ISBN beginnend mit 9783388309
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3388309000: W. Henry Northcott: A Treatise on Lathes and Turning, Simple, Mechanical and Ornamental
- ISBN 9783388309002: W. Henry Northcott: A Treatise on Lathes and Turning, Simple, Mechanical and Ornamental
- ISBN 9783388309019: Trollope, Anthony: An editor's tale | Anthony Trollope | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783388309019
- ISBN 9783388309026: Round, William Marshall Fitts: Achsah: A New-England Life Study
- ISBN 3388309035: Stephen Dowell: A Sketch of the History of Taxes in England from the Earliest Times to the Present Day
- ISBN 9783388309033: Stephen Dowell: A Sketch of the History of Taxes in England from the Earliest Times to the Present Day
- ISBN 3388309043: Annie Keary: A York and a Lancaster rose
- ISBN 9783388309040: Annie Keary: A York and a Lancaster rose
- ISBN 3388309051: Samuel Watson: American Spiritual Magazine
- ISBN 9783388309057: Samuel Watson: American Spiritual Magazine
- ISBN 3388309078: Arthur Cayley: An Elementary Treatise on Elliptic Functions
- ISBN 9783388309071: Arthur Cayley: An Elementary Treatise on Elliptic Functions
- ISBN 3388309086: Erasmus Quincy Fuller: An appeal to the records: a vindication of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in its policy and proceedings toward the South
- ISBN 9783388309088: Erasmus Quincy Fuller: An appeal to the records: a vindication of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in its policy and proceedings toward the South
- ISBN 3388309094: Charles Kingsley: Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet: An Autobiography
- ISBN 9783388309095: Charles Kingsley: Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet: An Autobiography
- ISBN 9783388309101: Sweet, Henry: An Anglo-Saxon Reader in Prose and Verse: With Grammatical Introduction, Notes, and Glossary
- ISBN 9783388309118: Sutton, Francis: A systematic handbook of volumetric analysis; or, The quantitative estimation of chemical substances by measure, applied to liquids, solids, and gases
- ISBN 9783388309125: Hunter, Robert: A Treatise on the Law of Landlord and Tenant: With an Appendix Containing Forms of Leases | Robert Hunter (u. a.) | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783388309125
- ISBN 3388309132: Henry Rowley: Africa Unveiled
- ISBN 9783388309132: Henry Rowley: Africa Unveiled
- ISBN 9783388309149: Palmer, B. M.: A weekly publication containing sermons | B. M. Palmer | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783388309149
- ISBN 3388309159: Joachim Sighart: Albert The Great Of The Order Of Friar Preachers: His Life And Scholastic Labours
- ISBN 9783388309156: Joachim Sighart: Albert The Great Of The Order Of Friar Preachers: His Life And Scholastic Labours
- ISBN 3388309167: Joachim Sighart: Albert the Great: his life and scholastic labours: from original documents
- ISBN 9783388309163: Joachim Sighart: Albert the Great: his life and scholastic labours: from original documents
- ISBN 3388309175: Junius Brutus Wheeler: An elementary course of civil engineering for the use of cadets of the United States military academy
- ISBN 9783388309170: Junius Brutus Wheeler: An elementary course of civil engineering for the use of cadets of the United States military academy
- ISBN 9783388309194: Buckley, Arabella Burton: A short history of natural science and of the progress of discovery from the time of the Greeks to the present day: for the use of schools and young persons
- ISBN 9783388309200: Amberley, John Russell: An analysis of religious belief
- ISBN 3388309213: Edward H. Courtenay: A treatise on the differential and integral calculus, and on the calculus of variations
- ISBN 9783388309217: Edward H. Courtenay: A treatise on the differential and integral calculus, and on the calculus of variations
- ISBN 3388309221: Stillman Foster Kneeland: A treatise upon the principles governing the acquisition and enforcement of mechanic's liens
