ISBN beginnend mit 9783386795
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3386795005: Sebastian Bach Smith: Elements of ecclesiastical law
- ISBN 9783386795005: Sebastian Bach Smith: Elements of ecclesiastical law
- ISBN 3386795013: Melville Madison Bigelow: Elements of the law of torts for the use of students
- ISBN 9783386795012: Melville Madison Bigelow: Elements of the law of torts for the use of students
- ISBN 3386795021: James Hamblin Smith: Elements of geometry: containing books I to VI and portions of books XI and XII of Euclid: with exercises and notes
- ISBN 9783386795029: James Hamblin Smith: Elements of geometry: containing books I to VI and portions of books XI and XII of Euclid: with exercises and notes
- ISBN 338679503X: Mary Bramston: Em; or, Spells and counter-spells
- ISBN 9783386795036: Mary Bramston: Em; or, Spells and counter-spells
- ISBN 3386795048: John F. W. Herschel: A Manual of Scientific Enquiry
- ISBN 9783386795043: John F. W. Herschel: A Manual of Scientific Enquiry
- ISBN 3386795056: Henry Ziegler: Dogmatic theology: a synopsis of Christian theology, as delivered by Henry Ziegler, D. D., in the Missionary Institute, at Selinsgrove, Penna
- ISBN 9783386795050: Henry Ziegler: Dogmatic theology: a synopsis of Christian theology, as delivered by Henry Ziegler, D. D., in the Missionary Institute, at Selinsgrove, Penna
- ISBN 3386795064: Mary Elizabeth Braddon: Eleanor's victory
- ISBN 9783386795067: Mary Elizabeth Braddon: Eleanor's victory
- ISBN 3386795072: Edwin Percy Whipple: Essays and reviews
- ISBN 9783386795074: Edwin Percy Whipple: Essays and reviews
- ISBN 3386795080: Henry Charles Fleeming Jenkin: Electricity and magnetism
- ISBN 9783386795081: Henry Charles Fleeming Jenkin: Electricity and magnetism
- ISBN 3386795099: J. T. Wheeler: An Analysis and Summary of New Testament History
- ISBN 9783386795098: J. T. Wheeler: An Analysis and Summary of New Testament History
- ISBN 3386795102: Anonymous: Annual Report of the Trustees of the Lenox Library
- ISBN 9783386795104: Anonymous: Annual Report of the Trustees of the Lenox Library
- ISBN 3386795110: James Talboys Wheeler: Early records of British India: a history of the English settlements in India
- ISBN 9783386795111: James Talboys Wheeler: Early records of British India: a history of the English settlements in India
- ISBN 3386795129: James Bowling Mozley: Eight lectures on miracles: preached before the University of Oxford in the year M.DCCC.LXV; on the foundation of the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A.
- ISBN 9783386795128: James Bowling Mozley: Eight lectures on miracles: preached before the University of Oxford in the year M.DCCC.LXV; on the foundation of the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A.
