ISBN beginnend mit 9783388223
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3388223009: John Henry Newman: The via media of the Anglican Church: illustrated in lectures, letters, and tracts written between 1830 and 1841
- ISBN 9783388223001: John Henry Newman: The via media of the Anglican Church: illustrated in lectures, letters, and tracts written between 1830 and 1841
- ISBN 3388223017: Theron Brown: The wooden spoon; or, Nick Hardy at college
- ISBN 9783388223018: Theron Brown: The wooden spoon; or, Nick Hardy at college
- ISBN 3388223025: Johann David Wyss: The Swiss family Robinson
- ISBN 9783388223025: Johann David Wyss: The Swiss family Robinson
- ISBN 3388223033: Edmund Burke: The works of the right honorable Edmund Burke
- ISBN 9783388223032: Edmund Burke: The works of the right honorable Edmund Burke
- ISBN 3388223041: Robert Flint: Theism: Being the Baird Lecture for 1876
- ISBN 9783388223049: Robert Flint: Theism: Being the Baird Lecture for 1876
- ISBN 338822305X: W. H. G. Kingston: The Young Llanero
- ISBN 9783388223056: W. H. G. Kingston: The Young Llanero
- ISBN 3388223068: Survival: The survival. With An apology for scepticism
- ISBN 9783388223063: Survival: The survival. With An apology for scepticism
- ISBN 3388223076: William Camden: The Visitation of the county of Warwick in the year 1619. Taken by William Camden, Clarenceaux king of arms
- ISBN 9783388223070: William Camden: The Visitation of the county of Warwick in the year 1619. Taken by William Camden, Clarenceaux king of arms
- ISBN 3388223084: Virgil: The works of Virgil
- ISBN 9783388223087: Virgil: The works of Virgil
- ISBN 3388223092: Emily J. Beach: The unsealed book; or, Sequel to "Misunderstood"
- ISBN 9783388223094: Emily J. Beach: The unsealed book; or, Sequel to "Misunderstood"
- ISBN 3388223106: Various: The Works of Edmund Burke
- ISBN 9783388223100: Various: The Works of Edmund Burke
- ISBN 3388223114: Harry Houdini Collection Library of Congress Dlc: The Truth seeker collection of forms, hymns, and recitations: original and selected
- ISBN 9783388223117: Harry Houdini Collection Library of Congress Dlc: The Truth seeker collection of forms, hymns, and recitations: original and selected
- ISBN 3388223122: Robert Cochrane: The treasury of British eloquence
- ISBN 9783388223124: Robert Cochrane: The treasury of British eloquence
- ISBN 3388223130: James L. Crane: The two circuits: a story of Illinois life
- ISBN 9783388223131: James L. Crane: The two circuits: a story of Illinois life
- ISBN 3388223149: Alexander Balmain Bruce: The training of the twelve: or, Passages out of the Gospels exhibiting the twelve disciples of Jesus under discipline for the apostleship
- ISBN 9783388223148: Alexander Balmain Bruce: The training of the twelve: or, Passages out of the Gospels exhibiting the twelve disciples of Jesus under discipline for the apostleship
- ISBN 3388223157: Horace Bushnell: The vicarious sacrifice; grounded in principles interpreted by human analogies
- ISBN 9783388223155: Horace Bushnell: The vicarious sacrifice; grounded in principles interpreted by human analogies
- ISBN 3388223165: Edward William Tullidge: The women of Mormondom
- ISBN 9783388223162: Edward William Tullidge: The women of Mormondom
- ISBN 3388223173: Johann David Wyss: The Swiss family Robinson, or, Adventures in a desert island
- ISBN 9783388223179: Johann David Wyss: The Swiss family Robinson, or, Adventures in a desert island
- ISBN 3388223181: William Harvey: The thousand and one nights, commonly called, in England, The Arabian nights' entertainments
- ISBN 9783388223186: William Harvey: The thousand and one nights, commonly called, in England, The Arabian nights' entertainments
- ISBN 338822319X: Amédée Guillemin: The world of comets
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- ISBN 3388223203: Charles Dickens: The uncommercial traveller and additional Christmas stories
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- ISBN 3388223211: Daniel Webster: The works of Daniel Webster
- ISBN 9783388223216: Daniel Webster: The works of Daniel Webster
- ISBN 338822322X: Making Of America Project: The presidential counts A complete official record of the proceedings of Congress at the counting of the electoral votes in all the elections of president and vice-president of the United States
- ISBN 9783388223223: Making Of America Project: The presidential counts A complete official record of the proceedings of Congress at the counting of the electoral votes in all the elections of president and vice-president of the United States
- ISBN 3388223238: Walter Scott: The Waverley novels
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- ISBN 3388223246: John George Wood: The uncivilized races of men in all countries of the world
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- ISBN 3388223254: William Ellery Channing: The works of William E. Channing: with an introduction
- ISBN 9783388223254: William Ellery Channing: The works of William E. Channing: with an introduction
- ISBN 3388223262: Francis Bacon: The works of Francis Bacon
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- ISBN 3388223289: George Palmer Putnam: The world's progress, a dictionary of dates, being a chronological and alphabetical record of all essential facts in the progress of society, from the creation of the world to the present time, with a chart
