISBN 9783319101927: Arnold Koslow: The Road to Universal Logic – Festschrift for 50th Birthday of Jean-Yves Béziau Volume I
- ISBN 9783319101958: Francesco Pastore: The Youth Experience Gap – Explaining National Differences in the School-to-Work Transition
- ISBN 9783319101989: Walter Greiner: Nuclear Physics: Present and Future