- ISBN 9783388309224: Stillman Foster Kneeland: A treatise upon the principles governing the acquisition and enforcement of mechanic's liens
- ISBN 338830923X: Johann Karl Ludwig Gieseler: A text-book of church history
- ISBN 9783388309231: Johann Karl Ludwig Gieseler: A text-book of church history
- ISBN 3388309248: David Page: Advanced text-book of geology, descriptive and industrial
- ISBN 9783388309248: David Page: Advanced text-book of geology, descriptive and industrial
- ISBN 9783388309255: Grote, John: A treatise on the moral ideals | John Grote | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783388309255
- ISBN 3388309264: William T. Morrison: An Anglo-Chinese vocabulary of the Ningpo dialect
- ISBN 9783388309262: William T. Morrison: An Anglo-Chinese vocabulary of the Ningpo dialect
- ISBN 3388309272: William Thomas Fischer Agnew: A treatise on the Statute of frauds
- ISBN 9783388309279: William Thomas Fischer Agnew: A treatise on the Statute of frauds
- ISBN 3388309280: Ransom Hebbard Tyler: A treatise on the law of boundaries and fences including the rights of property on the sea-shore and in the lands of public rivers and other streams, and the law of window lights
- ISBN 9783388309286: Ransom Hebbard Tyler: A treatise on the law of boundaries and fences including the rights of property on the sea-shore and in the lands of public rivers and other streams, and the law of window lights
- ISBN 3388309299: Henry Barnard: American pedagogy education, the school, and the teacher in American literature
- ISBN 9783388309293: Henry Barnard: American pedagogy education, the school, and the teacher in American literature
- ISBN 3388309302: John Proffatt: A treatise on trial by jury: including questions of law and fact: with an introductory chapter on the origin and history of the jury trial
- ISBN 9783388309309: John Proffatt: A treatise on trial by jury: including questions of law and fact: with an introductory chapter on the origin and history of the jury trial
- ISBN 3388309310: California: An act relative to the Commissioners of transportation of the State of California, their powers and duties. Approved April 3, 1876
- ISBN 9783388309316: California: An act relative to the Commissioners of transportation of the State of California, their powers and duties. Approved April 3, 1876
- ISBN 3388309329: Alfred Baring Garrod: A treatise on gout and rheumatic gout rheumatoid arthritis
- ISBN 9783388309323: Alfred Baring Garrod: A treatise on gout and rheumatic gout rheumatoid arthritis
- ISBN 3388309337: C. Remigius Fresenius: A system of instruction in quantitative chemical analysis
- ISBN 9783388309330: C. Remigius Fresenius: A system of instruction in quantitative chemical analysis
- ISBN 3388309345: Jr. Horatio C. Wood: A treatise on therapeutics: comprising materia medica and toxicology with especial reference to the application of the physiological action of drugs to clinical medicine
- ISBN 9783388309347: Jr. Horatio C. Wood: A treatise on therapeutics: comprising materia medica and toxicology with especial reference to the application of the physiological action of drugs to clinical medicine
- ISBN 3388309353: Melville Madsion Bigelow: A treatise on the law of estoppel: and its application in practice
- ISBN 9783388309354: Melville Madsion Bigelow: A treatise on the law of estoppel: and its application in practice
- ISBN 3388309361: James Lambert High: A treatise on the law of receivers
- ISBN 9783388309361: James Lambert High: A treatise on the law of receivers
- ISBN 338830937X: William Smith: A smaller Latin-English dictionary. Abridged from the larger dictionary
- ISBN 9783388309378: William Smith: A smaller Latin-English dictionary. Abridged from the larger dictionary
- ISBN 9783388309385: Cooper, William Ricketts: An archaic dictionary, biographical, historical, and mythological: from the Egyptian, Assyrian, and Etruscan monuments and papyri
