ISBN beginnend mit 9783330329
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783330329003: Ravikumar Kurup: Archaeal Symbiosis and Modulation of Human Sexuality
- ISBN 9783330329010: GebreHana Zeleke: A Study of Intestinal Parasitic Infections among School Age Children
- ISBN 3330329025: Hasan O¿uz: Kaluza Klein Teorisinde Dönen kara deliklerin Gravitasyonel Etkileri
- ISBN 9783330329027: Hasan O¿uz: Kaluza Klein Teorisinde Dönen kara deliklerin Gravitasyonel Etkileri
- ISBN 9783330329034: M. Saiful Islam: Characterization of Bacteria from Poultry Environment
- ISBN 9783330329041: Onelio Kapunga: FDI and Corruption in the SADC region
- ISBN 9783330329058: Adem Kara: Yeni K taya Osmanl Goeçleri
- ISBN 9783330329065: Paul Jaleny: Introduction to Molecular Biology Simplified
- ISBN 9783330329072: Günenç, Mesut: Postdramatic Theatrical Signs in Contemporary British Playwrights / Postdramatic Signs and Aspects in the Plays of Martin Crimp, Simon Stephens, Sarah Kane and Mark Ravenhill
- ISBN 9783330329089: Al-Ani, Rand: Validity of US in Predicting CLNs Metastasis in Patients with OSCC
- ISBN 3330329092: Döne Özbek: Rough Analizin Temel Kavramlar¿
- ISBN 9783330329096: Döne Özbek: Rough Analizin Temel Kavramlar¿
- ISBN 9783330329102: Metody modelirovaniya i upravleniya processom razmeshheniya kapitala
- ISBN 3330329114: Suneetha Uppala: R F I D Designing Techniques
- ISBN 9783330329119: Suneetha Uppala: R F I D Designing Techniques
- ISBN 9783330329126: Madhavi Parajuli: Soil particulate organic matter
- ISBN 9783330329133: Pearl Ed Cuevas: The Meaning-Based Adult Day Care Managed by Nurses for Older Persons
- ISBN 9783330329140: Sardar, Ali: Symbolic and Abundant Wave Solutions of (NLPDE)
- ISBN 9783330329157: Valerij Iosifowich Haritonow: Mnogofaktornoe intensiwnoe wozdejstwie
- ISBN 9783330329164: Punit Kumar Agarwal: Growth and Instability of Pulses Production in India
- ISBN 9783330329171: Vakuumnaya tehnika i rezistivnoe isparenie v laboratornom praktikume
- ISBN 3330329181: Sameena Lone: Cherry tomato - The Plant with a secret Gem
- ISBN 9783330329188: Sameena Lone: Cherry tomato - The Plant with a secret Gem
- ISBN 333032919X: Azer Gadzhiew: Vliqnie neftegazowogo faktora na wneshnüü politiku stran SSAGPZ
- ISBN 9783330329195: Azer Gadzhiew: Vliqnie neftegazowogo faktora na wneshnüü politiku stran SSAGPZ
- ISBN 9783330329201: Sanusi Mohammed Sadiq: GIORNALISMO AGROALIMENTARE DIGITALE
- ISBN 9783330329218: Genççak¿r, Berk Gencay: Bantl¿ Konveyörler ve Bunlardaki Gergi Tertibatlar¿n¿n ¿ncelenmesi / Bantl¿ Konveyörler, Gergi Tertibatlar¿ Kontrolü ve Bant Gergisi Hesaplar¿
- ISBN 9783330329232: Manjumala Roy: New Technique Brunkow's Exercise Vs Core Stabilization with Mckenzie
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- ISBN 9783330329249: Yurdal Cihangir: K¿br¿s Türk Tiyatro Edebiyat¿n¿n ¿lk Y¿llar¿
- ISBN 9783330329256: Ramawtar Yadav: Efficacy of Botanical Insecticides against L. Orbonalis on Brinjal
- ISBN 3330329262: Mohammad Bayat: Synthesis of Heterocyclic Compounds Using MCR
- ISBN 9783330329263: Mohammad Bayat: Synthesis of Heterocyclic Compounds Using MCR
- ISBN 9783330329270: Aynalem Worku Abera: Solar powered live stoke watering
- ISBN 9783330329294: Adolfo Hector Venturini: The first known film on surgery and anesthesia
- ISBN 9783330329317: Reginald Chunda: Transvaginal Ultrasound diagnosis of Adenomyosis
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- ISBN 9783330329348: Marianne A. Yon: Exploration of Body Weight Regulation
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- ISBN 9783330329362: Darshana Jaya Kumar: Monitoring & Modeling Stormwater Quality for a Catchment in Malaysia
- ISBN 3330329378: Istvan Juhasz: The Impact Assessment Of The Project ¿handball At School¿
