ISBN beginnend mit 9783319681
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- ISBN 9783319681023: Lambropoulou, Sofia; Theodorou, Doros; Stefaneas, Petros; Kauffman, Louis H.: Algebraic Modeling of Topological and Computational Structures and Applications - THALES, Athens, Greece, July 1-3, 2015
- ISBN 9783319681054: Grignolio, Andrea: Vaccines: Are they Worth a Shot?
- ISBN 9783319681085: Edelman, Mark; Macau, Elbert E. N.; Sanjuan, Miguel A. F.: Chaotic, Fractional, and Complex Dynamics: New Insights and Perspectives
- ISBN 9783319681115: El Aimani, Laila: Verifiable Composition of Signature and Encryption - A Comprehensive Study of the Design Paradigms
- ISBN 9783319681146: Ní Shé, Éidín; Burton, Lorelle J.; Danaher, Patrick Alan: Social Capital and Enterprise in the Modern State
- ISBN 9783319681177: Duarte, Abraham; Laguna, Manuel; Marti, Rafael: Metaheuristics for Business Analytics - A Decision Modeling Approach
- ISBN 9783319681207: Shi, Zhongzhi; Goertzel, Ben; Feng, Jiali: Intelligence Science I - Second IFIP TC 12 International Conference, ICIS 2017, Shanghai, China, October 25-28, 2017, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783319681238: Mukherjee, Snehasis; Mukherjee, Suvadip; Mukherjee, Dipti Prasad; Sivaswamy, Jayanthi; Awate, Suyash; Setlur, Srirangaraj; Namboodiri, Anoop M.; Chaudhury, Santanu: Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing - ICVGIP 2016 Satellite Workshops, WCVA, DAR, and MedImage, Guwahati, India, December 19, 2016 Revised Selected Papers
- ISBN 9783319681269: Tsaftaris, Sotirios A.; Gooya, Ali; Frangi, Alejandro F.; Prince, Jerry L.: Simulation and Synthesis in Medical Imaging - Second International Workshop, SASHIMI 2017, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2017, Québec City, QC, Canada, September 10, 2017, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783319681290: Grana, Costantino; Baraldi, Lorenzo: Digital Libraries and Archives - 13th Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries, IRCDL 2017, Modena, Italy, January 26-27, 2017, Revised Selected Papers
- ISBN 9783319681320: Krumrey, Jacob: The Symbolic Politics of European Integration - Staging Europe
- ISBN 9783319681351: Drira, Khalil; Wang, Hongbing; Yu, Qi; Wang, Yan; Yan, Yuhong; Charoy, François; Mendling, Jan; Mohamed, Mohamed; Wang, Zhongjie; Bhiri, Sami: Service-Oriented Computing – ICSOC 2016 Workshops - ASOCA, ISyCC, BSCI, and Satellite Events, Banff, AB, Canada, October 10–13, 2016, Revised Selected Papers
- ISBN 9783319681382: Harvey, Brian: Discovering the Cosmos with Small Spacecraft - The American Explorer Program
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- ISBN 9783319681443: Lakdawalla, Emily: The Design and Engineering of Curiosity - How the Mars Rover Performs Its Job
- ISBN 9783319681474: Romanczyk, Raymond G.; McEachin, John: Comprehensive Models of Autism Spectrum Disorder Treatment - Points of Divergence and Convergence
- ISBN 9783319681481: Stoimenow, Alexander: Properties of Closed 3-Braids and Braid Representations of Links
- ISBN 9783319681511: Lewandowski, Iris: Bioeconomy - Shaping the Transition to a Sustainable, Biobased Economy
- ISBN 9783319681542: Huang, Zi; Xiao, Xiaokui; Cao, Xin: Databases Theory and Applications - 28th Australasian Database Conference, ADC 2017, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, September 25–28, 2017, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783319681573: Botero, Beatriz L.: Women in Contemporary Latin American Novels - Psychoanalysis and Gendered Violence
- ISBN 9783319681603: Waidyasooriya, Hasitha Muthumala; Hariyama, Masanori; Uchiyama, Kunio: Design of FPGA-Based Computing Systems with OpenCL
- ISBN 9783319681634: Cashmore, Ellis; Cleland, Jamie; Dixon, Kevin: Screen Society
- ISBN 9783319681665: D'Souza, Deepak; Narayan Kumar, K.: Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis - 15th International Symposium, ATVA 2017, Pune, India, October 3–6, 2017, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783319681696: Isaev, Alexander: Twenty-One Lectures on Complex Analysis - A First Course
- ISBN 9783319681726: Kruck, Andreas; Oppermann, Kai; Spencer, Alexander: Political Mistakes and Policy Failures in International Relations
- ISBN 9783319681757: Pérez-Rodríguez, Fernando; Skandamis, Panagiotis; Valdramidis, Vasilis: Quantitative Methods for Food Safety and Quality in the Vegetable Industry
- ISBN 9783319681788: Sabir, Essaid; García Armada, Ana; Ghogho, Mounir; Debbah, Mérouane: Ubiquitous Networking - Third International Symposium, UNet 2017, Casablanca, Morocco, May 9-12, 2017, Revised Selected Papers
- ISBN 9783319681818: Croissant, Aurel; Lorenz, Philip: Comparative Politics of Southeast Asia - An Introduction to Governments and Political Regimes
- ISBN 9783319681849: Pergl, Robert; Lock, Russell; Babkin, Eduard; Molhanec, Martin: Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation - 13th International Workshop, EOMAS 2017, Held at CAiSE 2017, Essen, Germany, June 12-13, 2017, Selected Papers
- ISBN 9783319681870: Northcut, Terry B.: Cultivating Mindfulness in Clinical Social Work - Narratives from Practice
- ISBN 9783319681887: Barkowsky, Thomas; Burte, Heather; Hölscher, Christoph; Schultheis, Holger: Spatial Cognition X - 13th Biennial Conference, KogWis 2016, Bremen, Germany, September 26–30, 2016, and 10th International Conference, Spatial Cognition 2016, Philadelphia, PA, USA, August 2–5, 2016, Revised Selected Papers
- ISBN 9783319681917: Freemark, Michael S.: Pediatric Obesity - Etiology, Pathogenesis and Treatment
- ISBN 9783319681948: Tavares, João Manuel R.S.; Natal Jorge, R.M.: VipIMAGE 2017 - Proceedings of the VI ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing Porto, Portugal, October 18-20, 2017
- ISBN 9783319681979: Giannopoulos, George A.: Publicly Funded Transport Research in the P. R. China, Japan, and Korea - Policies, Governance and Prospects for Cooperation with the Outside World