ISBN beginnend mit 9783319780
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783319780023: Ting Guo: X-ray Nanochemistry – Concepts and Development
- ISBN 9783319780054: Ngianga-Bakwin Kandala: Female Genital Mutilation around The World: – Analysis of Medical Aspects, Law and Practice
- ISBN 9783319780085: Joseph G. Schenker: Reproductive Medicine for Clinical Practice – Medical and Surgical Aspects
- ISBN 9783319780115: Sonja C. Grover: Child Refugee Asylum as a Basic Human Right – Selected Case Law on State Resistance
- ISBN 9783319780146: Sarah Babaian: The International Criminal Court – An International Criminal World Court? – Jurisdiction and Cooperation Mechanisms of the Rome Statute and its Practical Implementation
- ISBN 9783319780177: Wenhua Shan: Normative Readings of the Belt and Road Initiative – Road to New Paradigms
- ISBN 9783319780207: Anthony J. Masys: Security by Design – Innovative Perspectives on Complex Problems
- ISBN 9783319780238: Roman Wyrzykowski: Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics – 12th International Conference, PPAM 2017, Lublin, Poland, September 10-13, 2017, Revised Selected Papers, Part I
- ISBN 9783319780269: Vahid Tavakoli: Geological Core Analysis – Application to Reservoir Characterization
- ISBN 9783319780290: Kishan Gopal Ramawat: Bioactive Molecules in Food
- ISBN 9783319780320: Reggie C. Hamdy: Pediatric Pelvic and Proximal Femoral Osteotomies – A Case-Based Approach
- ISBN 9783319780351: Brian C. Schmidt: Historiographical Investigations in International Relations
- ISBN 9783319780382: Hal D. Martin: Posterior Hip Disorders – Clinical Evaluation and Management
- ISBN 9783319780412: Ben Zhong Tang: Polymer Synthesis Based on Triple-bond Building Blocks
- ISBN 9783319780443: Mikalai Filonchyk: Urban Air Pollution Monitoring by Ground-Based Stations and Satellite Data – Multi-season characteristics from Lanzhou City, China
- ISBN 9783319780474: Robert Hornback: Racism and Early Blackface Comic Traditions – From the Old World to the New
- ISBN 9783319780504: Jerry Palmer: Memories from the Frontline – Memoirs and Meanings of The Great War from Britain, France and Germany
- ISBN 9783319780535: Roman Wyrzykowski: Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics – 12th International Conference, PPAM 2017, Lublin, Poland, September 10-13, 2017, Revised Selected Papers, Part II
- ISBN 9783319780566: Franco Archibugi: The Programming Approach and the Demise of Economics – Volume I: A Revival of Myrdal, Frisch, Tinbergen, Johansen and Leontief
- ISBN 9783319780597: Franco Archibugi: The Programming Approach and the Demise of Economics – Volume II: Selected Testimonies on the Epistemological 'Overturning' of Economic Theory and Policy
- ISBN 9783319780627: Franco Archibugi: The Programming Approach and the Demise of Economics – Volume III: The Planning Accounting Framework (PAF)
- ISBN 9783319780658: Lorella Ventura: Hegel in the Arab World – Modernity, Colonialism, and Freedom
- ISBN 9783319780689: Robert Leeson: Hayek: A Collaborative Biography – Part VIII: The Constitution of Liberty: ‘Shooting in Cold Blood’, Hayek’s Plan for the Future of Democracy
- ISBN 9783319780719: Marius Johan Geertsema: Heidegger's Poetic Projection of Being
- ISBN 9783319780740: Leonid Chechurin: Advances in Systematic Creativity – Creating and Managing Innovations
- ISBN 9783319780771: Lei Wang: Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness in Heterogeneous Systems – 13th International Conference, QShine 2017, Dalian, China, December 16 -17, 2017, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783319780801: Akshay Kumar: Design and Implementation of Practical Schedulers for M2M Uplink Networks – Using MATLAB
- ISBN 9783319780832: Antonio Capurso: Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet in the Elderly Patient
- ISBN 9783319780863: Giampiero Arciero: The Foundations of Phenomenological Psychotherapy
- ISBN 9783319780894: Nicolas Lachiche: Inductive Logic Programming – 27th International Conference, ILP 2017, Orléans, France, September 4-6, 2017, Revised Selected Papers
- ISBN 9783319780924: Maria Koui: 10th International Symposium on the Conservation of Monuments in the Mediterranean Basin – Natural and Anthropogenic Hazards and Sustainable Preservation
- ISBN 9783319780955: António Augusto Fernandes: Monotonic and Ultra-Low-Cycle Fatigue Behaviour of Pipeline Steels – Experimental and Numerical Approaches
- ISBN 9783319780986: Maurizio Bruglieri: Multidisciplinary Design of Sharing Services