ISBN beginnend mit 9783386787
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- ISBN 3386787002: P. Lanfrev: The History of Napoleon the First
- ISBN 9783386787000: P. Lanfrev: The History of Napoleon the First
- ISBN 3386787010: Denison Maurice Frederick: The Prophets and Kings
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- ISBN 3386787037: Charles Kingsley: Charles Kingsley; his letters and memories of his life
- ISBN 9783386787031: Charles Kingsley: Charles Kingsley; his letters and memories of his life
- ISBN 3386787045: John Henry Gray: China: a history of the laws, manners and customs of the people
- ISBN 9783386787048: John Henry Gray: China: a history of the laws, manners and customs of the people
- ISBN 3386787053: Henry Ward Beecher: The Life of Jesus, the Christ
- ISBN 9783386787055: Henry Ward Beecher: The Life of Jesus, the Christ
- ISBN 3386787061: Lewis Morris: Celtic remains
- ISBN 9783386787062: Lewis Morris: Celtic remains
- ISBN 338678707X: Thomas Sterry Hunt: Chemical and geological essays
- ISBN 9783386787079: Thomas Sterry Hunt: Chemical and geological essays
- ISBN 3386787088: James Paterson Gledstone: The Life and Travels of George Whitefield, M. A.
- ISBN 9783386787086: James Paterson Gledstone: The Life and Travels of George Whitefield, M. A.
- ISBN 3386787096: James Finlayson: Clinical diagnosis: a handbook
- ISBN 9783386787093: James Finlayson: Clinical diagnosis: a handbook
- ISBN 338678710X: Anonymous: Journal of the Proceedings of the Eighty-Seventh Convention of Protestant Episcopal Church
- ISBN 9783386787109: Anonymous: Journal of the Proceedings of the Eighty-Seventh Convention of Protestant Episcopal Church
- ISBN 3386787118: Bonamy Price: Chapters on practical political economy: being the substance of lectures delivered in the University of Oxford
- ISBN 9783386787116: Bonamy Price: Chapters on practical political economy: being the substance of lectures delivered in the University of Oxford
- ISBN 3386787126: E. H. Gillett: The Life and Times of John Huss
- ISBN 9783386787123: E. H. Gillett: The Life and Times of John Huss
- ISBN 3386787134: Henry Walter Bates: Central America, the West Indies and South America
- ISBN 9783386787130: Henry Walter Bates: Central America, the West Indies and South America
- ISBN 3386787142: Edmund De Schweinitz: The Life and Times of David Zeisberger
- ISBN 9783386787147: Edmund De Schweinitz: The Life and Times of David Zeisberger
- ISBN 3386787150: Benjamin Vaughan Abbott: Clerks' and conveyancers' assistant: a collection of forms of conveyancing, contracts, and legal proceedings for the use of the legal profession, business men, and public officers in the United States with copious instructions, explanations, and authoriti
- ISBN 9783386787154: Benjamin Vaughan Abbott: Clerks' and conveyancers' assistant: a collection of forms of conveyancing, contracts, and legal proceedings for the use of the legal profession, business men, and public officers in the United States with copious instructions, explanations, and authoriti
- ISBN 3386787169: Jonathan Blanchard: Christian Cynosure
- ISBN 9783386787161: Jonathan Blanchard: Christian Cynosure
- ISBN 3386787177: John Simon: Contagion
- ISBN 9783386787178: John Simon: Contagion
- ISBN 3386787185: John Howard Redfield: Correspondence Redfield John and Engelmann George
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- ISBN 3386787193: Edgar Alexander Mearns: Correspondence, 1878
- ISBN 9783386787192: Edgar Alexander Mearns: Correspondence, 1878
- ISBN 3386787207: Liberal-Conservative Association of Cornwall Ont.: Constitution of the Liberal-Conservative Association of the town and township of Cornwall
- ISBN 9783386787208: Liberal-Conservative Association of Cornwall Ont.: Constitution of the Liberal-Conservative Association of the town and township of Cornwall
- ISBN 3386787215: John Hanna: Coinage of the silver dollar: speech of Hon. John Hanna of Indiana in the House of Representatives, February 21, 1878
- ISBN 9783386787215: John Hanna: Coinage of the silver dollar: speech of Hon. John Hanna of Indiana in the House of Representatives, February 21, 1878
- ISBN 3386787223: Workingmen's Protective Association B. C.: Constitution, by-laws and rules of order of the Workingmen's Protective Association
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- ISBN 3386787231: Arthur Marquis of Tweeddale: Contributions to the Ornithology of the Philippines.-No. IV. On the Collection made by Mr. A. H. Everett in the Islands of Dinagat, Bazol, Nipah, and Sakuyok
- ISBN 9783386787239: Arthur Marquis of Tweeddale: Contributions to the Ornithology of the Philippines.-No. IV. On the Collection made by Mr. A. H. Everett in the Islands of Dinagat, Bazol, Nipah, and Sakuyok
- ISBN 338678724X: Simon Newcomb: Corrections to Hansen's tables of the moon
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- ISBN 3386787258: Will Lamartine Thompson: Come where the lilies bloom: a beautiful quartette
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- ISBN 9783386787260: Donald Mccaig: Copies of certificates, testimonials, &c. obtained during a course of fourteen years' teaching: also, Literary notices on a work written in reply to John Stuart Mill on the subjection of women
