ISBN beginnend mit 9783382132
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3382132001: John Matthias Weylland: Seven Men by the Countess de Gasparin
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- ISBN 3382132052: George Lillie Craik: Spenser and his Poetry
- ISBN 9783382132057: George Lillie Craik: Spenser and his Poetry
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- ISBN 3382132079: Isaac Todhunter: Spherical Trigonometry
- ISBN 9783382132071: Isaac Todhunter: Spherical Trigonometry
- ISBN 3382132087: Mary Linskill: Cornborough Vicarage
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- ISBN 3382132117: Cyril Behnam Benni: The Tradition of the Syriac Church of Antioch
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- ISBN 3382132133: Frederick Whymper: Travel and Adventure in the Territory of Alaska
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- ISBN 9783382132149: Eugene Vetromile: Travels in Europe, Egypt, Arabia Petraea, Palestine and Syria
- ISBN 338213215X: Eugene Vetromile: Travels in Europe, Egypt, Arabia Petraea, Palestine and Syria
- ISBN 9783382132156: Eugene Vetromile: Travels in Europe, Egypt, Arabia Petraea, Palestine and Syria
- ISBN 9783382132163: Wesley Hanson, John: Hymn and Tune Book, for the Church the Home / John Wesley Hanson / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2023 / Anatiposi Verlag / EAN 9783382132163
- ISBN 3382132176: John Wesley Hanson: Hymn and Tune Book, for the Church the Home
- ISBN 9783382132170: John Wesley Hanson: Hymn and Tune Book, for the Church the Home
- ISBN 9783382132187: Currie, James: The Works of Robert Burns / James Currie / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2023 / Anatiposi Verlag / EAN 9783382132187
- ISBN 3382132192: James Currie: The Works of Robert Burns
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- ISBN 3382132257: Anonymous: Proceedings of the New Hampshire Historical Society
- ISBN 9783382132255: Anonymous: Proceedings of the New Hampshire Historical Society
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- ISBN 9783382132316: Anonymous: Proceedings at the Centennial Celebration of the First Company Governor's Foot Guard
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- ISBN 9783382132330: Anonymous: The Proceedings at the Dedication of the Soldiers' Monument
- ISBN 9783382132347: Anonymous: Proceedings at the Inauguration. Annual Report of the President of Union College / Anonymous / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2023 / Anatiposi Verlag / EAN 9783382132347
- ISBN 3382132354: Anonymous: Proceedings at the Inauguration. Annual Report of the President of Union College
- ISBN 9783382132354: Anonymous: Proceedings at the Inauguration. Annual Report of the President of Union College
- ISBN 9783382132361: Anonymous: Proceedings at the Public Inauguration of the Building Erected for the Departments of Arts and of Science / Anonymous / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2023 / Anatiposi Verlag / EAN 9783382132361
- ISBN 3382132370: Anonymous: Proceedings at the Public Inauguration of the Building Erected for the Departments of Arts and of Science
- ISBN 9783382132378: Anonymous: Proceedings at the Public Inauguration of the Building Erected for the Departments of Arts and of Science
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- ISBN 9783382132538: Anonymous: Proceedings of the American Fish Culturists Association
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- ISBN 3382132826: Anonymous: Psalms and Hymns for the Use of Reformed Church
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- ISBN 3382132834: Anonymous: Psalms and Hymns for the Use of Reformed Church
- ISBN 9783382132835: Anonymous: Psalms and Hymns for the Use of Reformed Church
- ISBN 3382132842: Rowland Williams: Psalms and Litanies
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- ISBN 3382132850: Rowland Williams: Psalms and Litanies
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- ISBN 3382132869: Anonymous: Acts of the Legislature of the State of Michigan
- ISBN 9783382132866: Anonymous: Acts of the Legislature of the State of Michigan
- ISBN 3382132877: Anonymous: Acts of the Legislature of the State of Michigan
- ISBN 9783382132873: Anonymous: Acts of the Legislature of the State of Michigan
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- ISBN 9783382132880: Anonymous: Annual Message of Cadwallader C. Washburn
- ISBN 3382132893: Anonymous: Annual Message of Cadwallader C. Washburn
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