- ISBN 9783388223285: George Palmer Putnam: The world's progress, a dictionary of dates, being a chronological and alphabetical record of all essential facts in the progress of society, from the creation of the world to the present time, with a chart
- ISBN 3388223297: American Biographical Publishing Company: The United States biographical dictionary and portrait gallery of eminent and self-made men; Wisconsin volume
- ISBN 9783388223292: American Biographical Publishing Company: The United States biographical dictionary and portrait gallery of eminent and self-made men; Wisconsin volume
- ISBN 3388223300: The Avon Place Home: Third Annual Report of the Avon Place Home
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- ISBN 3388223319: David Dudley Field: The vote that made the president
- ISBN 9783388223315: David Dudley Field: The vote that made the president
- ISBN 3388223327: R. Arthur Arnold: The promises of Turkey
- ISBN 9783388223322: R. Arthur Arnold: The promises of Turkey
- ISBN 3388223335: Thomas T. Gantt: The unconstitutionality of act of Congress of February 12, 1873, demonetizing silver
- ISBN 9783388223339: Thomas T. Gantt: The unconstitutionality of act of Congress of February 12, 1873, demonetizing silver
- ISBN 3388223343: William Thomson: The worth of life: an address delivered at the opening of the fifty-eighth session of the Leeds philosophical and literary society, on Tuesday, the 23rd of October, 1877
- ISBN 9783388223346: William Thomson: The worth of life: an address delivered at the opening of the fifty-eighth session of the Leeds philosophical and literary society, on Tuesday, the 23rd of October, 1877
- ISBN 3388223351: Thomas Bryant: The treatment of aneurism
- ISBN 9783388223353: Thomas Bryant: The treatment of aneurism
- ISBN 338822336X: Josephine Walcott: The truth shall make you free
- ISBN 9783388223360: Josephine Walcott: The truth shall make you free
- ISBN 3388223378: Stewart Duckworth Headlam: Theatres & music halls: a lecture given at the Commonwealth club, Bethnal Green, on Sunday, October 7, 1877
- ISBN 9783388223377: Stewart Duckworth Headlam: Theatres & music halls: a lecture given at the Commonwealth club, Bethnal Green, on Sunday, October 7, 1877
- ISBN 3388223386: Horace White: The tariff question and its relation to the present commercial crisis
- ISBN 9783388223384: Horace White: The tariff question and its relation to the present commercial crisis
- ISBN 3388223394: Arthur Evans Moule: The use of opium and its bearing on the spread of Christianity in China: a paper read before the Shanghai Missionary Conference, 19th May, 1877
- ISBN 9783388223391: Arthur Evans Moule: The use of opium and its bearing on the spread of Christianity in China: a paper read before the Shanghai Missionary Conference, 19th May, 1877
- ISBN 3388223408: Orlando Williams Wight: The presidential count: an address to the representatives of the people of Wisconsin in convention assembled, at the City of Milwaukee, on the 18th day of January, 1877
- ISBN 9783388223407: Orlando Williams Wight: The presidential count: an address to the representatives of the people of Wisconsin in convention assembled, at the City of Milwaukee, on the 18th day of January, 1877
- ISBN 3388223416: Howard College: Thirty-Fourth Annual Catalogue and Register of Howard College 1876 - 1877
- ISBN 9783388223414: Howard College: Thirty-Fourth Annual Catalogue and Register of Howard College 1876 - 1877
- ISBN 3388223424: Robert Morris: The twelve Caesars Julius to Domitian
- ISBN 9783388223421: Robert Morris: The twelve Caesars Julius to Domitian
- ISBN 3388223432: Ludimar Hermann: The vivisection question: popularly discussed
- ISBN 9783388223438: Ludimar Hermann: The vivisection question: popularly discussed
- ISBN 3388223440: William Armstrong Russell: The term question, or, An enquiry as to the term in the Chinese language which most nearly represents Elohim and Theos as they are used in the Holy Scriptures
- ISBN 9783388223445: William Armstrong Russell: The term question, or, An enquiry as to the term in the Chinese language which most nearly represents Elohim and Theos as they are used in the Holy Scriptures
- ISBN 3388223459: May Agnes Fleming: The three cousins
- ISBN 9783388223452: May Agnes Fleming: The three cousins
- ISBN 3388223467: Myron Eells: The Twana Indians of the Skokomish reservation in Washington territory
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- ISBN 3388223475: Dwight Lyman Moody: The way and the word
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- ISBN 3388223483: Erastus Brigham Bigelow: The tariff policy of England and of the United States contrasted
- ISBN 9783388223483: Erastus Brigham Bigelow: The tariff policy of England and of the United States contrasted
- ISBN 3388223491: George Sand: The Tower of Percemont
- ISBN 9783388223490: George Sand: The Tower of Percemont
- ISBN 3388223505: Thomas Minchin Goodeve: The Whitworth measuring machine: including descriptions of the surface plates, gauges, and other measuring instruments, made by Sir Joseph Whitworth, bart., C.E. F.R.S. D.C.L. LL.D. &c.
