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- ISBN 3386739008: Frederick B. Roe: Atlas of the Maritime provinces of the Dominion of Canada : with historical and geological descriptions
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- ISBN 9783386739023: Fitz-John Porter: Argument of Anson Maltby, counsel for the petitioner, Fitz John Porter, before the Advisory board of officers at West Point, January 1879
- ISBN 3386739032: William Martin: Ballads and Poems
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- ISBN 9783386739733: John Henniker Heaton: Australian dictionary of dates and men of the times: containing the history of Australasia from 1542 to May, 1879
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- ISBN 3386739792: Harvard University Library: Bibliographical Contributions
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- ISBN 9783386739801: Nathaniel Rogers: Bibliography, or, Books and their history: a lecture to the members of the Exeter Literary Society, delivered at the Athenaeum, December 1, 1869
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- ISBN 3386739865: Jacob Chamberlain: Bible tested: is it the book for to-day and for the world?, or, The Bible in India: a sermon preached by appointment before the American Bible Society, in the Fourth Avenue Presbyterian Church, New York City, May 5th, 1878 / by Jacob Chamberlain.
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- ISBN 3386739954: Freemasons Leeds: Bye-laws and regulations of the Defence lodge, no.1221, of ancient, free, and accepted masons, Leeds
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- ISBN 3386739962: Edward Cazalet: Bimetallism and its connection with commerce
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