ISBN beginnend mit 9783319528
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783319528021: Mazzeo, Rocco: Analytical Chemistry for Cultural Heritage
- ISBN 9783319528052: Zhou, Shuang: Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystals - From Viscoelastic Properties to Living Liquid Crystals
- ISBN 9783319528083: Sachse, Agnes; Nixdorf, Erik; Jang, Eunseon; Rink, Karsten; Fischer, Thomas; Xi, Beidou; Beyer, Christof; Bauer, Sebastian; Walther, Marc; Sun, Yuanyuan; Song, Yonghui: OpenGeoSys Tutorial - Computational Hydrology II: Groundwater Quality Modeling
- ISBN 9783319528113: Poma, Andrea: Cadenzas - Philosophical Notes for Postmodernism
- ISBN 9783319528144: Bek-Thomsen, Jakob; Christiansen, Christian Olaf; Gaarsmand Jacobsen, Stefan; Thorup, Mikkel: History of Economic Rationalities - Economic Reasoning as Knowledge and Practice Authority
- ISBN 9783319528175: Kenealy, Daniel; Eichhorn, Jan; Parry, Richard; Paterson, Lindsay; Remond, Alexandra: Publics, Elites and Constitutional Change in the UK - A Missed Opportunity?
- ISBN 9783319528205: Haggerty, Stephen: Surgical Aspects of Peritoneal Dialysis
- ISBN 9783319528236: Cockerill, Kristan; Armstrong, Melanie; Richter, Jennifer; Okie, Jordan G.: Environmental Realism - Challenging Solutions
- ISBN 9783319528267: Josselin, Jean-Michel; Le Maux, Benoît: Statistical Tools for Program Evaluation - Methods and Applications to Economic Policy, Public Health, and Education
- ISBN 9783319528328: Izquierdo Brichs, Ferran; Etherington, John; Feliu, Laura: Political Islam in a Time of Revolt
- ISBN 9783319528359: Wu, Ting-Ting; Gennari, Rosella; Huang, Yueh-Min; Xie, Haoran; Cao, Yiwei: Emerging Technologies for Education - First International Symposium, SETE 2016, Held in Conjunction with ICWL 2016, Rome, Italy, October 26-29, 2016, Revised Selected Papers
- ISBN 9783319528380: Idowu, Samuel O.; Vertigans, Stephen; Schiopoiu Burlea, Adriana: Corporate Social Responsibility in Times of Crisis - Practices and Cases from Europe, Africa and the World
- ISBN 9783319528410: Filipuk, Galina; Haraoka, Yoshishige; Michalik, Sławomir: Analytic, Algebraic and Geometric Aspects of Differential Equations - Będlewo, Poland, September 2015
- ISBN 9783319528441: Small, James E.: Electronic Control Fires - A Design, Manufacturing and Forensic Technical Perspective
- ISBN 9783319528472: Sayre, Matthew P.; Bruno, Maria C.: Social Perspectives on Ancient Lives from Paleoethnobotanical Data
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- ISBN 9783319528533: Kennedy-Karpat, Colleen; Sandberg, Eric: Adaptation, Awards Culture, and the Value of Prestige
- ISBN 9783319528564: Geraci, Victor W.: Making Slow Food Fast in California Cuisine
- ISBN 9783319528595: Soifer, Alexander: The Colorado Mathematical Olympiad: The Third Decade and Further Explorations - From the Mountains of Colorado to the Peaks of Mathematics
- ISBN 9783319528625: Olen, Peter; Sachs, Carl: Pragmatism in Transition - Contemporary Perspectives on C.I. Lewis
- ISBN 9783319528656: Rigatos, Gerasimos G.: State-Space Approaches for Modelling and Control in Financial Engineering - Systems theory and machine learning methods
- ISBN 9783319528687: Brożek, Anna; Stadler, Friedrich; Woleński, Jan: The Significance of the Lvov-Warsaw School in the European Culture
- ISBN 9783319528717: Albuquerque, Ulysses Paulino; Ramos, Marcelo Alves; Ferreira Júnior, Washington Soares; de Medeiros, Patrícia Muniz: Ethnobotany for Beginners
- ISBN 9783319528748: Vlad, Simona; Roman, Nicolae Marius: International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology; 12th - 15th October 2016, Cluj-Napoca, Romania - MEDITECH 2016
- ISBN 9783319528809: Cpałka, Krzysztof: Design of Interpretable Fuzzy Systems
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- ISBN 9783319528861: Neckel, Sighard; Schaffner, Anna Katharina; Wagner, Greta: Burnout, Fatigue, Exhaustion - An Interdisciplinary Perspective on a Modern Affliction
- ISBN 9783319528892: Karagözoğlu, Bahattin: Science and Technology from Global and Historical Perspectives
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- ISBN 9783319528953: Jonas, Michael; Littig, Beate; Wroblewski, Angela: Methodological Reflections on Practice Oriented Theories
- ISBN 9783319528984: Poincaré, Henri: The Three-Body Problem and the Equations of Dynamics - Poincaré’s Foundational Work on Dynamical Systems Theory