ISBN beginnend mit 9783319322
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783319322001: Gianmario Pellegrino: The Rediscovery of Synchronous Reluctance and Ferrite Permanent Magnet Motors – Tutorial Course Notes
- ISBN 9783319322032: Madrean Schober: Introduction to Advanced Nursing Practice – An International Focus
- ISBN 9783319322063: Svetozar Margenov: Innovative Approaches and Solutions in Advanced Intelligent Systems
- ISBN 9783319322094: Guenther Witzany: Biocommunication of Ciliates
- ISBN 9783319322124: Ping Jack Soh: Advances in Machine Learning and Signal Processing – Proceedings of MALSIP 2015
- ISBN 9783319322155: Andrew J. Majda: Introduction to Turbulent Dynamical Systems in Complex Systems
- ISBN 9783319322186: Mauro Baranzini: A Compendium of Italian Economists at Oxbridge – Contributions to the Evolution of Economic Thinking
- ISBN 9783319322216: Carey DeMichelis: Child and Adolescent Resilience Within Medical Contexts – Integrating Research and Practice
- ISBN 9783319322247: Massimo Mongardini: Management of Fecal Incontinence – Current Treatment Approaches and Future Perspectives
- ISBN 9783319322278: Lotfi A. Zadeh: Recent Developments and New Direction in Soft-Computing Foundations and Applications – Selected Papers from the 4th World Conference on Soft Computing, May 25-27, 2014, Berkeley
- ISBN 9783319322308: Sergio Rosales-Mendoza: Algae-Based Biopharmaceuticals
- ISBN 9783319322339: Sarah James: Farming on the Fringe – Peri-Urban Agriculture, Cultural Diversity and Sustainability in Sydney
- ISBN 9783319322360: Mirza Tariq Hamayun: Fault Tolerant Control Schemes Using Integral Sliding Modes
- ISBN 9783319322391: Susan Dodds: Big Picture Bioethics: Developing Democratic Policy in Contested Domains
- ISBN 9783319322421: Isidoro Gitler: High Performance Computer Applications – 6th International Conference, ISUM 2015, Mexico City, Mexico, March 9-13, 2015, Revised Selected Papers
- ISBN 9783319322452: Ilse Depraetere: Semantics and Pragmatics: Drawing a Line
- ISBN 9783319322483: Seth Abrutyn: Handbook of Contemporary Sociological Theory
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- ISBN 9783319322544: Agriculture, Environment and Development
- ISBN 9783319322575: Carolyn Kieran: Early Algebra – Research into its Nature, its Learning, its Teaching
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- ISBN 9783319322698: Silvia Serino: Pervasive Computing Paradigms for Mental Health – 5th International Conference, MindCare 2015, Milan, Italy, September 24-25, 2015, Revised Selected Papers
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- ISBN 9783319322759: Jan Miernowski: Early Modern Humanism and Postmodern Antihumanism in Dialogue
- ISBN 9783319322780: Marcel Danesi: Learning and Teaching Mathematics in The Global Village – Math Education in the Digital Age
- ISBN 9783319322810: André Grow: Agent-Based Modelling in Population Studies – Concepts, Methods, and Applications
- ISBN 9783319322841: Antonio Kolossa: Computational Modeling of Neural Activities for Statistical Inference
- ISBN 9783319322872: Jenny Berglund: Religious Education in a Global-Local World
- ISBN 9783319322902: V.I. Ferronsky: Gravitation, Inertia and Weightlessness – Centrifugal and Gyroscopic Effects of the n-Body System's Interaction Energy
- ISBN 9783319322933: Abraham Unger: Business Improvement Districts in the United States – Private Government and Public Consequences
- ISBN 9783319322964: Mark Casson: The Theory of International Business – Economic Models and Methods
- ISBN 9783319322995: Claus Dierksmeier: Reframing Economic Ethics – The Philosophical Foundations of Humanistic Management