- ISBN 3386795137: William John Russell: Domestic medicine and hygiene
- ISBN 9783386795135: William John Russell: Domestic medicine and hygiene
- ISBN 3386795145: Anonymous: City of Boston
- ISBN 9783386795142: Anonymous: City of Boston
- ISBN 3386795153: Henry Wood: Edina
- ISBN 9783386795159: Henry Wood: Edina
- ISBN 3386795161: Balfour Stewart: An Elementary Treatise on Heat
- ISBN 9783386795166: Balfour Stewart: An Elementary Treatise on Heat
- ISBN 338679517X: D. H. Mahan: An Elementary Course of Civil Engineering
- ISBN 9783386795173: D. H. Mahan: An Elementary Course of Civil Engineering
- ISBN 3386795188: James D. Dana: Manual of Mineralogy
- ISBN 9783386795180: James D. Dana: Manual of Mineralogy
- ISBN 3386795196: James Montgomery Bailey: England from a Back-window: With Views of Scotland and Ireland
- ISBN 9783386795197: James Montgomery Bailey: England from a Back-window: With Views of Scotland and Ireland
- ISBN 338679520X: James Hamblin Smith: Elementary algebra
- ISBN 9783386795203: James Hamblin Smith: Elementary algebra
- ISBN 3386795218: James Bonwick: Egyptian belief and modern thought
- ISBN 9783386795210: James Bonwick: Egyptian belief and modern thought
- ISBN 3386795226: Anonymous: Annals of the Dudley Observatory
- ISBN 9783386795227: Anonymous: Annals of the Dudley Observatory
- ISBN 3386795234: Elroy Mckendree Avery: Elementary Physics
- ISBN 9783386795234: Elroy Mckendree Avery: Elementary Physics
- ISBN 3386795242: Horace Elisha Scudder: Doings of the Bodley family in town and country
- ISBN 9783386795241: Horace Elisha Scudder: Doings of the Bodley family in town and country
- ISBN 3386795250: William Henry Davenport Adams: English party leaders and English parties
- ISBN 9783386795258: William Henry Davenport Adams: English party leaders and English parties
- ISBN 3386795269: Joseph Gostwick: English grammar, historical and analytical
- ISBN 9783386795265: Joseph Gostwick: English grammar, historical and analytical
- ISBN 3386795277: Molière: Dramatic works; rendered into English by Henri Van Laun. A new ed., with a prefatory memoir, introductory notices and notes
- ISBN 9783386795272: Molière: Dramatic works; rendered into English by Henri Van Laun. A new ed., with a prefatory memoir, introductory notices and notes
- ISBN 3386795285: Frederick Crace Calvert: Dyeing and calico printing
- ISBN 9783386795289: Frederick Crace Calvert: Dyeing and calico printing
- ISBN 3386795293: Victor Cousin: Elements of psychology: included in a critical examination of Locke's Essay on the human understanding, and in additional pieces
- ISBN 9783386795296: Victor Cousin: Elements of psychology: included in a critical examination of Locke's Essay on the human understanding, and in additional pieces
- ISBN 3386795307: Ludimar Hermann: Elements of human physiology
- ISBN 9783386795302: Ludimar Hermann: Elements of human physiology
- ISBN 3386795315: Joseph Leconte: Elements of geology; a text-book for colleges and for the general reader
- ISBN 9783386795319: Joseph Leconte: Elements of geology; a text-book for colleges and for the general reader
- ISBN 3386795323: Karl Baedeker: Egypt: handbook for travellers
- ISBN 9783386795326: Karl Baedeker: Egypt: handbook for travellers
- ISBN 3386795331: Arthur Latham Perry: Elements of political economy
- ISBN 9783386795333: Arthur Latham Perry: Elements of political economy
- ISBN 338679534X: William Chauvenet: A Manual of Spherical and Practical Astronomy
- ISBN 9783386795340: William Chauvenet: A Manual of Spherical and Practical Astronomy
- ISBN 3386795358: Francis Davis: Earlier and later leaves: or An autumn gathering
- ISBN 9783386795357: Francis Davis: Earlier and later leaves: or An autumn gathering
- ISBN 3386795366: Columban O'Grady: Earlier and later leaves, or, An autumn gathering
- ISBN 9783386795364: Columban O'Grady: Earlier and later leaves, or, An autumn gathering
- ISBN 3386795374: Carl Gegenbaur: Elements of Comparative Anatomy
- ISBN 9783386795371: Carl Gegenbaur: Elements of Comparative Anatomy
- ISBN 3386795382: Henry Alleyne Nicholson: A Manual of Zoology
- ISBN 9783386795388: Henry Alleyne Nicholson: A Manual of Zoology
- ISBN 3386795390: Anthony Trollope: Phineas Finn
- ISBN 9783386795395: Anthony Trollope: Phineas Finn
- ISBN 3386795404: Georg Ebers: An Egypcian Princess
- ISBN 9783386795401: Georg Ebers: An Egypcian Princess
- ISBN 3386795412: Henry Wheaton: Elements of international law
- ISBN 9783386795418: Henry Wheaton: Elements of international law
- ISBN 3386795420: Smiths & Jordan Mackellar: Eleventh book of specimens of printing types and every requisite for typographical uses and adornment.