- ISBN 3386787274: Commission of Charitable Donations and Bequests for Ireland: Commissioners of Charitable Donations and Bequests for Ireland: thirty-third annual report
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- ISBN 3386787282: John Marshall: Contributions from the Laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania. No. XIII. A Study of Some of the Derivatives of Mono- and Dichlor-Salicylic Acids
- ISBN 9783386787284: John Marshall: Contributions from the Laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania. No. XIII. A Study of Some of the Derivatives of Mono- and Dichlor-Salicylic Acids
- ISBN 3386787290: District of Columbia Horticultural Society: Constitution and by-laws of the District of Columbia horticultural society
- ISBN 9783386787291: District of Columbia Horticultural Society: Constitution and by-laws of the District of Columbia horticultural society
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- ISBN 9783386787307: Ont. Metropolitan Rifle Association Ottawa: Constitution and by-laws of the Metropolitan Rifle Association of Ottawa as revised, June, 1878: 1878
- ISBN 3386787312: Thomas Stewart Denison: Country justice
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- ISBN 3386787339: McKenzie Temperance Reform Club of Halifax: Constitution and bye-laws of the McKenzie Temperance Reform Club of Halifax, N.S.: passed and adopted 4th March, A.D., 1878
- ISBN 9783386787338: McKenzie Temperance Reform Club of Halifax: Constitution and bye-laws of the McKenzie Temperance Reform Club of Halifax, N.S.: passed and adopted 4th March, A.D., 1878
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- ISBN 9783386787383: Joseph Jones: Compulsory vaccination: the establishment of a uniform system of vaccination for all citizens and inhabitants of the state of Louisiana, by legislative enactment
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- ISBN 9783386787390: Coosa River Baptist Association: Coosa River Baptist Association Minutes 1878
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- ISBN 9783386787413: Thomas Welles Bartley: Constitutional amendment for three presidents instead of one: the exposition of the proposed plural executive /
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- ISBN 9783386787420: Cornelius Rea Agnew: Contributions to ophthalmology
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- ISBN 9783386787437: British Columbia Mining Stock Board: Constitution and by-laws of the British Columbia Mining Stock Board: organized December 6, 1877
- ISBN 3386787444: Washington State: Constitution: adopted in convention July 27th, 1878
- ISBN 9783386787444: Washington State: Constitution: adopted in convention July 27th, 1878
- ISBN 3386787452: Shepherd College State Normal School: Course Catalog
- ISBN 9783386787451: Shepherd College State Normal School: Course Catalog
- ISBN 3386787460: Valery Havard: Correspondence Havard Valery and Engelmann George
- ISBN 9783386787468: Valery Havard: Correspondence Havard Valery and Engelmann George
- ISBN 3386787479: Thomas Worthington: Col. Worthington vindicated. Sherman's discreditable record at Shiloh on his own and better evidence
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- ISBN 3386787487: Commissioners of National Education in Ireland: Commissioners of National Education in Ireland: forty-fourth report, 1877
- ISBN 9783386787482: Commissioners of National Education in Ireland: Commissioners of National Education in Ireland: forty-fourth report, 1877
- ISBN 3386787495: Charles Williams Chancellor: Contagious and epidemic diseases considered with reference to quarantine and sanitary laws
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- ISBN 3386787509: Friedrich Gustav Ernst: Cocking's poro-plastic jacket: for superseding plaster of Paris bandages, as used in 'Sayre's' treatment of spinal disease, with directions for application: also, description of various fracture splints manufactured from same material
- ISBN 9783386787505: Friedrich Gustav Ernst: Cocking's poro-plastic jacket: for superseding plaster of Paris bandages, as used in 'Sayre's' treatment of spinal disease, with directions for application: also, description of various fracture splints manufactured from same material
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- ISBN 3386787533: Dominion National League: Country before party
- ISBN 9783386787536: Dominion National League: Country before party
- ISBN 3386787541: John Percival Jones: Coinage of silver dollars
- ISBN 9783386787543: John Percival Jones: Coinage of silver dollars
- ISBN 338678755X: St. James' Club Montréal Quebec: Constitution, list of members & by-laws of the St. James's Club, Montreal: adopted April 21st, 1858, with additions and amendments at annual meetings to April, 1878.
- ISBN 9783386787550: St. James' Club Montréal Quebec: Constitution, list of members & by-laws of the St. James's Club, Montreal: adopted April 21st, 1858, with additions and amendments at annual meetings to April, 1878.