- ISBN 9783388223506: Thomas Minchin Goodeve: The Whitworth measuring machine: including descriptions of the surface plates, gauges, and other measuring instruments, made by Sir Joseph Whitworth, bart., C.E. F.R.S. D.C.L. LL.D. &c.
- ISBN 3388223513: Charles Henry Coster: The United States locals and their history
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- ISBN 3388223521: William Leighton Jordan: The winds and their story of the world
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- ISBN 338822353X: E. R. Hyde: The table of plenty
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- ISBN 9783388223551: Justin Hayes: Therapeutic use of faradaic and galvanic currents in the electro-thermal bath, with history of cases
- ISBN 3388223564: William Shakespeare: The tragedy of Macbeth: according to the first folio spelling modernised
- ISBN 9783388223568: William Shakespeare: The tragedy of Macbeth: according to the first folio spelling modernised
- ISBN 3388223572: Edward Lawrence Keyes: The tonic treatment of syphilis
- ISBN 9783388223575: Edward Lawrence Keyes: The tonic treatment of syphilis
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- ISBN 9783388223582: Alsager Hay Hill: The way to work: or, finger-posts on the road to employment
- ISBN 3388223599: Consul Willshire Butterfield: The Washington-Crawford letters. Being the correspondence between George Washington and William Crawford, from 1767 to 1781, concerning western lands
- ISBN 9783388223599: Consul Willshire Butterfield: The Washington-Crawford letters. Being the correspondence between George Washington and William Crawford, from 1767 to 1781, concerning western lands
- ISBN 3388223602: Frederick Lucian Hosmer: The way of life; a service book for Sunday schools
- ISBN 9783388223605: Frederick Lucian Hosmer: The way of life; a service book for Sunday schools
- ISBN 3388223610: Antoine Ricard: The twelve months sanctified by prayer. October, November
- ISBN 9783388223612: Antoine Ricard: The twelve months sanctified by prayer. October, November
- ISBN 3388223629: Benjamin Franklin Underwood: The Underwood-Marples debate: commencing July 20, 1875 and continuing four evenings between B.F. Underwood, Boston, Mass. and Rev. John Marples, Toronto, Ont.
- ISBN 9783388223629: Benjamin Franklin Underwood: The Underwood-Marples debate: commencing July 20, 1875 and continuing four evenings between B.F. Underwood, Boston, Mass. and Rev. John Marples, Toronto, Ont.
- ISBN 3388223637: John Bigelow: The wit and wisdom of the Haytians
- ISBN 9783388223636: John Bigelow: The wit and wisdom of the Haytians
- ISBN 3388223645: Charles Paine Thayer: The Vermont medical register for the year 1877
- ISBN 9783388223643: Charles Paine Thayer: The Vermont medical register for the year 1877
- ISBN 3388223653: Amos Emerson Dolbear: The telephone: an account of the phenomena of electricity, magnetism, and sound, as involved in its action
- ISBN 9783388223650: Amos Emerson Dolbear: The telephone: an account of the phenomena of electricity, magnetism, and sound, as involved in its action
- ISBN 3388223661: James Morton: The Treatment of spina bifida by a new method
- ISBN 9783388223667: James Morton: The Treatment of spina bifida by a new method
- ISBN 338822367X: London Ont.: The Voters' lists for the city of London, 1877
- ISBN 9783388223674: London Ont.: The Voters' lists for the city of London, 1877
- ISBN 3388223688: Manuel J. Vieira: The tonsorial art pamphlet
- ISBN 9783388223681: Manuel J. Vieira: The tonsorial art pamphlet
- ISBN 3388223696: Christian Church: The priesthood, the altar, and the sacrifice in the Christian Church, by a churchman
- ISBN 9783388223698: Christian Church: The priesthood, the altar, and the sacrifice in the Christian Church, by a churchman
- ISBN 338822370X: J. W. Bonham: The temple of pleasure
- ISBN 9783388223704: J. W. Bonham: The temple of pleasure
- ISBN 3388223718: Charles Henry Ross: The twopenny twins: a domestic drama for home reading
- ISBN 9783388223711: Charles Henry Ross: The twopenny twins: a domestic drama for home reading
- ISBN 3388223726: John Lobb: The young people's illustrated edition of "Uncle Tom's" story of his life from 1789 to 1877
