ISBN beginnend mit 9783385132
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- ISBN 9783385132009: Francis Augustus Cox: History of the Baptist Missionary Society, from 1792 to 1842: to which is added a sketch of the General Baptist Mission
- ISBN 9783385132016: Francis Augustus Cox: History of the Baptist Missionary Society, from 1792 to 1842: to which is added a sketch of the General Baptist Mission
- ISBN 9783385132023: Cox, Francis Augustus: History of the Baptist Missionary Society, from 1792 to 1842: to which is added a sketch of the General Baptist Mission / Vol. II / Francis Augustus Cox / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2024
- ISBN 9783385132030: Francis Augustus Cox: History of the Baptist Missionary Society, from 1792 to 1842: to which is added a sketch of the General Baptist Mission
- ISBN 9783385132047: Edward Thornton: History of the British Empire In India
- ISBN 9783385132054: Edward Thornton: History of the British Empire In India
- ISBN 9783385132061: Edward Thornton: History of the British Empire In India
- ISBN 9783385132078: Edward Thornton: History of the British Empire In India
- ISBN 9783385132085: Stebbing, Henry: History of the Church of Christ: From the Diet of Augsburg 1530, to the Eighteenth Century. Originally Designed As a Continuation of Milner's History / Vol. III / Henry Stebbing / Taschenbuch / 2024
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- ISBN 9783385132115: Henry Stebbing: History of the Church of Christ: From the Diet of Augsburg 1530, to the Eighteenth Century. Originally Designed As a Continuation of Milner's History
- ISBN 9783385132122: Henry Stebbing: History of the Church of Christ: From the Diet of Augsburg 1530, to the Eighteenth Century. Originally Designed As a Continuation of Milner's History
- ISBN 9783385132139: Henry Stebbing: History of the Church of Christ: From the Diet of Augsburg 1530, to the Eighteenth Century. Originally Designed As a Continuation of Milner's History
- ISBN 9783385132146: Outlook Verlag: History of the Life of Richard Coeur De Lion / Outlook Verlag / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2024 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783385132146
- ISBN 9783385132153: Outlook Verlag: History of the Life of Richard Coeur De Lion
- ISBN 9783385132160: Neander, August: History of the Planting and Training of the Christian Church by the Apostles / Vol. 36 / August Neander (u. a.) / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2024 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783385132160
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- ISBN 9783385132221: Prescott, William Hickling: History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic, of Spain / William Hickling Prescott / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2024 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783385132221
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- ISBN 9783385132245: Napier, William Francis Patrick: History of the War In the Peninsula and In the South of France; From the Year 1807 to the Year 1814 / William Francis Patrick Napier / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2024 / Outlook Verlag
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