- ISBN 3386787568: Victoria B. C. Fire Department: Constitution, by-laws and rules of order of the Victoria Fire Department: Victoria, Vancouver Island, B.C
- ISBN 9783386787567: Victoria B. C. Fire Department: Constitution, by-laws and rules of order of the Victoria Fire Department: Victoria, Vancouver Island, B.C
- ISBN 3386787576: Robert Douglas: Correspondence Douglas Robert and Engelmann George
- ISBN 9783386787574: Robert Douglas: Correspondence Douglas Robert and Engelmann George
- ISBN 3386787584: Daniel Wolsey Voorhees: Credit of the government. Speech of Hon. D.W. Voorhees, of Indiana, in the Senate of the United States, January 15, 1878
- ISBN 9783386787581: Daniel Wolsey Voorhees: Credit of the government. Speech of Hon. D.W. Voorhees, of Indiana, in the Senate of the United States, January 15, 1878
- ISBN 3386787592: Dept. of public instruction Kansas: Course of study for county normal institutes. 1878
- ISBN 9783386787598: Dept. of public instruction Kansas: Course of study for county normal institutes. 1878
- ISBN 3386787606: George Brainard Blodgette: Copy of the record of deaths of the First Church in Rowley, Mass.
- ISBN 9783386787604: George Brainard Blodgette: Copy of the record of deaths of the First Church in Rowley, Mass.
- ISBN 3386787614: Reformed Episcopal Church Constitutions and Canons: Constitution and canons of the Reformed Episcopal Church: adopted in general council, in the city of New York, May, 1874; and amended July, 1876; May, 1877; and May, 1878
- ISBN 9783386787611: Reformed Episcopal Church Constitutions and Canons: Constitution and canons of the Reformed Episcopal Church: adopted in general council, in the city of New York, May, 1874; and amended July, 1876; May, 1877; and May, 1878
- ISBN 3386787622: John Stuart: Copy of the report of the judgment of the Court of Queen's Bench for Ontario in the suit of Stuart vs. Baldwin: an action of replevin for a cargo of iron ore mined on lands in Quebec and seized in Ontario
- ISBN 9783386787628: John Stuart: Copy of the report of the judgment of the Court of Queen's Bench for Ontario in the suit of Stuart vs. Baldwin: an action of replevin for a cargo of iron ore mined on lands in Quebec and seized in Ontario
- ISBN 3386787630: Roswell Sabine Ripley: Correspondence relating to fortification of Morris Island and operations of engineers
- ISBN 9783386787635: Roswell Sabine Ripley: Correspondence relating to fortification of Morris Island and operations of engineers
- ISBN 3386787649: Illinois State Normal University: Course Catalog
- ISBN 9783386787642: Illinois State Normal University: Course Catalog
- ISBN 3386787657: Freemasons Grand Lodge of New Brunswick: Constitution and general regulations of the Grand Lodge of the Antient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of New Brunswick: revised, amended and approved, September, A.L. 5875
- ISBN 9783386787659: Freemasons Grand Lodge of New Brunswick: Constitution and general regulations of the Grand Lodge of the Antient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of New Brunswick: revised, amended and approved, September, A.L. 5875
- ISBN 3386787665: Cape of Good Hope Colony Parliament House of Assembly: Correspondence and other documents relative to the expedition against Tini Macomo, &c
- ISBN 9783386787666: Cape of Good Hope Colony Parliament House of Assembly: Correspondence and other documents relative to the expedition against Tini Macomo, &c
- ISBN 3386787673: Francis Frederick Walrond: Confession and absolution, 5 sermons
- ISBN 9783386787673: Francis Frederick Walrond: Confession and absolution, 5 sermons
- ISBN 3386787681: William Henry Rawle: Colonel Lambert Cadwalader, of Trenton, New Jersey
- ISBN 9783386787680: William Henry Rawle: Colonel Lambert Cadwalader, of Trenton, New Jersey
- ISBN 338678769X: United States: Compilation of laws, orders, opinions, instructions, etc.: in regard to national military cemeteries
- ISBN 9783386787697: United States: Compilation of laws, orders, opinions, instructions, etc.: in regard to national military cemeteries
- ISBN 9783386787703: Kirkbride, Thomas Story: Code of rules and regulations for the government of those employed in the care of the patients of the Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane, at Philadelphia
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- ISBN 3386787886: Thomas Cook Ltd: Cook's Handbook for London
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- ISBN 3386787940: Henry B. Millard: A Guide for Emergencies
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- ISBN 3386787959: William Macleod: Corcoran Curator's Journal
- ISBN 9783386787956: William Macleod: Corcoran Curator's Journal
- ISBN 3386787967: Adolphus Frederick Alexander Woodford: Constitution book of 1723: the Wilson ms. constitution
- ISBN 9783386787963: Adolphus Frederick Alexander Woodford: Constitution book of 1723: the Wilson ms. constitution
- ISBN 3386787975: Edward John Harding: Cothurmus and Lyre
- ISBN 9783386787970: Edward John Harding: Cothurmus and Lyre
- ISBN 3386787983: H. M. Elliot: The History of India
- ISBN 9783386787987: H. M. Elliot: The History of India
- ISBN 3386787991: John Albert Murphy: Cosmostoria: a poem
- ISBN 9783386787994: John Albert Murphy: Cosmostoria: a poem