ISBN beginnend mit 9783386768
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3386768008: Herbert Codman Clapp: A Tabular Handbook of Ausculation and Percussion: For Students and Physicians
- ISBN 9783386768009: Herbert Codman Clapp: A Tabular Handbook of Ausculation and Percussion: For Students and Physicians
- ISBN 3386768016: John Howard Appleton: A short course in qualitative chemical analysis
- ISBN 9783386768016: John Howard Appleton: A short course in qualitative chemical analysis
- ISBN 3386768024: Samuel Willard: A synopsis of history. General history, from B.C. 800 to A.D. 1876, outlined in diagrams and tables; with index and genealogies. For general reference, and for schools and colleges
- ISBN 9783386768023: Samuel Willard: A synopsis of history. General history, from B.C. 800 to A.D. 1876, outlined in diagrams and tables; with index and genealogies. For general reference, and for schools and colleges
- ISBN 3386768032: Charles Francis Richardson: A primer of American literature
- ISBN 9783386768030: Charles Francis Richardson: A primer of American literature
- ISBN 3386768040: Henry Ling Roth: A sketch of the agriculture and peasantry of Eastern Russia
- ISBN 9783386768047: Henry Ling Roth: A sketch of the agriculture and peasantry of Eastern Russia
- ISBN 3386768059: Thomas Eustace Smith: A summary of the law of companies
- ISBN 9783386768054: Thomas Eustace Smith: A summary of the law of companies
- ISBN 3386768067: Samuel Wasson: A survey of Hancock County, Maine
- ISBN 9783386768061: Samuel Wasson: A survey of Hancock County, Maine
- ISBN 3386768075: Erastus Wilson: A ramble in New Granada. The Magdalena river.--The mountains--Table lands.--Llanos.--Carniverous [!] animals and reptiles and other enemies of human life.--Modes of travel
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- ISBN 3386768083: John Gibson Macvicar: A science primer, on the nature of things
- ISBN 9783386768085: John Gibson Macvicar: A science primer, on the nature of things
- ISBN 3386768091: Ernest Nicholas Joseph Onimus: A practical introduction to medical electricity: with a compendium of electrical treatment translated from the French of Dr. Onimus
- ISBN 9783386768092: Ernest Nicholas Joseph Onimus: A practical introduction to medical electricity: with a compendium of electrical treatment translated from the French of Dr. Onimus
- ISBN 3386768105: Toussaint-Bernard Emeric-David: A series of studies designed and engraved after five paintings by Raphael
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- ISBN 3386768113: Joseph Emerson Worcester: A Pronouncing Spelling-book of the English Language
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- ISBN 3386768121: Barnet Phillips: A struggle. A story in four parts
- ISBN 9783386768122: Barnet Phillips: A struggle. A story in four parts
- ISBN 338676813X: Henry Macnaughton-Jones: A practical treatise on aural surgery
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- ISBN 3386768148: Ernst Friedrich Richter: A treatise on fugue: including the study of imitation and cannon
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- ISBN 3386768164: Paul Lacombe: A short history of the French people
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- ISBN 3386768180: Richard Simpson Gundry: A Retrospect of Political and Commercial Affairs in China During the Five Years 1873 to 1877
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- ISBN 9783386768498: Benson John Lossing: A school history of the United States; from the earliest period to the present time
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- ISBN 9783386768504: Charles Tomlinson: A rudimentary treatise on warming and ventilation: being a concise exposition of the general principles of the art of warming and ventilating domestic and public buildings, mines, lighthouses, ships, etc
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- ISBN 9783386768597: Phineas Pemberton Morris: A practical treatise on the law of replevin in the United States: with an appendix of forms and a digest of statutes
- ISBN 3386768601: Charles Seymour Robinson: A Selection of spiritual songs: with music for the Church and the choir
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- ISBN 9783386768634: Charles Heron Wall: A practical and historical grammar of the French language
- ISBN 3386768644: Wilhelm Zimmermann: A popular history of Germany, from the earliest period to the present day
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- ISBN 3386768652: George Barrell Emerson: A report on the trees and shrubs growing naturally in the forests of Massachusetts
- ISBN 9783386768658: George Barrell Emerson: A report on the trees and shrubs growing naturally in the forests of Massachusetts
- ISBN 3386768660: Hamilton Lindsay-Bucknall: A search for fortune: the autobiography of a younger son, a narrative of travel and adventure
- ISBN 9783386768665: Hamilton Lindsay-Bucknall: A search for fortune: the autobiography of a younger son, a narrative of travel and adventure
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- ISBN 9783386768672: James Lord Bishop: A treatise on the common and statute law of the state of New York relating to insolvent debtors
- ISBN 3386768687: Henry Enfield Roscoe: A treatise on chemistry
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- ISBN 9783386768696: James William Buel: A tour of St. Louis; or, The inside life of a great city
- ISBN 3386768709: Daniel Bennett St. John Roosa: A practical treatise on the diseases of the ear, including a sketch of aural anatomy and physiology
- ISBN 9783386768702: Daniel Bennett St. John Roosa: A practical treatise on the diseases of the ear, including a sketch of aural anatomy and physiology
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- ISBN 9783386768719: Enoch Mather Marvin: A series of lectures on transubstantiation and other errors of the papacy
