ISBN beginnend mit 9783330347
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783330347007: Yu Mshelia: Software Quality Metrics
- ISBN 3330347015: Shruti Karkra: Analysis of Biomedical Signal (ECG) Using Wavelet Transform
- ISBN 9783330347014: Shruti Karkra: Analysis of Biomedical Signal (ECG) Using Wavelet Transform
- ISBN 9783330347021: Ali Algaddafi: Improving the Artificial Pancreas and Studying Gestational Diabetes
- ISBN 9783330347038: Mazurenko, Andrej: Special'nye prawowye rezhimy kak sredstwo prawotworcheskoj politiki
- ISBN 9783330347045: Ashok Aryal: Performance Analysis of Solar PV System of TUTH, Kathmandu, Nepal
- ISBN 9783330347052: Marina Rahmatulloewa: Osobennosti perewoda subtitrow kinofil'mow
- ISBN 9783330347069: Nazim Uddin Mondal: Conservation Agriculture - the key to sustainable agricultural growth
- ISBN 9783330347076: Latika Kalita: Waves in Plasma
- ISBN 9783330347083: Dinesh Kumar Sen: Molecular Quantum Tunnelling
- ISBN 9783330347090: Adam Abubakari: Sex determination in date palm (Phoenix dactylifera)
- ISBN 9783330347106: Aydin Pakdaman Rezaei: Humanity in the Judicial Decisions of International Court of Justice
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- ISBN 9783330347120: Ben Jeddou Mahmoud: M-Health Discovery - A tool to Automate the Discovery of Epidemics
- ISBN 9783330347137: Himali Mundra: Smart Controlling of home appliances using CortexM3 based Giant Gecko
- ISBN 9783330347144: Anna Peresypkina Mikhail Pokrovskii Victoria Gubareva: Pharmacological Correction of the Retinal Pathology in Experiment
- ISBN 9783330347151: Azeez Olanrewaju Yusuf: Influence of nutritrient density on performance of WAD goats
- ISBN 9783330347168: Nazila Soltanova: Mudrecy srednevekov'ya Avicenna, Bahmanjar i Nizami o tochnyh naukah
- ISBN 9783330347175: Sheima M. E. Abueldahab: On the solution of some non-linear ordinary differential equations
- ISBN 9783330347182: Clement Kurulemve Okpora: Studies on Special Topics in Haematology
- ISBN 9783330347199: S. Pushpa Mala: Medical Image Watermarking
- ISBN 9783330347205: Ismail, Mohammed Nader: Stability of the Libration Points for Restricted Three-body Problem
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- ISBN 9783330347229: Lely Lubna Alaydrus: A Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme in Penang, Malaysia
- ISBN 9783330347236: Sovremennye mineral nye sorbenty s ionoobmennymi svojstvami
- ISBN 9783330347243: Matthew Gildersleeve: Psychoanalysis and Polyamory
- ISBN 9783330347250: Jean Claude MAKATI Dudanga: RESEÑA HISTÓRICA DEL PUEBLO BIRA
- ISBN 9783330347274: Shashi Prakash: Underwater Nd:YAG Laser Micromachining on Polymethyl Methacrylate
- ISBN 9783330347281: Hichem Fettaka: New Threat of Improvised Liquid Explosives : Case of Ester Nitrates
- ISBN 9783330347298: Koncepcii finansovogo ucheta i problemy ih realizacii
- ISBN 9783330347304: Oleksandr Novykov: Universities and Industrial Enterprises Cooperation
- ISBN 9783330347311: Ahmed Elshenawy: Relationship Marketing Model for the Banking Sector Industry
- ISBN 9783330347328: Syed Khizer Hussain Azher Hussain: Process Standardization Of Sheerqurma & It's Shelf Life
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- ISBN 9783330347342: Ahmed Samy El-Shafey: Laboratory Diagnosis of Human Bacterial Diseases
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- ISBN 9783330347403: D. R. Panchal: Testing of Cement and Concrete
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- ISBN 9783330347441: Mita Pal: Parameterized Complexity Analysis of Computer Algorithms
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- ISBN 9783330347519: Amit Mishra: Study On Scientific Potato Farming Practices in India
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- ISBN 9783330347557: Abdullahi Bala Ado: Corporate Governance as a mechanism for measuring financial performance of Banks in Nigeria
- ISBN 9783330347564: Elizaweta Imanowa: Rossiq i Kitaj kak potencial'nye centry
- ISBN 9783330347571: Jorge Uribe: Print Productivity: A System Dynamics Approach
- ISBN 3330347589: Larissa Maria Figueirôa Bacelar: Optimum protection of LV switchgear with respect to arcing faults
- ISBN 9783330347588: Larissa Maria Figueirôa Bacelar: Optimum protection of LV switchgear with respect to arcing faults
- ISBN 9783330347595: Thibaud Gentil: Boundary Negotiating Mock-ups
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- ISBN 9783330347618: Jemal Mohammed: Use and Potential of Radio for Development in Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783330347625: Shivam Kapoor: Burnout In Dentistry: A Narrative Snapshot
- ISBN 9783330347632: Ching-Long Shih Yu-Te Ku: Mobile Robot Digital Landmarks Recognition and Finger Writing Maneuver
- ISBN 9783330347649: Hari Lal: Effect of livestock waste on the environment
- ISBN 9783330347656: Sameer Babu M.: Enrollment and drop out: A study of socio-cultural determinants
- ISBN 9783330347663: Jenergojeffektivnost' gornoprohodcheskih rabot
- ISBN 9783330347670: V.S.L.Raj Rushi Kotipalli Dr.P.Prasuna Rani: Integrated Use of Phosphorous in Bt-cotton
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- ISBN 9783330347717: Lipi Sheth: Gujarati Script Recognition for Printed and Handwritten Document
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- ISBN 9783330347854: Chavan, Kaustubh V.: Application of Compound Parabolic Collector in Solar PV-Thermal System
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- ISBN 9783330347885: Jerry Chati Tasantab: Development Control in Urban Centres of Ghana
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- ISBN 9783330347939: Samba Bajie: Root Crop Farming System and Climate Change in Sub- Saharan Africa
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- ISBN 9783330347946: David Karenye: Isoniazid And Multi-Drug Resistance in New Tuberculosis Patients
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- ISBN 9783330347991: Ifeoma Ojiakor-Umenze: The World of In-vehicle Musical Communication among Commercial Drivers