ISBN beginnend mit 9783386758
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3386758002: William Davenport Adams: Dictionary of English literature, being a comprehensive guide to English authors and their works
- ISBN 9783386758000: William Davenport Adams: Dictionary of English literature, being a comprehensive guide to English authors and their works
- ISBN 3386758010: Benjamin Vaughan Abbott: Dictionary of terms and phrases used in American or English jurisprudence
- ISBN 9783386758017: Benjamin Vaughan Abbott: Dictionary of terms and phrases used in American or English jurisprudence
- ISBN 3386758029: George Viner Ellis: Demonstrations of anatomy: being a guide to the knowledge of the human body by dissection
- ISBN 9783386758024: George Viner Ellis: Demonstrations of anatomy: being a guide to the knowledge of the human body by dissection
- ISBN 3386758037: Jacob Da Silva Solis Cohen: Diseases of the throat and nasal passages; a guide to the diagnosis and treatment of affections of the pharynx, ¿sophagus, trachea, larynx, and nares
- ISBN 9783386758031: Jacob Da Silva Solis Cohen: Diseases of the throat and nasal passages; a guide to the diagnosis and treatment of affections of the pharynx, ¿sophagus, trachea, larynx, and nares
- ISBN 3386758045: Rufus Blanchard: Discovery and conquests of the North-west
- ISBN 9783386758048: Rufus Blanchard: Discovery and conquests of the North-west
- ISBN 3386758053: Kriegsarchiv Österreich: Die Occupation Bosniens und der Hercegovina durch k.k.truppen im Jahre 1878
- ISBN 9783386758055: Kriegsarchiv Österreich: Die Occupation Bosniens und der Hercegovina durch k.k.truppen im Jahre 1878
- ISBN 3386758061: Indiana General Assembly: Documentary journal of Indiana 1878
- ISBN 9783386758062: Indiana General Assembly: Documentary journal of Indiana 1878
- ISBN 338675807X: James Titus Allen: Digest of seeding machines and implements patented in the United States
- ISBN 9783386758079: James Titus Allen: Digest of seeding machines and implements patented in the United States
- ISBN 3386758088: James Titus Allen: Digest of seeding machines and implements patented in the United States
- ISBN 9783386758086: James Titus Allen: Digest of seeding machines and implements patented in the United States
- ISBN 3386758096: James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps: Which shall it be? New lamps or old? Shaxpere or Shakespeare?
- ISBN 9783386758093: James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps: Which shall it be? New lamps or old? Shaxpere or Shakespeare?
- ISBN 338675810X: John Henry Rivett-Carnac: Description of some stone carvings: collected in a tour through the Doab, from Cawnpore to Mainpuri
- ISBN 9783386758109: John Henry Rivett-Carnac: Description of some stone carvings: collected in a tour through the Doab, from Cawnpore to Mainpuri
- ISBN 3386758118: John Thomas: Diary of John Thomas, surgeon in Winslow's expedition of 1755 against the Acadians
- ISBN 9783386758116: John Thomas: Diary of John Thomas, surgeon in Winslow's expedition of 1755 against the Acadians
- ISBN 3386758126: Adolphe Burggraeve: Dosimetric medicine, or, A reform of pharmacy & therapeutics: an address to the physicians of Great Britain
- ISBN 9783386758123: Adolphe Burggraeve: Dosimetric medicine, or, A reform of pharmacy & therapeutics: an address to the physicians of Great Britain
- ISBN 3386758134: Lucretia Peabody Hale: Designs in outline for art-needlework
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- ISBN 3386758150: John Goodier: What are the economic principles which should regulate the borrowing powers
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- ISBN 3386758223: Edward Hartley Dewart: What is Arminianism?: with a brief sketch of Arminius
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- ISBN 3386758282: Davidson College: Davidson College Catalog
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- ISBN 3386758290: Leslie Cook Pierson: Directory of the Bar of New Jersey
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- ISBN 3386758614: James Armstrong: Wanny blossoms: a book of song; with a brief treatise on fishing with the fly, worm, minnow and moe ; sketches of border life, and fox and otter hunting
- ISBN 9783386758611: James Armstrong: Wanny blossoms: a book of song; with a brief treatise on fishing with the fly, worm, minnow and moe ; sketches of border life, and fox and otter hunting
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- ISBN 3386758630: James Alfred Wanklyn: Water-analysis: a practical treatise on the examination of potable water