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- ISBN 9783386768726: William Augustus Norton: A treatise on astronomy, spherical and physical; with astronomical problems, and solar, lunar, other astronomical tables
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- ISBN 9783386768788: John Cleland Wells: A treatise on the doctrines of res adjudicata and stare decisis
- ISBN 3386768792: William Cullen Bryant: A popular history of the United States: from the first discovery of the Western Hemisphere by the Northmen to the end of the First century of the Union of the states: preceded by a sketch of the pre-historic period and the age of the mound builders
- ISBN 9783386768795: William Cullen Bryant: A popular history of the United States: from the first discovery of the Western Hemisphere by the Northmen to the end of the First century of the Union of the states: preceded by a sketch of the pre-historic period and the age of the mound builders
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- ISBN 9783386768801: John Thomas Fanning: A practical treatise on water-supply engineering; relating to the hydrology, hydrodynamics, and practical construction of water-works, in North America: With numerous tables and illustrations
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- ISBN 9783386768825: Frederic Baraga: A theoretical and practical grammar of the Otchipwe language for the use of missionaries and other persons living among the Indians
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- ISBN 9783386768832: Felix Von Niemeyer: A text-book of practical medicine, with particular reference to physiology and pathological anatomy
- ISBN 3386768849: George Fleming: A text-book of veterinary obstetrics: including the diseases and accidents incidental to pregnancy, parturition, and early age in the domesticated animals; with two hundred and twelve illustration
- ISBN 9783386768849: George Fleming: A text-book of veterinary obstetrics: including the diseases and accidents incidental to pregnancy, parturition, and early age in the domesticated animals; with two hundred and twelve illustration
- ISBN 3386768857: Theodore Gaillard Thomas: A practical treatise on the diseases of women
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- ISBN 3386768873: John Richard Green: A short history of the English people
- ISBN 9783386768870: John Richard Green: A short history of the English people
- ISBN 3386768881: Seymour Dwight Thompson: A treatise on homestead and exemption laws
- ISBN 9783386768887: Seymour Dwight Thompson: A treatise on homestead and exemption laws
- ISBN 338676889X: Henry Dwight Sedgwick: A selection of American and English cases on the measure of damages. Arranged by subjects. With notes
- ISBN 9783386768894: Henry Dwight Sedgwick: A selection of American and English cases on the measure of damages. Arranged by subjects. With notes
- ISBN 3386768903: Benjamin Vaughan Abbott: A table of the cases contained in the fourteen volumes of the United States digest, first series
- ISBN 9783386768900: Benjamin Vaughan Abbott: A table of the cases contained in the fourteen volumes of the United States digest, first series
- ISBN 3386768911: Thomas Mcintyre Cooley: A treatise on the constitutional limitations which rest upon the legislative power of the states of the American union
- ISBN 9783386768917: Thomas Mcintyre Cooley: A treatise on the constitutional limitations which rest upon the legislative power of the states of the American union
- ISBN 9783386768924: Alonzo, Popenoe Edwin: Additions to the catalogue of Kansas Coleoptera | Popenoe Edwin Alonzo | Taschenbuch | Booklet | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783386768924
- ISBN 9783386768931: Lett, William Pittman: Address delivered by William Pittman Lett at the Grand Opera House: at the annual entertainment of the St. Patrick's Literary Association, on the 18th March, 1878 | William Pittman Lett | Taschenbuch
- ISBN 3386768946: Horatio Seymour: Address of Horatio Seymour at the Dairymen's International Exhibition: New York, December 1878
- ISBN 9783386768948: Horatio Seymour: Address of Horatio Seymour at the Dairymen's International Exhibition: New York, December 1878
- ISBN 3386768954: Progressive Society of Ottawa: Address delivered at a conversazione of the Progressive Society of Ottawa, 27th December, 1877
- ISBN 9783386768955: Progressive Society of Ottawa: Address delivered at a conversazione of the Progressive Society of Ottawa, 27th December, 1877
- ISBN 3386768962: John Jenkins: Address at the opening of the new high school, Montreal, on May 21st, 1878
- ISBN 9783386768962: John Jenkins: Address at the opening of the new high school, Montreal, on May 21st, 1878
- ISBN 3386768970: Barnas Sears: Address of Rev. Dr. Barnas Sears, D.D., LL. D., on the objects and advantages of normal schools
- ISBN 9783386768979: Barnas Sears: Address of Rev. Dr. Barnas Sears, D.D., LL. D., on the objects and advantages of normal schools
- ISBN 3386768989: Elliot Christopher Cowdin: American ocean steamships: their necessity to American industry and commerce: speech of Mr. Elliot C. Cowdin, of New-York, before the National Export Trade Convention, at Washington, D.C., February 19th, 1878
- ISBN 9783386768986: Elliot Christopher Cowdin: American ocean steamships: their necessity to American industry and commerce: speech of Mr. Elliot C. Cowdin, of New-York, before the National Export Trade Convention, at Washington, D.C., February 19th, 1878
- ISBN 3386768997: David Glass: Address by David Glass, Q.C. to the electors of East Middlesex, at the London City Hall, July 27th, A.D., 1878
- ISBN 9783386768993: David Glass: Address by David Glass, Q.C. to the electors of East Middlesex, at the London City Hall, July 27th, A.D., 1878