- ISBN 9783386795425: Smiths & Jordan Mackellar: Eleventh book of specimens of printing types and every requisite for typographical uses and adornment.
- ISBN 3386795439: William Allen Miller: Elements of chemistry: theoretical and practical
- ISBN 9783386795432: William Allen Miller: Elements of chemistry: theoretical and practical
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- ISBN 9783386795449: Ezra McDougal: Dr. E. McDougal's new views on the special treatment of diseases of women
- ISBN 3386795455: Samuel May: Draft of a eulogy manuscript
- ISBN 9783386795456: Samuel May: Draft of a eulogy manuscript
- ISBN 3386795463: Charles Candee Baldwin: Early Indian migration in Ohio
- ISBN 9783386795463: Charles Candee Baldwin: Early Indian migration in Ohio
- ISBN 3386795471: George Tobey Anthony: Education and government
- ISBN 9783386795470: George Tobey Anthony: Education and government
- ISBN 338679548X: William Busch: D'ye want a shave?
- ISBN 9783386795487: William Busch: D'ye want a shave?
- ISBN 3386795498: Abby Williams May: Dress, a Paper Read Before the Association for the Advancement of Women
- ISBN 9783386795494: Abby Williams May: Dress, a Paper Read Before the Association for the Advancement of Women
- ISBN 3386795501: James Reid Lawson: Elective franchise, or, Why Reformed Presbyterians do not vote at parliamentary or municipal elections: a discourse
- ISBN 9783386795500: James Reid Lawson: Elective franchise, or, Why Reformed Presbyterians do not vote at parliamentary or municipal elections: a discourse
- ISBN 338679551X: C. S. Hutchinson: Dublin and Kingstown railway: high rate of charges
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- ISBN 3386795528: William Thomas Moore: Education, and not legislation, our country's need: a Thanksgiving discourse
- ISBN 9783386795524: William Thomas Moore: Education, and not legislation, our country's need: a Thanksgiving discourse
- ISBN 3386795536: Daniel Woodley Prowse: Episodes in our early history: a lecture delivered on behalf of the St. John's Athenaeum, 5th March, 1878
- ISBN 9783386795531: Daniel Woodley Prowse: Episodes in our early history: a lecture delivered on behalf of the St. John's Athenaeum, 5th March, 1878
- ISBN 3386795544: Birdsey Grant Northrop: Economic tree planting
- ISBN 9783386795548: Birdsey Grant Northrop: Economic tree planting
- ISBN 3386795552: Ontario Dept. of Education: Educational institutions, province of Ontario, Dominion of Canada
- ISBN 9783386795555: Ontario Dept. of Education: Educational institutions, province of Ontario, Dominion of Canada
- ISBN 3386795560: Shibnath Shastri: Ei Ki Bramha Bibaho
- ISBN 9783386795562: Shibnath Shastri: Ei Ki Bramha Bibaho
- ISBN 3386795579: Jacob Chapman: Edward Chapman, of Ipswich, Mass., in 1644: and some of his descendants
- ISBN 9783386795579: Jacob Chapman: Edward Chapman, of Ipswich, Mass., in 1644: and some of his descendants
- ISBN 3386795587: Joseph Warren Alden: Emancipation and emigration: a plan to transfer the freedmen of the South to the government lands of the West
- ISBN 9783386795586: Joseph Warren Alden: Emancipation and emigration: a plan to transfer the freedmen of the South to the government lands of the West
- ISBN 3386795595: George Roberts Blanchard: Erie Railway. Joint letter from G.R. Blanchard asst. receiver & others to Hon. H.J. Jewett, receiver Erie R'way Co., in answer to allegations made in the complaint of Chas. Potter and others in the Supreme Court of the state of New York