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- ISBN 3386758649: William Brisbane Dick: Dick's Irish dialect recitations
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- ISBN 3386758657: William Cain: Voussoir arches applied to stone bridges, tunnels, domes and groined arches
- ISBN 9783386758659: William Cain: Voussoir arches applied to stone bridges, tunnels, domes and groined arches
- ISBN 3386758665: Edward George H. Montagu: Diary in Ceylon & India, 1878-9
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- ISBN 3386758673: Lawson Tait: Diseases of Women
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- ISBN 3386758681: Charlotte Champion Pascoe: Walks about St. Hilary, chiefly among the poor
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- ISBN 338675869X: Frank Woodbury: Differential diagnosis
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- ISBN 3386758703: Luella Dowd Smith: Wayside leaves
- ISBN 9783386758703: Luella Dowd Smith: Wayside leaves
- ISBN 3386758711: Emily Sullivan Oakey: Dialogues and conversations, designed for the use of schools
- ISBN 9783386758710: Emily Sullivan Oakey: Dialogues and conversations, designed for the use of schools
- ISBN 338675872X: Miles Gaylord Bullock: What Christians believe
- ISBN 9783386758727: Miles Gaylord Bullock: What Christians believe
- ISBN 3386758738: Deputy Keeper of Public Records in Ireland: Deputy Keeper of Public Records in Ireland: eleventh report
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- ISBN 3386758746: David Jayne Hill: Washington Irving
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- ISBN 3386758762: James De Koven: Dorchester Polytechnic Academy
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- ISBN 3386758770: James Warburton Begbie: Diseases of the intestines and peritoneum
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- ISBN 9783386758789: Munro Aeneas: Deaths in childbed and our lying-in hospitals: together with a proposal for establishing a model maternity institution for affording clinical instruction and for training nurses
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- ISBN 3386758819: Frederick Smith: Descriptions of new species of Hymenoptera in the collection of the British Museum
- ISBN 9783386758819: Frederick Smith: Descriptions of new species of Hymenoptera in the collection of the British Museum
- ISBN 3386758827: De Benneville Randolph Keim: Washington and Its Environs
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- ISBN 3386758878: London Westminster Chess Club: Westminster Papers: A Monthly Journal of Chess, Whist, Games of Skill and the Drama
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- ISBN 3386758886: Fannie Barbour Gray: Day in and day out: or, Leaves from the record of 1877
- ISBN 9783386758888: Fannie Barbour Gray: Day in and day out: or, Leaves from the record of 1877
- ISBN 3386758894: Elizabeth Mary Grosvenor: Diary of a tour in Sweden, Norway, and Russia, in 1827, with letters
- ISBN 9783386758895: Elizabeth Mary Grosvenor: Diary of a tour in Sweden, Norway, and Russia, in 1827, with letters
- ISBN 3386758908: Charles Alexander Nelson: Waltham, past and present; and its industries. With an historical sketch of Watertown from its settlement in 1630 to the incorporation of Waltham, January 15, 1738
- ISBN 9783386758901: Charles Alexander Nelson: Waltham, past and present; and its industries. With an historical sketch of Watertown from its settlement in 1630 to the incorporation of Waltham, January 15, 1738
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- ISBN 3386758924: Alphonso Alva Hopkins: Waifs, and Their Authors
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- ISBN 3386758932: Frederic Moore: Descriptions of new Indian lepidopterous insects from the collection of the late Mr. W.S. Atkinson
- ISBN 9783386758932: Frederic Moore: Descriptions of new Indian lepidopterous insects from the collection of the late Mr. W.S. Atkinson
- ISBN 3386758940: Hezekiah Spencer Sheldon: Documentary History of Suffield
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- ISBN 3386758959: John A. Ruth: Decorum, a practical treatise on etiquette and dress of the best American society
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- ISBN 3386758983: David Ferrier: Die Functionen des Gehirnes
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- ISBN 3386758991: J. Mortimer Granville: While The Boy Waits
- ISBN 9783386758994: J. Mortimer Granville: While The Boy Waits