ISBN beginnend mit 9783388237
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 338823700X: Thomas Jackson: Recollections of My Own Life and Times
- ISBN 9783388237008: Thomas Jackson: Recollections of My Own Life and Times
- ISBN 3388237018: William Jackson: The Philosophy of Natural Theology
- ISBN 9783388237015: William Jackson: The Philosophy of Natural Theology
- ISBN 3388237026: Francis Jacox: Scripture Proverbs, Illustrated, Annotated, and Applied
- ISBN 9783388237022: Francis Jacox: Scripture Proverbs, Illustrated, Annotated, and Applied
- ISBN 3388237034: C. Jenkin: Skirmishing
- ISBN 9783388237039: C. Jenkin: Skirmishing
- ISBN 3388237042: C. Jones: Recent Art and Society
- ISBN 9783388237046: C. Jones: Recent Art and Society
- ISBN 3388237050: Charles Jones: The Siege of Savannah
- ISBN 9783388237053: Charles Jones: The Siege of Savannah
- ISBN 3388237069: Annie Keary: Oldbury
- ISBN 9783388237060: Annie Keary: Oldbury
- ISBN 3388237077: Katherine King: The Queen of the Regiment
- ISBN 9783388237077: Katherine King: The Queen of the Regiment
- ISBN 3388237085: Charles Knight: The Popular History of England
- ISBN 9783388237084: Charles Knight: The Popular History of England
- ISBN 3388237093: A. Kuenen: The Religion of Israel to the Fall of the Jewish State
- ISBN 9783388237091: A. Kuenen: The Religion of Israel to the Fall of the Jewish State
- ISBN 3388237107: William Letchworth: Sketch of the Life of Samuel F. Pratt
- ISBN 9783388237107: William Letchworth: Sketch of the Life of Samuel F. Pratt
- ISBN 3388237115: George Lewes: Problems of Life and Mind
- ISBN 9783388237114: George Lewes: Problems of Life and Mind
- ISBN 3388237123: Dio Lewis: Our Girls
- ISBN 9783388237121: Dio Lewis: Our Girls
- ISBN 3388237131: J. Likins: Six Years Experiences an a Book Agent in California
- ISBN 9783388237138: J. Likins: Six Years Experiences an a Book Agent in California
- ISBN 338823714X: Lord Lytton: Paul Clifford
- ISBN 9783388237145: Lord Lytton: Paul Clifford
- ISBN 3388237158: Lord Lytton: The Parisians
- ISBN 9783388237152: Lord Lytton: The Parisians
- ISBN 3388237166: Benson Lossing: The Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War in the United States of America
- ISBN 9783388237169: Benson Lossing: The Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War in the United States of America
- ISBN 3388237174: L. Marcy: The Sciopticon Manual
- ISBN 9783388237176: L. Marcy: The Sciopticon Manual
- ISBN 3388237182: J. Marshall: A Report of the Proceedings at the Celebration of the First Centennial Anniversary
- ISBN 9783388237183: J. Marshall: A Report of the Proceedings at the Celebration of the First Centennial Anniversary
- ISBN 3388237190: Emily Mason: Popular Life of Gen. Robert Edward Lee
- ISBN 9783388237190: Emily Mason: Popular Life of Gen. Robert Edward Lee
- ISBN 3388237204: David Masson: The Poetical Works of John Milton
- ISBN 9783388237206: David Masson: The Poetical Works of John Milton
- ISBN 3388237212: David Masson: The Poetical Works of John Milton
- ISBN 9783388237213: David Masson: The Poetical Works of John Milton
- ISBN 3388237220: Harry Maule of Kelly: Registrum De Panmure
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- ISBN 3388237239: Frederick Miller: Saint Pancras
- ISBN 9783388237237: Frederick Miller: Saint Pancras
- ISBN 3388237247: Joaquin Miller: Songs of the Sierras
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- ISBN 3388237301: J. Neale: Sermons Preached in a Religious House
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- ISBN 9783388237329: Thomas Nicholas: The Pedigree of the English People
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- ISBN 3388237417: Frederic Perkins: Scrope
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- ISBN 3388237425: J. Pettigrew: The Physiology of the Circulation in Plants, in the Lower Animals, and in Man
- ISBN 9783388237428: J. Pettigrew: The Physiology of the Circulation in Plants, in the Lower Animals, and in Man
- ISBN 3388237433: Augustus Pugin: Specimens of the Architecture of Normandy
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- ISBN 9783388237442: Sabin Puterbaugh: Puterbaugh's Chancery Pleading and Practice
- ISBN 338823745X: Worthy Putnam: The Science and Art of Elocution and Oratory
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- ISBN 3388237468: Charles Rice: Proceedings at the Celebration of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the First Parish at Salem Village
- ISBN 9783388237466: Charles Rice: Proceedings at the Celebration of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the First Parish at Salem Village
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- ISBN 3388237794: Charles Wiley: Select Orations of M. T. Cicero
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- ISBN 3388237832: Dorothy Wordsworth: Recollections of a Tour Made in Scotland
- ISBN 9783388237831: Dorothy Wordsworth: Recollections of a Tour Made in Scotland
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- ISBN 3388237867: Eliza Youmans: Second Book of Botany
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- ISBN 3388237891: Thomas Campbell: The Poetical Works of Thomas Campbell
- ISBN 9783388237893: Thomas Campbell: The Poetical Works of Thomas Campbell
- ISBN 3388237905: Anonymous: Portsmouth Monumental Cook Book
- ISBN 9783388237909: Anonymous: Portsmouth Monumental Cook Book
- ISBN 3388237913: Anonymous: Practical Receipts of Experienced Housekeepers
- ISBN 9783388237916: Anonymous: Practical Receipts of Experienced Housekeepers
- ISBN 3388237921: Anonymous: Preliminary Investigation and Trial of Ambroise D. Lepine for the Murder of Thomas Scott
- ISBN 9783388237923: Anonymous: Preliminary Investigation and Trial of Ambroise D. Lepine for the Murder of Thomas Scott
- ISBN 338823793X: Anonymous: The Presbyterian Hymnal
- ISBN 9783388237930: Anonymous: The Presbyterian Hymnal
- ISBN 3388237948: Anonymous: Present-Day Thoughts
- ISBN 9783388237947: Anonymous: Present-Day Thoughts
- ISBN 3388237956: Anonymous: Price List and Illustrated Catalogue of Hardware
- ISBN 9783388237954: Anonymous: Price List and Illustrated Catalogue of Hardware
- ISBN 3388237964: Anonymous: The Principles and Practice of Harmonious Colouring
- ISBN 9783388237961: Anonymous: The Principles and Practice of Harmonious Colouring
- ISBN 3388237972: Anonymous: Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada
- ISBN 9783388237978: Anonymous: Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada
- ISBN 3388237980: Anonymous: Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
- ISBN 9783388237985: Anonymous: Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
- ISBN 3388237999: Anonymous: Journal of Proceedings of the Court of Impeachment
- ISBN 9783388237992: Anonymous: Journal of Proceedings of the Court of Impeachment