ISBN beginnend mit 9783319407
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783319407050: Barrie Gunter: Food Advertising – Nature, Impact and Regulation
- ISBN 9783319407081: Pradipta Biswas: Exploring the Use of Eye Gaze Controlled Interfaces in Automotive Environments
- ISBN 9783319407111: Lorenzo Lamattina: Gasotransmitters in Plants – The Rise of a New Paradigm in Cell Signaling
- ISBN 9783319407142: Halla Kim: Transcendental Inquiry – Its History, Methods and Critiques
- ISBN 9783319407173: Fábio Borges de Oliveira: On Privacy-Preserving Protocols for Smart Metering Systems – Security and Privacy in Smart Grids
- ISBN 9783319407203: Thomas Hanne: Computational Intelligence in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- ISBN 9783319407234: Michaela Schrage-Früh: Philosophy, Dreaming and the Literary Imagination
- ISBN 9783319407265: Orly Benjamin: Gendering Israel's Outsourcing – The Erasure of Employees' Caring Skills
- ISBN 9783319407296: Peter Liljedahl: Problem Solving in Mathematics Education
- ISBN 9783319407326: Ingrid Palmary: Gender, Sexuality and Migration in South Africa – Governing Morality
- ISBN 9783319407357: Justin van der Merwe: Emerging Powers in Africa – A New Wave in the Relationship?
- ISBN 9783319407388: Ephraim Cohen: Extracellular Composite Matrices in Arthropods
- ISBN 9783319407418: Andrew L. Cherry: International Handbook on Adolescent Health and Development – The Public Health Response
- ISBN 9783319407470: Olga Jubany: Screening Asylum in a Culture of Disbelief – Truths, Denials and Skeptical Borders
- ISBN 9783319407500: Louis Kriesberg: Louis Kriesberg: Pioneer in Peace and Constructive Conflict Resolution Studies
- ISBN 9783319407531: Ji Ruan: Guanxi, Social Capital and School Choice in China – The Rise of Ritual Capital
- ISBN 9783319407562: Philip Pilkington: The Reformation in Economics – A Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Economic Theory
- ISBN 9783319407593: Anthony Fung: Global Game Industries and Cultural Policy
- ISBN 9783319407623: Rommy von Bernhardi: Glial Cells in Health and Disease of the CNS
- ISBN 9783319407654: Oscar Koopman: Science Education and Curriculum in South Africa
- ISBN 9783319407685: Angelo J. Letizia: Democracy and Social Justice Education in the Information Age
- ISBN 9783319407715: Nadine Salzmann: Climate Change Adaptation Strategies – An Upstream-downstream Perspective
- ISBN 9783319407746: Marieke van Houte: Return Migration to Afghanistan – Moving Back or Moving Forward?
- ISBN 9783319407777: Thomas Klikauer: Management Education – Fragments of an Emancipatory Theory
- ISBN 9783319407838: Johanne Devlin Trew: Rethinking the Irish Diaspora – After The Gathering
- ISBN 9783319407869: Walter K.H. Krause: Immune Infertility – Impact of Immune Reactions on Human Fertility
- ISBN 9783319407890: George Mergos: Food Security and Sustainability – Investment and Financing along Agro-Food Chains
- ISBN 9783319407920: Russell Weiner: Translating Molecular Biomarkers into Clinical Assays – Techniques and Applications
- ISBN 9783319407951: Isaac E. Ukpokolo: Themes, Issues and Problems in African Philosophy
- ISBN 9783319407982: Jill S. Tietjen: Engineering Women: Re-visioning Women's Scientific Achievements and Impacts