- ISBN 9783388309392: Greenleaf, Simon: A treatise on the law of evidence | Simon Greenleaf | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783388309392
- ISBN 338830940X: William Barber: A treatise on the law and practice relating to vendors and purchasers of real estate
- ISBN 9783388309408: William Barber: A treatise on the law and practice relating to vendors and purchasers of real estate
- ISBN 9783388309415: Hurd, Rollin Carlos: A treatise on the right of personal liberty and on the writ of habeas corpus: and the practice connected with it: with a view on the extradition of fugitives
- ISBN 3388309426: William Smith: A smaller dictionary of the Bible, for the use of schools and young persons
- ISBN 9783388309422: William Smith: A smaller dictionary of the Bible, for the use of schools and young persons
- ISBN 9783388309439: Washburn, Emory: A treatise on the American law of real property | Emory Washburn | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783388309439
- ISBN 9783388309446: Sagenschatz, Altbayerischer: Altbayerischer Sagenschatz, von Dr. Sepp
- ISBN 3388309450: Joseph Kinnicut Angell: A treatise on the limitations of actions at law and suits in epuity and admiralty: with an appendix containing the American and English statutes of limitations
- ISBN 9783388309453: Joseph Kinnicut Angell: A treatise on the limitations of actions at law and suits in epuity and admiralty: with an appendix containing the American and English statutes of limitations
- ISBN 3388309469: Richard S. Storrs: An Address on congregationalism, as affected by the declarations of the advisory council
- ISBN 9783388309460: Richard S. Storrs: An Address on congregationalism, as affected by the declarations of the advisory council
- ISBN 3388309477: Job Lewis Smith: A treatise on the diseases of infancy and childhood
- ISBN 9783388309477: Job Lewis Smith: A treatise on the diseases of infancy and childhood
- ISBN 9783388309484: Redesdale, John Mitford: A treatise on the pleadings in suits in the Court of Chancery by English bill | John Mitford Redesdale | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783388309484
- ISBN 3388309493: Theophilus Parsons: A Treatise on the law of promissory notes and bills of exchange
- ISBN 9783388309491: Theophilus Parsons: A Treatise on the law of promissory notes and bills of exchange
- ISBN 3388309507: John A. Marshall: American Bastile: a history of the illegal arrests and imprisonment of American citizens during the late civil war
- ISBN 9783388309507: John A. Marshall: American Bastile: a history of the illegal arrests and imprisonment of American citizens during the late civil war
- ISBN 3388309515: Thomas Mcintyre Cooley: A treatise on the law of taxation: including the law of local assessments
- ISBN 9783388309514: Thomas Mcintyre Cooley: A treatise on the law of taxation: including the law of local assessments
- ISBN 9783388309521: Field, George Washington: A treatise on the law of damages
- ISBN 9783388309538: Green, John Richard: A short history of the English people
- ISBN 9783388309545: Leishman, William: A system of midwifery: including the diseases of pregnancy and the puerperal state
- ISBN 3388309558: William Alexander Hammond: A treatise on the diseases of the nervous system
- ISBN 9783388309552: William Alexander Hammond: A treatise on the diseases of the nervous system
- ISBN 3388309566: Charles Holland Kidder: American enterprise
- ISBN 9783388309569: Charles Holland Kidder: American enterprise
- ISBN 9783388309576: Freeman, Arthur Clark: A treatise on the law of executions in civil cases: and of proceedings in aid and restraint thereof
- ISBN 3388309582: Charles Greenstreet Addison: A treatise on the law of torts
- ISBN 9783388309583: Charles Greenstreet Addison: A treatise on the law of torts
- ISBN 3388309590: William Alexander Hunter: A systematic and historical exposition of Roman law in the order of a code
