ISBN beginnend mit 9783368328
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783368328009: Walpole, Hugh: Jeremy / in large print / Hugh Walpole / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Kartoniert Broschiert / Englisch / 2022 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783368328009
- ISBN 3368328018: Hugh Walpole: Jeremy
- ISBN 9783368328016: Hugh Walpole: Jeremy
- ISBN 3368328026: Edgar Rice Burroughs: The Efficiency Expert
- ISBN 9783368328023: Edgar Rice Burroughs: The Efficiency Expert
- ISBN 3368328034: Edgar Rice Burroughs: The Efficiency Expert
- ISBN 9783368328030: Edgar Rice Burroughs: The Efficiency Expert
- ISBN 9783368328047: Luise Mühlbach: Henry VIII and His Court; A Historical Novel
- ISBN 3368328050: Luise Mühlbach: Henry VIII and His Court; A Historical Novel
- ISBN 9783368328054: Luise Mühlbach: Henry VIII and His Court; A Historical Novel
- ISBN 3368328069: E. Pauline Johnson: Legends of Vancouver
- ISBN 9783368328061: E. Pauline Johnson: Legends of Vancouver
- ISBN 3368328077: E. Pauline Johnson: Legends of Vancouver
- ISBN 9783368328078: E. Pauline Johnson: Legends of Vancouver
- ISBN 9783368328085: Merritt, Abraham: The Metal Monster / in large print / Abraham Merritt / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Kartoniert Broschiert / Englisch / 2022 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783368328085
- ISBN 3368328093: Abraham Merritt: The Metal Monster
- ISBN 9783368328092: Abraham Merritt: The Metal Monster
- ISBN 9783368328108: Knowles, James Sheridan: The Hunchback; The love-chase / in large print / James Sheridan Knowles / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Kartoniert Broschiert / Englisch / 2022 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783368328108
- ISBN 3368328115: James Sheridan Knowles: The Hunchback; The love-chase
- ISBN 9783368328115: James Sheridan Knowles: The Hunchback; The love-chase
- ISBN 9783368328122: Jenkins, Herbert George: The Life of George Borrow / in large print / Herbert George Jenkins / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Kartoniert Broschiert / Englisch / 2022 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783368328122
- ISBN 3368328131: Herbert George Jenkins: The Life of George Borrow
- ISBN 9783368328139: Herbert George Jenkins: The Life of George Borrow
- ISBN 336832814X: Richard Hakluyt: Voyages in Search of the North-West Passage
- ISBN 9783368328146: Richard Hakluyt: Voyages in Search of the North-West Passage
- ISBN 3368328158: Richard Hakluyt: Voyages in Search of the North-West Passage
- ISBN 9783368328153: Richard Hakluyt: Voyages in Search of the North-West Passage
- ISBN 3368328166: Bernard Shaw: O'Flaherty V.C.; A Recruiting Pamphlet
- ISBN 9783368328160: Bernard Shaw: O'Flaherty V.C.; A Recruiting Pamphlet
- ISBN 3368328174: Bernard Shaw: O'Flaherty V.C.; A Recruiting Pamphlet
- ISBN 9783368328177: Bernard Shaw: O'Flaherty V.C.; A Recruiting Pamphlet
- ISBN 3368328182: Bernard Shaw: Annajanska, the Bolshevik Empress; and Augustus Does His Bit
- ISBN 9783368328184: Bernard Shaw: Annajanska, the Bolshevik Empress; and Augustus Does His Bit
- ISBN 3368328190: Bernard Shaw: Annajanska, the Bolshevik Empress; and Augustus Does His Bit
- ISBN 9783368328191: Bernard Shaw: Annajanska, the Bolshevik Empress; and Augustus Does His Bit
- ISBN 3368328204: Bernard Shaw: The Inca of Perusalem; An Almost Historical Comedietta
- ISBN 9783368328207: Bernard Shaw: The Inca of Perusalem; An Almost Historical Comedietta
- ISBN 3368328212: Bernard Shaw: The Inca of Perusalem; An Almost Historical Comedietta
- ISBN 9783368328214: Bernard Shaw: The Inca of Perusalem; An Almost Historical Comedietta
- ISBN 3368328220: Bernard Shaw: Great Catherine; Whom Glory Still Adores
- ISBN 9783368328221: Bernard Shaw: Great Catherine; Whom Glory Still Adores
- ISBN 3368328239: Bernard Shaw: Great Catherine; Whom Glory Still Adores
- ISBN 9783368328238: Bernard Shaw: Great Catherine; Whom Glory Still Adores
- ISBN 3368328247: J. M. Barrie: The Admirable Crichton; A Comedy
- ISBN 9783368328245: J. M. Barrie: The Admirable Crichton; A Comedy
- ISBN 3368328255: J. M. Barrie: The Admirable Crichton; A Comedy
- ISBN 9783368328252: J. M. Barrie: The Admirable Crichton; A Comedy
- ISBN 3368328263: Dana Gatlin: Missy
- ISBN 9783368328269: Dana Gatlin: Missy
- ISBN 3368328271: Dana Gatlin: Missy