- ISBN 9783388223728: John Lobb: The young people's illustrated edition of "Uncle Tom's" story of his life from 1789 to 1877
- ISBN 3388223734: Charles John Vaughan: The young life equipping itself for God's service: four sermons, preached before the University of Cambridge, October and November, 1872
- ISBN 9783388223735: Charles John Vaughan: The young life equipping itself for God's service: four sermons, preached before the University of Cambridge, October and November, 1872
- ISBN 3388223742: James Hogg: The vegetable garden
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- ISBN 3388223750: James Rosser: The yachtsman's handybook for sea use
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- ISBN 3388223777: Ella Dietz: The triumph of love: a mystical poem in song, sonnets, and verse
- ISBN 9783388223773: Ella Dietz: The triumph of love: a mystical poem in song, sonnets, and verse
- ISBN 3388223785: William Henry Smith: The tailed amphibians, including the cæcilians
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- ISBN 3388223793: Richard Wormell: Thermodynamics
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- ISBN 9783388223810: Goswin Aloys Hennes: Therese Hennes and her muscical education; a biogr. sketch, tr. by H. Mannheimer
- ISBN 3388223823: Alfred Taylor: The Tabernacle chorus
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- ISBN 3388223831: Andrew Dickson White: The warfare of science
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- ISBN 338822384X: Effie Stanley: The Wilmots: A South Australian Story
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- ISBN 3388223858: Church of England. Diocese of Quebec. Church Society: Thirty-fifth report of the Incorporated Church Society of the Diocese of Quebec, for the year ending 31st December, 1876
- ISBN 9783388223858: Church of England. Diocese of Quebec. Church Society: Thirty-fifth report of the Incorporated Church Society of the Diocese of Quebec, for the year ending 31st December, 1876
- ISBN 3388223866: Lewis Sherman: Therapeutics and materia medica for the use of families and physicians
- ISBN 9783388223865: Lewis Sherman: Therapeutics and materia medica for the use of families and physicians
- ISBN 3388223874: John Stanley James Vagabond: The Vagabond Papers: Sketches of Melbourne Life, in Light & Shade
- ISBN 9783388223872: John Stanley James Vagabond: The Vagabond Papers: Sketches of Melbourne Life, in Light & Shade
- ISBN 3388223882: Henry Edward Manning: The true story of the Vatican Council
- ISBN 9783388223889: Henry Edward Manning: The true story of the Vatican Council
- ISBN 3388223890: Alfred Tennyson: The works of Alfred Tennyson
- ISBN 9783388223896: Alfred Tennyson: The works of Alfred Tennyson
- ISBN 3388223904: William Arthur: The tongue of fire, or, The true power of Christianity
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- ISBN 3388223912: William Torrey Harris: The Third Reader
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- ISBN 3388223920: Yorkshire Naturalists Union: The transactions of the Yorkshire Naturalists' Union
- ISBN 9783388223926: Yorkshire Naturalists Union: The transactions of the Yorkshire Naturalists' Union
- ISBN 3388223939: Oliver Goldsmith: The vicar of Wakefield
- ISBN 9783388223933: Oliver Goldsmith: The vicar of Wakefield
- ISBN 3388223947: Theodore Russell Monro: The Vandeleurs of Red tor
- ISBN 9783388223940: Theodore Russell Monro: The Vandeleurs of Red tor
- ISBN 3388223955: D. S. Erickson: The Wadsworth boys: or, Agnes' decision
- ISBN 9783388223957: D. S. Erickson: The Wadsworth boys: or, Agnes' decision
- ISBN 3388223963: James H. Graff: The pride of the mess: a naval novel of the Crimean War
- ISBN 9783388223964: James H. Graff: The pride of the mess: a naval novel of the Crimean War
- ISBN 3388223971: Henry Edward Manning: The temporal mission of the Holy Ghost, or, Reason and revelation
- ISBN 9783388223971: Henry Edward Manning: The temporal mission of the Holy Ghost, or, Reason and revelation
- ISBN 338822398X: Strother Ancrum Smith: The Tiber and its tributaries
- ISBN 9783388223988: Strother Ancrum Smith: The Tiber and its tributaries
- ISBN 3388223998: Elizabeth Lynn Linton: The world well lost
- ISBN 9783388223995: Elizabeth Lynn Linton: The world well lost