ISBN beginnend mit 9783319118
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783319118024: Bruno Aguilera-Barchet: A History of Western Public Law – Between Nation and State
- ISBN 9783319118055: Dheeraj Sharma: Proceedings of the 2007 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference
- ISBN 9783319118086: Betty A. Reardon: Betty A. Reardon: Key Texts in Gender and Peace
- ISBN 9783319118116: Sašo Džeroski: Discovery Science – 17th International Conference, DS 2014, Bled, Slovenia, October 8-10, 2014, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783319118147: Michael W. Obal: Let's Get Engaged! Crossing the Threshold of Marketing’s Engagement Era – Proceedings of the 2014 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference
- ISBN 9783319118178: Chihab Hanachi: Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management in Mediterranean Countries – First International Conference, ISCRAM-med 2014, Toulouse, France, October 15-17, 2014, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783319118239: Mark (Mohammad) Tehranipoor: Counterfeit Integrated Circuits – Detection and Avoidance
- ISBN 9783319118260: Dominik Maximini: The Scrum Culture – Introducing Agile Methods in Organizations
- ISBN 9783319118291: Roger F. Robison: Mining and Selling Radium and Uranium
- ISBN 9783319118321: Dmitrii Lozovanu: Optimization of Stochastic Discrete Systems and Control on Complex Networks – Computational Networks
- ISBN 9783319118352: Enrique Ballestero: Socially Responsible Investment – A Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach
- ISBN 9783319118383: Hyun Soo Park: Human Behavior Understanding – 5th International Workshop, HBU 2014, Zurich, Switzerland, September 12, 2014, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783319118413: Ying Cao: Radiation-Tolerant Delta-Sigma Time-to-Digital Converters
- ISBN 9783319118444: Harlan E. Spotts: Assessing the Different Roles of Marketing Theory and Practice in the Jaws of Economic Uncertainty – Proceedings of the 2004 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference
- ISBN 9783319118475: Harlan E. Spotts: Creating and Delivering Value in Marketing – Proceedings of the 2003 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference
- ISBN 9783319118505: Sjouke Mauw: Security and Trust Management – 10th International Workshop, STM 2014, Wroclaw, Poland, September 10-11, 2014, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783319118536: Alla Kravets: Knowledge-Based Software Engineering – 11th Joint Conference, JCKBSE 2014, Volgograd, Russia, September 17-20, 2014. Proceedings
- ISBN 9783319118567: Ying Tan: Advances in Swarm Intelligence – 5th International Conference, ICSI 2014, Hefei, China, October 17-20, 2014, Proceedings, Part I
- ISBN 9783319118598: Wolfgang Borutzky: Bond Graph Model-based Fault Diagnosis of Hybrid Systems
- ISBN 9783319118628: Fernando Magno Quintao Pereira: Programming Languages – 18th Brazilian Symposium, SBLP 2014, Maceio, Brazil, October 2-3, 2014. Proceedings
- ISBN 9783319118659: Reiner Wichert: Ambient Assisted Living – 7. AAL-Kongress 2014 Berlin, Germany, January 21-22, 2014
- ISBN 9783319118680: Michael Brian Schiffer: The Archaeology of Science – Studying the Creation of Useful Knowledge
- ISBN 9783319118697: Sandeep Mittal: Targeting the Broadly Pathogenic Kynurenine Pathway
- ISBN 9783319118727: Sonia M. Tiquia-Arashiro: Thermophilic Carboxydotrophs and their Applications in Biotechnology
- ISBN 9783319118758: Paula Ferrada: Ultrasonography in the ICU – Practical Applications
- ISBN 9783319118789: Georg Gartner: Progress in Location-Based Services 2014
- ISBN 9783319118819: Harlan E. Spotts: Proceedings of the 2002 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference
- ISBN 9783319118840: Harlan E. Spotts: Proceedings of the 2000 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference
- ISBN 9783319118871: Deric L. Wheeler: Receptor Tyrosine Kinases: Family and Subfamilies
- ISBN 9783319118901: Chung-Yee Lee: Handbook of Ocean Container Transport Logistics – Making Global Supply Chains Effective
- ISBN 9783319118932: Olaf Kolditz: Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Processes in Fractured Porous Media: Modelling and Benchmarking – Closed-Form Solutions
- ISBN 9783319118963: Ying Tan: Advances in Swarm Intelligence – 5th International Conference, ICSI 2014, Hefei, China, October 17-20, 2014, Proceedings, Part II
- ISBN 9783319118994: Davide Brugali: Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots – 4th International Conference, SIMPAR 2014, Bergamo, Italy, October 20-23, 2014. Proceedings