- ISBN 9783368328276: Dana Gatlin: Missy
- ISBN 9783368328283: Kate Douglas Wiggin: Homespun Tales
- ISBN 3368328298: Kate Douglas Wiggin: Homespun Tales
- ISBN 9783368328306: Wiggin, Kate Douglas: Bluebeard; and The Old Peabody Pew / in large print / Kate Douglas Wiggin / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Kartoniert Broschiert / Englisch / 2022 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783368328306
- ISBN 336832831X: Kate Douglas Wiggin: Bluebeard; and The Old Peabody Pew
- ISBN 9783368328320: Perkins, Lucy Fitch: The Japanese Twins / in large print / Lucy Fitch Perkins / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Kartoniert Broschiert / Englisch / 2022 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783368328320
- ISBN 3368328336: Lucy Fitch Perkins: The Japanese Twins
- ISBN 3368328344: Lucy Fitch Perkins: The Swiss Twins
- ISBN 3368328352: Lucy Fitch Perkins: The Swiss Twins
- ISBN 9783368328368: Heinrich Heine: Buch der Lieder
- ISBN 9783368328375: Heinrich Heine: Buch der Lieder
- ISBN 9783368328382: Alcott, Louisa May: Jo's Boys / in large print / Louisa May Alcott / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2022 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783368328382
- ISBN 3368328395: Louisa May Alcott: Jo's Boys
- ISBN 3368328409: Henry Van Dyke: Music, and Other Poems
- ISBN 3368328417: Henry Van Dyke: Music, and Other Poems
- ISBN 9783368328429: Verne, Jules: Five Weeks in a Balloon; Or, Journeys and Discoveries in Africa by Three Englishmen / in large print / Jules Verne / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2022 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783368328429
- ISBN 3368328433: Jules Verne: Five Weeks in a Balloon; Or, Journeys and Discoveries in Africa by Three Englishmen
- ISBN 3368328441: Mary Wollstonecraft: Letters Written During a Short Residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark
- ISBN 336832845X: Mary Wollstonecraft: Letters Written During a Short Residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark
- ISBN 9783368328467: Sabatini, Rafael: Love-at-Arms; Being a Narrative Excerpted from the Chronicles of Urbino During The Dominion of the High and Mighty Messer Guidobaldo Da Montefeltro / in large print / Rafael Sabatini / Taschenbuch
- ISBN 3368328476: Rafael Sabatini: Love-at-Arms; Being a Narrative Excerpted from the Chronicles of Urbino During The Dominion of the High and Mighty Messer Guidobaldo Da Montefeltro
- ISBN 9783368328481: Leacock, Stephen: My Discovery of England / in large print / Stephen Leacock / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2022 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783368328481
- ISBN 3368328492: Stephen Leacock: My Discovery of England
- ISBN 3368328506: Stephen Leacock: Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town
- ISBN 3368328514: Stephen Leacock: Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town
- ISBN 9783368328528: Tench, Watkin: A Complete Account of the Settlement at Port Jackson / in large print / Watkin Tench / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2022 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783368328528
- ISBN 3368328530: Watkin Tench: A Complete Account of the Settlement at Port Jackson
- ISBN 9783368328542: Tench, Watkin: A Narrative of the Expedition to Botany-Bay / in large print / Watkin Tench / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2022 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783368328542
- ISBN 3368328557: Watkin Tench: A Narrative of the Expedition to Botany-Bay
- ISBN 3368328565: Edith Nesbit: The Enchanted Castle
- ISBN 3368328573: Edith Nesbit: The Enchanted Castle
- ISBN 9783368328580: Mühlbach, Luise: Frederick the Great and His Family; A Historical Novel / in large print / Luise Mühlbach / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2022 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783368328580
- ISBN 336832859X: Luise Mühlbach: Frederick the Great and His Family; A Historical Novel
- ISBN 9783368328603: Bok, Edward William: The Americanization of Edward Bok; The Autobiography of a Dutch Boy Fifty Years After / in large print / Edward William Bok / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2022 / Outlook Verlag
- ISBN 3368328611: Edward William Bok: The Americanization of Edward Bok; The Autobiography of a Dutch Boy Fifty Years After