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- ISBN 9783330329409: Termodinamika biologicheski aktivnyh veshhestv
- ISBN 9783330329416: Rajdeep Brar Sunita Kulkarni Soheyl Sheikh: Diagnostic Imaging of Temporomandibular Joint
- ISBN 9783330329423: Constantin Daniil: OXAlert: A modern web portal for the real-estate market in Oxfordshire
- ISBN 9783330329430: Meenakshi Choudhary: Active Manuka Honey 20+ UMFR: An Innovation in Wound Management
- ISBN 9783330329447: Mohammad Jahangir Alam: Earthquake Resistant Non-engineered Building Construction
- ISBN 3330329459: Alexandr Semenowich Vusihis: Primenenie sideritowyh rud pri proizwodstwe chuguna i stali
- ISBN 3330329467: Joseph F. Charles: Flood Impact on Groundwater Quality In Hand-dug Wells in Liberia
- ISBN 9783330329461: Joseph F. Charles: Flood Impact on Groundwater Quality In Hand-dug Wells in Liberia
- ISBN 9783330329478: Chepasow, Valerij: Reshenie urawnenij dlq razlichnyh form signalow Chast' 2
- ISBN 3330329483: Agne Grinciunaite: Deep Learning Model for Human Pose Estimation in Space and Time
- ISBN 9783330329485: Agne Grinciunaite: Deep Learning Model for Human Pose Estimation in Space and Time
- ISBN 3330329491: Santosh Sajjan: Porcine hydatidosis - A non obligatory parasitic cyclo zoonosis
- ISBN 9783330329492: Santosh Sajjan: Porcine hydatidosis - A non obligatory parasitic cyclo zoonosis
- ISBN 9783330329508: Beena Mahida: Popular Short Stories
- ISBN 9783330329515: Faten Madi: Connaissances et attitudes des infirmières en matière de médicaments pour l'allaitement
- ISBN 9783330329522: Ghanim Al-Shammari: Colonialism, Slavery and Religion in Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe
- ISBN 9783330329539: Musa Dabo: Effect of garlic and onion extracts on fungal pathogens of stored nuts
- ISBN 9783330329546: Konstruktivnaya sistemnaya metodologiya matematicheskogo modelirovaniya
- ISBN 9783330329553: Igor' Gorünow: Russkij wzglqd na mir i Rossiü. Tom II
- ISBN 9783330329560: Pronina, Elena: Mezhlichnostnye otnosheniq u lüdej s gomosexual'noj naprawlennost'ü
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- ISBN 9783330329584: Williams Aigbe: Intelligent control of electrical power consumption and wastage
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- ISBN 9783330329607: Shi Zhang: Technical analysis of 337 investigation to China
- ISBN 9783330329614: Lhaki Doma Bhutia: Common viral diseases of poultry in Mizoram: A pathological study
- ISBN 9783330329621: Alok Kumar Dixit Suresh Chandra Yadav: F. gigantica derived cysteine proteinase for diagnosis of fasciolosis
- ISBN 9783330329638: Ji Zhang: Projected Outlier Detection For High-dimensional Data Streams
- ISBN 3330329645: Kharudin Ali: Lift-Off Detection System Using Error Compensated Eddy Current Testing
- ISBN 9783330329645: Kharudin Ali: Lift-Off Detection System Using Error Compensated Eddy Current Testing
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- ISBN 9783330329676: Rajesh Nimat: BiCuVOx Oxide Ion Conductor for SOFC Application
- ISBN 9783330329683: Deminowa, Marina: Dialogichnost' publicistiki V.M. Shukshina
- ISBN 3330329696: Asma Javed: Acne vulgaris association with serum testosterone and SHBG
- ISBN 9783330329690: Asma Javed: Acne vulgaris association with serum testosterone and SHBG
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- ISBN 9783330329744: Amarnath D. Landge: Application of Venturi Scrubber in Nuclear Engineering
- ISBN 9783330329751: Meena Devi: Speciation study of organometallic compounds
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- ISBN 9783330329775: Hassan, Muhammad: Performance analysis of MIMO-OFDM systems with focus on WiMAX
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