ISBN beginnend mit 9783319908
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783319908014: Cheng Li: Wireless Internet – 10th International Conference, WiCON 2017, Tianjin, China, December 16-17, 2017, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783319908045: Thomas Lachmann: Reading and Dyslexia – From Basic Functions to Higher Order Cognition
- ISBN 9783319908076: Pier Andrea Borea: The Adenosine Receptors
- ISBN 9783319908106: Guillaume Chuto: Bone SPECT/CT of Ankle and Foot
- ISBN 9783319908137: Lone Feifer: Active House: Smart Nearly Zero Energy Buildings
- ISBN 9783319908168: Massimo Cuzzolaro: Body Image, Eating, and Weight – A Guide to Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention
- ISBN 9783319908199: T.L. Wilson: Tools of Radio Astronomy - Problems and Solutions
- ISBN 9783319908229: Douglas T. Carrell: Emerging Topics in Reproduction – Volume 5
- ISBN 9783319908250: Raphael Sassower: The Impact of Critical Rationalism – Expanding the Popperian Legacy through the Works of Ian C. Jarvie
- ISBN 9783319908281: Sonja Boon: Autoethnography and Feminist Theory at the Water's Edge – Unsettled Islands
- ISBN 9783319908311: Indrajit Chowdhury: Earthquake Analysis and Design of Industrial Structures and Infra-structures
- ISBN 9783319908342: Elena G. Popkova: Perspectives on the Use of New Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the Modern Economy
- ISBN 9783319908373: Dustin Harp: Feminist Approaches to Media Theory and Research
- ISBN 9783319908403: Ivor Sokolić: International Courts and Mass Atrocity – Narratives of War and Justice in Croatia
- ISBN 9783319908434: Robert C. Till: Fire Protection – Detection, Notification, and Suppression
- ISBN 9783319908465: Eugene I. Nefyodov: Electromagnetic Fields and Waves – Microwave and mmWave Engineering with Generalized Macroscopic Electrodynamics
- ISBN 9783319908496: Yannis Charalabidis: The World of Open Data – Concepts, Methods, Tools and Experiences
- ISBN 9783319908526: Ben Murnane: Ayn Rand and the Posthuman – The Mind-Made Future
- ISBN 9783319908557: Maria Zack: Research in History and Philosophy of Mathematics – The CSHPM 2017 Annual Meeting in Toronto, Ontario
- ISBN 9783319908564: Marcos André Torres de Souza: Historical Archaeology and Environment
- ISBN 9783319908595: Adem Yavuz Elveren: Brain Drain and Gender Inequality in Turkey
- ISBN 9783319908625: Wolfgang Fraedrich: Iceland from the West to the South
- ISBN 9783319908656: Claudia Curi: Bank CEOs – Characteristics, Compensation Policies, and Impacts on Bank Performance
- ISBN 9783319908687: Dirk Helbing: Towards Digital Enlightenment – Essays on the Dark and Light Sides of the Digital Revolution
- ISBN 9783319908717: Rolf Hvidtfeldt: The Structure of Interdisciplinary Science
- ISBN 9783319908748: Alistair Ross: Finding Political Identities – Young People in a Changing Europe
- ISBN 9783319908779: Lyn Ellen Pleger: Democratic Acceptance of Spatial Planning Policy Measures
- ISBN 9783319908809: Juan Manuel Durán: Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering – Concepts - Practices - Perspectives
- ISBN 9783319908830: Valerii P. Matveenko: Dynamics and Control of Advanced Structures and Machines – Contributions from the 3rd International Workshop, Perm, Russia
- ISBN 9783319908861: Zeray Yihdego: Ethiopian Yearbook of International Law 2017
- ISBN 9783319908892: Jean-Numa Ducange: The End of the Democratic State – Nicos Poulantzas, a Marxism for the 21st Century
- ISBN 9783319908922: Isak Karabegović: New Technologies, Development and Application
- ISBN 9783319908953: Geertjan de Vugt: Political Dandyism in Literature and Art – Genealogy of a Paradigm
- ISBN 9783319908984: Angeliki Alvanoudi: Modern Greek in Diaspora – An Australian Perspective