- ISBN 9783386795593: George Roberts Blanchard: Erie Railway. Joint letter from G.R. Blanchard asst. receiver & others to Hon. H.J. Jewett, receiver Erie R'way Co., in answer to allegations made in the complaint of Chas. Potter and others in the Supreme Court of the state of New York
- ISBN 3386795609: Nrityalal Sheel: Eshtamp Bishyak
- ISBN 9783386795609: Nrityalal Sheel: Eshtamp Bishyak
- ISBN 3386795617: George Washington Wright Houghton: Drift from York-Harbor, Maine
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- ISBN 3386795625: William Schwenck Gilbert: Engaged
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- ISBN 3386795633: Edward Fry: England, China and opium: three essays, reprinted, with slight alterations, from the Contemporary review
- ISBN 9783386795630: Edward Fry: England, China and opium: three essays, reprinted, with slight alterations, from the Contemporary review
- ISBN 3386795641: Samuel Willoughby Duffield: Eric: or the fall of a crown
- ISBN 9783386795647: Samuel Willoughby Duffield: Eric: or the fall of a crown
- ISBN 338679565X: Eric: Eric and Thora, by the author of 'St. Peter's day'
- ISBN 9783386795654: Eric: Eric and Thora, by the author of 'St. Peter's day'
- ISBN 3386795668: Domestic Economy: Domestic economy for the use of schools, in the form of question and answer, with a few recipes
- ISBN 9783386795661: Domestic Economy: Domestic economy for the use of schools, in the form of question and answer, with a few recipes
- ISBN 3386795676: Macquorn Rankine: A Memoir of John Elder
- ISBN 9783386795678: Macquorn Rankine: A Memoir of John Elder
- ISBN 3386795684: Edward Schinzel: A Method of Learning German
- ISBN 9783386795685: Edward Schinzel: A Method of Learning German
- ISBN 3386795692: Anonymous: Annual Report of the State Engineer and Surveyor
- ISBN 9783386795692: Anonymous: Annual Report of the State Engineer and Surveyor
- ISBN 3386795706: Manley Howe: Equitable Taxation: Or, The Debtors' Lien
- ISBN 9783386795708: Manley Howe: Equitable Taxation: Or, The Debtors' Lien
- ISBN 3386795714: United States: Election laws of the United States, together with the registry and election law of the state of New York, relating to elections in the city and county of New York
- ISBN 9783386795715: United States: Election laws of the United States, together with the registry and election law of the state of New York, relating to elections in the city and county of New York
- ISBN 3386795722: Edward James Drury: Drury's Comical French grammar; or, French in an amusing point of view
- ISBN 9783386795722: Edward James Drury: Drury's Comical French grammar; or, French in an amusing point of view
- ISBN 3386795730: Osborne William Tancock: England during the American and European wars, 1765-1820
- ISBN 9783386795739: Osborne William Tancock: England during the American and European wars, 1765-1820
- ISBN 3386795749: Matthew Russell: Emmanuel: A Book of Christian Verses
- ISBN 9783386795746: Matthew Russell: Emmanuel: A Book of Christian Verses
- ISBN 3386795757: Cheney & Myrick: Druggist's hand-book of American and foreign drugs, preparations, &c.
- ISBN 9783386795753: Cheney & Myrick: Druggist's hand-book of American and foreign drugs, preparations, &c.
