ISBN beginnend mit 9783319116
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783319116013: Motoichi Ohtsu: Progress in Nanophotonics 3
- ISBN 9783319116044: Peter K. Friz: Large Deviations and Asymptotic Methods in Finance
- ISBN 9783319116075: Michael P. Mueller: EcoJustice, Citizen Science and Youth Activism – Situated Tensions for Science Education
- ISBN 9783319116105: Girdhar K. Pandey: GTPases – Versatile Regulators of Signal Transduction in Plants
- ISBN 9783319116136: Louiza M. Boukharaeva: Family Urban Agriculture in Russia – Lessons and Prospects
- ISBN 9783319116167: Frédéric Boulanger: Complex Systems Design & Management – Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Complex Systems Design & Management CSD&M 2014
- ISBN 9783319116198: Muhammad Farooq: Conservation Agriculture
- ISBN 9783319116228: Minhua Ma: Serious Games Development and Applications – 5th International Conference, SGDA 2014, Berlin, Germany, October 9-10, 2014. Proceedings
- ISBN 9783319116259: Gerhard Aust: Vertical Cooperative Advertising in Supply Chain Management – A Game-Theoretic Analysis
- ISBN 9783319116280: Vinu V. Das: Signal Processing and Information Technology – Second International Joint Conference, SPIT 2012, Dubai, UAE, September 20-21, 2012, Revised Selected Papers
- ISBN 9783319116310: Niels Gutschow: Spirits in Transcultural Skies – Auspicious and Protective Spirits in Artefacts and Architecture Between East and West
- ISBN 9783319116341: Klaus Mathis: European Perspectives on Behavioural Law and Economics
- ISBN 9783319116372: Nuno Pereira: Design and Implementation of Sigma Delta Modulators (ΣΔM) for Class D Audio Amplifiers using Differential Pairs
- ISBN 9783319116402: Shadreck Chirikure: Metals in Past Societies – A Global Perspective on Indigenous African Metallurgy
- ISBN 9783319116464: İlker Gökhan Şen: Sovereignty Referendums in International and Constitutional Law
- ISBN 9783319116495: Marc Christie: Smart Graphics – 12th International Symposium, SG 2014, Taipei, Taiwan, August 27-29, 2014, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783319116525: Juergen Dingel: Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems – 17th International Conference, MODELS 2014, Valencia, Spain, September 283– October 4, 2014. Proceedings
- ISBN 9783319116556: Neamat El Gayar: Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition – 6th IAPR TC 3 International Workshop, ANNPR 2014, Montreal, QC, Canada, October 6-8, 2014, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783319116587: Michele Mosca: Post-Quantum Cryptography – 6th International Workshop, PQCrypto 2014, Waterloo, ON, Canada, October 1-3, 2014. Proceedings
- ISBN 9783319116617: Peter Auer: Algorithmic Learning Theory – 25th International Conference, ALT 2014, Bled, Slovenia, October 8-10, 2014, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783319116648: Muhammad Saleem: Microbiome Community Ecology – Fundamentals and Applications
- ISBN 9783319116679: Feifei Gao: Channel Estimation for Physical Layer Network Coding Systems
- ISBN 9783319116709: Roy J. Shephard: An Illustrated History of Health and Fitness, from Pre-History to our Post-Modern World
- ISBN 9783319116730: Kjell Hausken: Game Theoretic Analysis of Congestion, Safety and Security – Traffic and Transportation Theory
- ISBN 9783319116761: László Zsolnai: The Spiritual Dimension of Business Ethics and Sustainability Management
- ISBN 9783319116792: Viet-Ha Nguyen: Knowledge and Systems Engineering – Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference KSE 2014
- ISBN 9783319116822: Pierrick Legrand: Artificial Evolution – 11th International Conference, Evolution Artificielle, EA 2013, Bordeaux, France, October 21-23, 2013. Revised Selected Papers
- ISBN 9783319116884: Bernd Kröger: Hermann Haken: From the Laser to Synergetics – A Scientific Biography of the Early Years
- ISBN 9783319116914: Giancarlo Fortino: Internet and Distributed Computing Systems – 7th International Conference, IDCS 2014, Calabria, Italy, September 22-24, 2014, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783319116945: Günter Knieps: Network Economics – Principles - Strategies - Competition Policy
- ISBN 9783319116976: Man Ho Au: Network and System Security – 8th International Conference, NSS 2014, Xi'an, China, October 15-17, 2014. Proceedings