ISBN beginnend mit 9783319621
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783319621012: Pramod V. Naik: Meghnad Saha – His Life in Science and Politics
- ISBN 9783319621043: Eric Bodden: Engineering Secure Software and Systems – 9th International Symposium, ESSoS 2017, Bonn, Germany, July 3-5, 2017, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783319621074: Maurizio Martellini: Cyber and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives Challenges – Threats and Counter Efforts
- ISBN 9783319621104: Douglas Cumming: Microfinance for Entrepreneurial Development – Sustainability and Inclusion in Emerging Markets
- ISBN 9783319621135: The Palgrave Handbook of Management History
- ISBN 9783319621166: Angie Maxwell: The Legacy of Second-Wave Feminism in American Politics
- ISBN 9783319621197: Zdzisław S. Hippe: Human-Computer Systems Interaction – Backgrounds and Applications 4
- ISBN 9783319621234: Michael Fuller: Issues in Science and Theology: Are We Special? – Human Uniqueness in Science and Theology
- ISBN 9783319621265: Faith Ellen: Algorithms and Data Structures – 15th International Symposium, WADS 2017, St. John’s, NL, Canada, July 31 – August 2, 2017, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783319621296: Dominik Ballreich: Stable and Efficient Cubature-based Filtering in Dynamical Systems
- ISBN 9783319621326: Belén Martín-Lucas: Narratives of Difference in Globalized Cultures – Reading Transnational Cultural Commodities
- ISBN 9783319621357: Omar Darío López Mejia: Numerical Simulation of the Aerodynamics of High-Lift Configurations
- ISBN 9783319621388: Cecilia Åsberg: A Feminist Companion to the Posthumanities
- ISBN 9783319621418: Satish N. Nadig: Technological Advances in Organ Transplantation
- ISBN 9783319621449: Chung-Che (Jeff) Chang: Precision Molecular Pathology of Myeloid Neoplasms
- ISBN 9783319621470: Lena Kroeker: Middle Classes in Africa – Changing Lives and Conceptual Challenges
- ISBN 9783319621500: Richard Pagett: Building Global Resilience in the Aftermath of Sustainable Development – Planet, People and Politics
- ISBN 9783319621531: Peter Murphy: Fire and Rescue Services – Leadership and Management Perspectives
- ISBN 9783319621562: Ingo Hofmann: Space Charge Physics for Particle Accelerators
- ISBN 9783319621593: Charles McKelvey: The Evolution and Significance of the Cuban Revolution – The Light in the Darkness
- ISBN 9783319621623: Gary E. Roberts: The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Spirituality and Fulfillment
- ISBN 9783319621654: Jaco du Preez: Millimeter-Wave Power Amplifiers
- ISBN 9783319621685: James Sherry: The Oligarch – Rewriting Machiavelli’s The Prince for Our Time
- ISBN 9783319621715: Luke Philip Plotica: Nineteenth-Century Individualism and the Market Economy – Individualist Themes in Emerson, Thoreau, and Sumner
- ISBN 9783319621746: Mark J. Rozell: Religion and the American Presidency
- ISBN 9783319621777: Paola Verlicchi: Hospital Wastewaters – Characteristics, Management, Treatment and Environmental Risks
- ISBN 9783319621807: Giovanni Falcone: Lie Groups, Differential Equations, and Geometry – Advances and Surveys
- ISBN 9783319621838: Azad M. Madni: Transdisciplinary Systems Engineering – Exploiting Convergence in a Hyper-Connected World
- ISBN 9783319621869: Michael Booth: Shakespeare and Conceptual Blending – Cognition, Creativity, Criticism
- ISBN 9783319621890: Michael Barber: Religion and Humor as Emancipating Provinces of Meaning
- ISBN 9783319621920: Katiuscia Vaccarini: Cultural Distance in International Ventures – Exploring Perceptions of European and Chinese Managers
- ISBN 9783319621951: Katerina Virvidaki: Testing Coherence in Narrative Film
- ISBN 9783319621982: Walter Grassi: Heat Pumps – Fundamentals and Applications