ISBN beginnend mit 9783385604
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- ISBN 9783385604001: Charles Scott: Excursions in the Mountains of Ronda and Granada, with Characteristic Sketches of the Inhabitants of the South of Spain
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- ISBN 9783385604070: Walter Scott: Catalogue of the Library at Abbotsford
- ISBN 9783385604087: Charles Severn: Failure of Vaccination: an Enquiry into the Causes of Failure in Vaccination, with Suggestions Relative to the Means of Ensuring Its Full Protective Influence
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- ISBN 9783385604148: Shipley, William: A True Treatise on the Art of Fly-Fishing, Trolling, etc., as Practised on the Dove, and the Principal Streams of the Midland Counties; Applicable to Every Trout and Grayling River in the Empire
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