- ISBN 9783388309590: William Alexander Hunter: A systematic and historical exposition of Roman law in the order of a code
- ISBN 9783388309606: Holmes, Timothy: A treatise on surgery: its principles and practice | Timothy Holmes | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783388309606
- ISBN 3388309612: Austin Flint: A text-book of human physiology: designed for the use of practitioners and students of medicine
- ISBN 9783388309613: Austin Flint: A text-book of human physiology: designed for the use of practitioners and students of medicine
- ISBN 9783388309620: Bristowe, John Syer: A treatise on the theory and practice of medicine
- ISBN 3388309639: Zürich: Amtsblatt des Kantons Zürich
- ISBN 9783388309637: Zürich: Amtsblatt des Kantons Zürich
- ISBN 3388309647: Zürich: Amtsblatt des Kantons Zürich
- ISBN 9783388309644: Zürich: Amtsblatt des Kantons Zürich
- ISBN 3388309655: University Of Glasgow Library: An address on the history, constitution, and objects of the British Medical Association: and on medical organisation in Glasgow
- ISBN 9783388309651: University Of Glasgow Library: An address on the history, constitution, and objects of the British Medical Association: and on medical organisation in Glasgow
- ISBN 3388309663: Daniel Ullmann: Amendments to the Constitution of the United States. Non-sectarian and universal education
- ISBN 9783388309668: Daniel Ullmann: Amendments to the Constitution of the United States. Non-sectarian and universal education
- ISBN 3388309671: Edmund Wood: A word with his people: about the cross carried before the choir in St. John the Evangelist's Church, Montreal
- ISBN 9783388309675: Edmund Wood: A word with his people: about the cross carried before the choir in St. John the Evangelist's Church, Montreal
- ISBN 338830968X: University Of Glasgow Library: Account of an alchemical roll on parchment, presented by the Earl of Cromarty in 1707 to the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
- ISBN 9783388309682: University Of Glasgow Library: Account of an alchemical roll on parchment, presented by the Earl of Cromarty in 1707 to the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
- ISBN 3388309698: Lewis H. Clark: Address before the Teacher's institute of Wayne County
- ISBN 9783388309699: Lewis H. Clark: Address before the Teacher's institute of Wayne County
- ISBN 3388309701: Charles H. A. Dall: Address given to the Prarthona Somaj of Poona
- ISBN 9783388309705: Charles H. A. Dall: Address given to the Prarthona Somaj of Poona
- ISBN 338830971X: University Of Glasgow Library: Address in connection with the opening of the medical classes of the University of Glasgow, October 31st, 1876
- ISBN 9783388309712: University Of Glasgow Library: Address in connection with the opening of the medical classes of the University of Glasgow, October 31st, 1876
- ISBN 3388309728: James E. Wharton: An accurate and concise sketch of Portsmouth, Ohio
- ISBN 9783388309729: James E. Wharton: An accurate and concise sketch of Portsmouth, Ohio
- ISBN 3388309736: James Burn Russell: An address delivered at the opening of the Section of Public Medicine, at the Annual Meeting of the British Medical Association, in Sheffield, August, 1876
- ISBN 9783388309736: James Burn Russell: An address delivered at the opening of the Section of Public Medicine, at the Annual Meeting of the British Medical Association, in Sheffield, August, 1876
- ISBN 3388309744: Karl Knortz: An American Shakespeare bibliography
- ISBN 9783388309743: Karl Knortz: An American Shakespeare bibliography
- ISBN 3388309752: Joseph Eggleston Segar: Address of Joseph Segar, to the voters of the Norfolk district. From the Norfolk Day book
- ISBN 9783388309750: Joseph Eggleston Segar: Address of Joseph Segar, to the voters of the Norfolk district. From the Norfolk Day book
- ISBN 3388309760: Walter Murray Gibson: Address to the Hawaiian people
- ISBN 9783388309767: Walter Murray Gibson: Address to the Hawaiian people
- ISBN 3388309779: Dwight Lyman Moody: Addresses: revised by himself
