ISBN beginnend mit 9783337989
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783337989002: James Iverach: St. Paul: his life and times
- ISBN 9783337989026: George William Cox: A history of Greece
- ISBN 9783337989033: Adolphus William Ward: The history of Greece
- ISBN 9783337989040: Adolphus William Ward: The history of Greece
- ISBN 9783337989057: Arthur Fairbanks: The first philosophers of Greece
- ISBN 9783337989064: Frederick Palmer: Going to War In Greece
- ISBN 9783337989071: George C. Robinson: Hymns and tunes for prayer and social meetings
- ISBN 9783337989088: Hélène Adeline Guerber: The story of Greece
- ISBN 9783337989095: William Spry Robinson: A short history of Greece
- ISBN 9783337989101: John Heyl Vincent: An outline history of Greece
- ISBN 9783337989118: Joseph Simler: Guide of the man of good will in the exercise of mental prayer
- ISBN 9783337989125: E. Draper: Words of good cheer
- ISBN 9783337989132: Harrison P. Griffith: The life and times of Rev. John G. Landrum
- ISBN 9783337989149: William H. Behney: Choruses adapted to standard hymns
- ISBN 9783337989156: Phillips Brooks: Good cheer for a year
- ISBN 9783337989163: Pietro Mascagni: Cavalleria rusticana= Rustic chivalry: melodrama in one act
- ISBN 9783337989170: Pietro Mascagni: Cavalleria rusticana= Rustic chivalry: melodrama in one act
- ISBN 9783337989187: Pietro Mascagni: Cavalleria rusticana= Rustic chivalry: melodrama in one act
- ISBN 9783337989194: Pietro Mascagni: Cavalleria rusticana= Rustic chivalry: melodrama in one act
- ISBN 9783337989200: Pietro Mascagni: Cavalleria rusticana= Rustic chivalry: melodrama in one act
- ISBN 9783337989217: Pietro Mascagni: Cavalleria rusticana= Rustic chivalry: melodrama in one act
- ISBN 9783337989224: Pietro Mascagni: Cavalleria rusticana= Rustic chivalry: melodrama in one act
- ISBN 9783337989231: Dwight L. Moody: Seirende bøn
- ISBN 9783337989248: Forbes Duncan: The Bait?l Pachis?; or the Twenty-Five Tales of a Sprite
- ISBN 9783337989255: Joseph Vaill: A sermon delivered at the funeral of Rev. Alfred Ely, D. D.
- ISBN 9783337989279: Anonymous: Love In The City
- ISBN 9783337989286: John Gill: A Dissertation Concerning the Antiquity Of The Hebrew-Language, Letters
- ISBN 9783337989293: Anonymous: Love In A Village
- ISBN 9783337989316: Waagen, Wilhelm Heinrich: Entwurf einer Gliederung der pelagischen Sedimente des Trias-Systems
- ISBN 3337989330: Julius Ritter von Wiesner: Untersuchungen über die Wachsthumsgesetze der Pflanzenorgane.
- ISBN 9783337989330: Julius Ritter von Wiesner: Untersuchungen über die Wachsthumsgesetze der Pflanzenorgane.
- ISBN 9783337989347: Aristides Brezina: Die Krystallform des unterschwefelsauren Blei PbS2O6 4aq
- ISBN 9783337989361: Joseph Crawhall: Olde ffrendes wyth newe faces, adorn'd with sutable Sculptures
- ISBN 9783337989378: Philip H. Wicksteed: Essays on Dante by Dr. Karl Witte
- ISBN 9783337989392: Dante Gabriel Rossetti: Dante and His Circle, with the Italian Poets preceding Him
- ISBN 9783337989408: Edmund Brock: The Liflade of St. Juliana, from two old English Manuscripts of 1230 A.D.
- ISBN 9783337989415: J. Hector St. John de Cre¿vecoeur: Letters from an American farmer describing certain provincial situations, manners
- ISBN 9783337989545: Dietl, Michael J.: Untersuchungen ueber die Organisation des Gehirns wirbelloser Tiere.
- ISBN 9783337989606: Williams, Thomas John: One too many for him
- ISBN 9783337989613: Anonymous: What is a pure soap?
- ISBN 9783337989620: Anonymous: Bickford Smith R. Greece Under King George 1893
- ISBN 9783337989637: Charles Davies Sherborn: A bibliography of the foraminifera, recent and fossil, from 1565-1888
- ISBN 9783337989644: Lisbeth Gooch Séguin: Rural England
- ISBN 9783337989651: Julius Caesar: Caesar's Gallic war
- ISBN 9783337989668: Samuel Harden: Early life and times in Boone County, Indiana, giving an account of the early settlement of each locality
- ISBN 9783337989675: Anonymous: The history of Mahaska County, Iowa
- ISBN 9783337989682: Edward John Waring: Bibliotheca therapeutica, or
- ISBN 9783337989699: John Ross Macduff: Communion memories
- ISBN 9783337989705: Walther, F H.: The horse-owner's guide: or
- ISBN 9783337989712: Garrett, Mitchell B.: A critical bibliography of the pamphlet literature published in France between July 5 and December 27, 1788 ..
- ISBN 9783337989729: Anonymous: Instructions relating to the system of accountability for clothing, arms
- ISBN 9783337989736: James Rush: The philosophy of the human voice: embracing its physiological history
- ISBN 9783337989743: Ioannes Gennadios: Recent archæological excavations in Greece
- ISBN 9783337989750: Samuel M. Hopkins: A general liturgy and book of common prayer
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- ISBN 9783337989774: Joseph H. Goulding: Official military and naval records of Rutland, Vermont, in the war of the rebellion
- ISBN 9783337989781: William Buchan: Domestic medicine, or, The family physician
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- ISBN 3337989810: W. H. Rowland: A complete system of horsemanship
- ISBN 9783337989811: W. H. Rowland: A complete system of horsemanship
- ISBN 9783337989828: George William Cox: A general history of Greece from the earliest period to the death of Alexander the Great
- ISBN 9783337989835: George Peck: The life and times of Rev. George Peck, D. D
- ISBN 9783337989842: Henry Brougham: The life and times of Henry, lord Brougham
- ISBN 9783337989859: Jennett Blakeslee Frost: The rebellion in the United States; or
- ISBN 9783337989866: Tyler, William Seymour: The De corona of Demosthenes
- ISBN 9783337989873: Elizabeth Missing Sewell: A first history of Greece
- ISBN 9783337989880: Anna Ella Carroll: Petition of Anna Ella Carroll
- ISBN 9783337989897: Elizabeth Missing Sewell: A first history of Greece
- ISBN 9783337989903: Oliver Goldsmith: Pinnock's improved edition of Dr. Goldsmith's history of Greece for the use of schools
- ISBN 9783337989910: Christoph Christian Sturm: The beauties of Sturm, in lessons on the works of God, and his providence
- ISBN 9783337989927: William Roy: An Account of the Mode Proposed to be Followed in Determining the Relative Situation
- ISBN 9783337989934: Thomas B. Macaulay: Lays of ancient Rome, and other poems
- ISBN 9783337989941: John Durand: Italy, Rome and Naples
- ISBN 9783337989958: Thomas Inman: On myalgia
- ISBN 9783337989965: John Cooke: An historical account of the Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich
- ISBN 9783337989972: Charles White: An account of the topical application of the spunge, in the stoppage of haemorrhages
- ISBN 9783337989989: John Russell Bartlett: Bibliography of Rhode Island.
- ISBN 9783337989996: Cynthia Morgan St. John: The afternoon lectures on English literature, delivered in the theatre of the Museum of Industry