- ISBN 9783368328627: Knowles, James Sheridan: The Love-chase / in large print / James Sheridan Knowles / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2022 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783368328627
- ISBN 3368328638: James Sheridan Knowles: The Love-chase
- ISBN 3368328646: Leo Tolstoy: What to Do? Thoughts Evoked By the Census of Moscow
- ISBN 3368328654: Leo Tolstoy: What to Do? Thoughts Evoked By the Census of Moscow
- ISBN 9783368328665: Shaw, Bernard: Heartbreak House
- ISBN 3368328670: Bernard Shaw: Heartbreak House
- ISBN 3368328689: Bernard Shaw: How He Lied to Her Husband
- ISBN 3368328697: Bernard Shaw: How He Lied to Her Husband
- ISBN 9783368328702: Raffaello Carboni: The Eureka Stockade
- ISBN 3368328719: Raffaello Carboni: The Eureka Stockade
- ISBN 9783368328726: Bunyan, John: The Pharisee and the Publican / in large print / John Bunyan / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2022 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783368328726
- ISBN 3368328735: John Bunyan: The Pharisee and the Publican
- ISBN 3368328743: Abraham Cowley: Cowley's Essays
- ISBN 3368328751: Abraham Cowley: Cowley's Essays
- ISBN 336832876X: Anthony Trollope: La Mere Bauche; From Tales of All Countries
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- ISBN 9783368328788: Louis Antoine Fauvelet De Bourrienne: Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte; 1769-1797
- ISBN 9783368328795: Louis Antoine Fauvelet De Bourrienne: Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte; 1769-1797
- ISBN 3368328808: Louis Antoine Fauvelet De Bourrienne: Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte; 1797-1798
- ISBN 9783368328818: Bourrienne, Louis Antoine Fauvelet De: Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte; 1797-1798
- ISBN 9783368328825: Louis Antoine Fauvelet De Bourrienne: Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte; 1798-1799
- ISBN 3368328832: Louis Antoine Fauvelet De Bourrienne: Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte; 1798-1799
- ISBN 3368328840: Louis Antoine Fauvelet De Bourrienne: Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte; 1799-1800
- ISBN 3368328859: Louis Antoine Fauvelet De Bourrienne: Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte; 1799-1800
- ISBN 3368328867: Louis Antoine Fauvelet De Bourrienne: Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte; 1800-1802
- ISBN 3368328875: Louis Antoine Fauvelet De Bourrienne: Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte; 1800-1802
- ISBN 3368328883: Louis Antoine Fauvelet De Bourrienne: Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte; 1802-1803
- ISBN 3368328891: Louis Antoine Fauvelet De Bourrienne: Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte; 1802-1803
- ISBN 3368328905: Louis Antoine Fauvelet De Bourrienne: Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte; 1803-1804
- ISBN 3368328913: Louis Antoine Fauvelet De Bourrienne: Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte; 1803-1804
- ISBN 3368328921: Louis Antoine Fauvelet De Bourrienne: Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte; 1804-1805
- ISBN 336832893X: Louis Antoine Fauvelet De Bourrienne: Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte; 1804-1805
- ISBN 9783368328948: Bourrienne, Louis Antoine Fauvelet De: Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte; 1805-1807 / Part 9 - in large print / Louis Antoine Fauvelet De Bourrienne / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2022 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783368328948
- ISBN 3368328956: Louis Antoine Fauvelet De Bourrienne: Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte; 1805-1807
- ISBN 3368328964: Louis Antoine Fauvelet De Bourrienne: Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte; 1807-1809
- ISBN 3368328972: Louis Antoine Fauvelet De Bourrienne: Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte; 1807-1809
- ISBN 9783368328986: Louis Antoine Fauvelet De Bourrienne: Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte; 1809-1812
- ISBN 3368328999: Louis Antoine Fauvelet De Bourrienne: Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte; 1809-1812
- ISBN 9783368328993: Louis Antoine Fauvelet De Bourrienne: Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte; 1809-1812