ISBN beginnend mit 9783319855
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- ISBN 9783319855004: Ostasevicius, Vytautas; Janusas, Giedrius; Palevicius, Arvydas; Gaidys, Rimvydas; Jurenas, Vytautas: Biomechanical Microsystems - Design, Processing and Applications
- ISBN 9783319855011: Bazhal, Iurii: The Political Economy of Innovation Development - Breaking the Vicious Cycle of Economic Theory
- ISBN 9783319855028: Borooah, Vani Kant: The Progress of Education in India - A Quantitative Analysis of Challenges and Opportunities
- ISBN 9783319855035: Barthorpe, Robert; Platz, Roland; Lopez, Israel; Moaveni, Babak; Papadimitriou, Costas: Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Volume 3 - Proceedings of the 35th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics 2017
- ISBN 9783319855042: Hardt, Łukasz: Economics Without Laws - Towards a New Philosophy of Economics
- ISBN 9783319855059: Loidi, Javier: The Vegetation of the Iberian Peninsula - Volume 2
- ISBN 9783319855066: Lowitzsch, Jens; Dunsch, Sophie; Hashi, Iraj: Spanish Sociedades Laborales—Activating the Unemployed - A Potential New EU Active Labour Market Policy Instrument
- ISBN 9783319855073: Price, Colin: Landscape Economics
- ISBN 9783319855080: Hadley, Bree: Theatre, Social Media, and Meaning Making
- ISBN 9783319855097: Jajuga, Krzysztof; Orlowski, Lucjan T.; Staehr, Karsten: Contemporary Trends and Challenges in Finance - Proceedings from the 2nd Wroclaw International Conference in Finance
- ISBN 9783319855103: Moniz Bandeira, Luiz Alberto: The Second Cold War - Geopolitics and the Strategic Dimensions of the USA
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- ISBN 9783319855127: Chesini, Giusy; Giaretta, Elisa; Paltrinieri, Andrea: The Business of Banking - Models, Risk and Regulation
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- ISBN 9783319855998: Banafe, Ahmed; Macleod, Rory: The Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency, 1952-2016 - Central Bank of Oil