- ISBN 3386795765: Llewelyn Morgan Thomas: Essays on ear and throat diseases
- ISBN 9783386795760: Llewelyn Morgan Thomas: Essays on ear and throat diseases
- ISBN 3386795773: Anson Dubois: Documents and genealogical chart of the family of Benjamin Du Bois
- ISBN 9783386795777: Anson Dubois: Documents and genealogical chart of the family of Benjamin Du Bois
- ISBN 3386795781: Eugene Lamb Richards: Elements of Plane Trigonometry
- ISBN 9783386795784: Eugene Lamb Richards: Elements of Plane Trigonometry
- ISBN 338679579X: Anonymous: A Key to the Introduction to the National Arithmetic
- ISBN 9783386795791: Anonymous: A Key to the Introduction to the National Arithmetic
- ISBN 3386795803: Thomas Rawson Birks: Essay on the Right Estimation of Manuscript Evidence: In the Text of the New Testament
- ISBN 9783386795807: Thomas Rawson Birks: Essay on the Right Estimation of Manuscript Evidence: In the Text of the New Testament
- ISBN 3386795811: Oskar Boettger: Eight articles on Clausilia and Caucasian mollusks
- ISBN 9783386795814: Oskar Boettger: Eight articles on Clausilia and Caucasian mollusks
- ISBN 338679582X: August Meyer: A New Practical and Easy German Grammar
- ISBN 9783386795821: August Meyer: A New Practical and Easy German Grammar
- ISBN 3386795838: Frederick York Powell: Early England up to the Norman conquest
- ISBN 9783386795838: Frederick York Powell: Early England up to the Norman conquest
- ISBN 3386795846: Katharine E. May: Alfred and His Mother
- ISBN 9783386795845: Katharine E. May: Alfred and His Mother
- ISBN 3386795854: James B. Thompson: A Key to the Practical Arithmetic
- ISBN 9783386795852: James B. Thompson: A Key to the Practical Arithmetic
- ISBN 3386795862: Alfred Henry Barford: English spelling as it is
- ISBN 9783386795869: Alfred Henry Barford: English spelling as it is
- ISBN 3386795870: Celia Thaxter: Drift-Weed
- ISBN 9783386795876: Celia Thaxter: Drift-Weed
- ISBN 3386795889: William De Wiveleslie Abney: Emulsion processes in photography
- ISBN 9783386795883: William De Wiveleslie Abney: Emulsion processes in photography
- ISBN 3386795897: Phillip Crellin: A New Manual of Bookkeeping
- ISBN 9783386795890: Phillip Crellin: A New Manual of Bookkeeping
- ISBN 3386795900: Stopford Augustus Brooke: English Literature
- ISBN 9783386795906: Stopford Augustus Brooke: English Literature
- ISBN 3386795919: James Otis Madison: Elements of garment cutting
- ISBN 9783386795913: James Otis Madison: Elements of garment cutting
- ISBN 3386795927: Anonymous: Tenth Annual Report of the Board of Public Works to the Common Council of the City of Chicago
- ISBN 9783386795920: Anonymous: Tenth Annual Report of the Board of Public Works to the Common Council of the City of Chicago
- ISBN 3386795935: Nehemiah Adams: Endless Punishment: Scriptural Argument for and Reasonableness of Future Endless Punishment
- ISBN 9783386795937: Nehemiah Adams: Endless Punishment: Scriptural Argument for and Reasonableness of Future Endless Punishment
- ISBN 3386795943: Daniel Moore: Aids to Prayer
- ISBN 9783386795944: Daniel Moore: Aids to Prayer
- ISBN 3386795951: Thomas Kirkland: Elementary Arithmetic on the Unitary System, Intended as an Introductory Text-Book to Hamblin Smith's Arithmetic
- ISBN 9783386795951: Thomas Kirkland: Elementary Arithmetic on the Unitary System, Intended as an Introductory Text-Book to Hamblin Smith's Arithmetic
- ISBN 338679596X: Frederick Walter Simms: England to Calcutta, by the overland route, in 1845
- ISBN 9783386795968: Frederick Walter Simms: England to Calcutta, by the overland route, in 1845
- ISBN 3386795978: Barnard Smith: Elementary arithmetic for Canadian schools
- ISBN 9783386795975: Barnard Smith: Elementary arithmetic for Canadian schools
- ISBN 3386795986: Jane Andrews: Each and all; or, How the seven little sisters prove their sisterhood
- ISBN 9783386795982: Jane Andrews: Each and all; or, How the seven little sisters prove their sisterhood
- ISBN 3386795994: James Ball: Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes and his works: Being a Brief Biography and Critical Review
- ISBN 9783386795999: James Ball: Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes and his works: Being a Brief Biography and Critical Review