- ISBN 9783388309774: Dwight Lyman Moody: Addresses: revised by himself
- ISBN 3388309787: Samuel Sullivan Cox: Amnesty and the Jefferson Davis amendment
- ISBN 9783388309781: Samuel Sullivan Cox: Amnesty and the Jefferson Davis amendment
- ISBN 3388309795: Quebec Board of Trade: Acts of incorporation and by-laws of the Quebec Board of Trade
- ISBN 9783388309798: Quebec Board of Trade: Acts of incorporation and by-laws of the Quebec Board of Trade
- ISBN 3388309809: Louis Philibert Paquin: Algebra applied to practical geometry, or, Algebraic solutions of geometrical problems for beginners
- ISBN 9783388309804: Louis Philibert Paquin: Algebra applied to practical geometry, or, Algebraic solutions of geometrical problems for beginners
- ISBN 3388309817: University of Glasgow. Library: Address delivered at the inauguration of the Glasgow Royal Infirmary School of Medicine on 1st November, 1876
- ISBN 9783388309811: University of Glasgow. Library: Address delivered at the inauguration of the Glasgow Royal Infirmary School of Medicine on 1st November, 1876
- ISBN 3388309825: Jabez Hogg: Amputation, an historical sketch: being the subject of the introductory lecture delivered at Netley, in commencing the thirty-first session of the Army Medical School, 1st October, 1875
- ISBN 9783388309828: Jabez Hogg: Amputation, an historical sketch: being the subject of the introductory lecture delivered at Netley, in commencing the thirty-first session of the Army Medical School, 1st October, 1875
- ISBN 3388309833: Godfrey Thring: A weekly church newspaper for the million: a paper read at the church congress, Plymouth, October, 1876
- ISBN 9783388309835: Godfrey Thring: A weekly church newspaper for the million: a paper read at the church congress, Plymouth, October, 1876
- ISBN 3388309841: Comptroller and Auditor General Ireland: Account of Commissioners of Church Temporalities in Ireland; Report of Comptroller and Auditor General, 1875
- ISBN 9783388309842: Comptroller and Auditor General Ireland: Account of Commissioners of Church Temporalities in Ireland; Report of Comptroller and Auditor General, 1875
- ISBN 338830985X: Richard Chappell Parsons: Address of Hon. R. C. Parsons
- ISBN 9783388309859: Richard Chappell Parsons: Address of Hon. R. C. Parsons
- ISBN 3388309868: James Chesnut: An address delivered before the literary societies of the College of New Jersey
- ISBN 9783388309866: James Chesnut: An address delivered before the literary societies of the College of New Jersey
- ISBN 3388309876: Joseph Henry Gilmore: A syllabus of English and American literature
- ISBN 9783388309873: Joseph Henry Gilmore: A syllabus of English and American literature
- ISBN 3388309884: Henry L. Williams: Address of Henry L. Williams
- ISBN 9783388309880: Henry L. Williams: Address of Henry L. Williams
- ISBN 3388309892: Matthew Paul Deady: An address to the graduating class of Wallamet University
- ISBN 9783388309897: Matthew Paul Deady: An address to the graduating class of Wallamet University
- ISBN 3388309906: John M. Lemmon: Address of Capt. Jno. M. Lemmon, of Clyde, O., delivered at the reunion of the seventy-second O.V.I., held at Fremont, O., June 17th, 1875
- ISBN 9783388309903: John M. Lemmon: Address of Capt. Jno. M. Lemmon, of Clyde, O., delivered at the reunion of the seventy-second O.V.I., held at Fremont, O., June 17th, 1875
- ISBN 3388309914: Alfred Moore Waddell: Address of Hon. A.M. Waddell before the Philanthropic and Dialectic Societies of the University of North Carolina, June, 1876
- ISBN 9783388309910: Alfred Moore Waddell: Address of Hon. A.M. Waddell before the Philanthropic and Dialectic Societies of the University of North Carolina, June, 1876
- ISBN 3388309922: Thomas Allen: Address of Hon. Thos. Allen
- ISBN 9783388309927: Thomas Allen: Address of Hon. Thos. Allen
- ISBN 3388309930: Edward Atkinson: Address of Mr. Edward Atkinson on the export of cotton goods, at the meeting of the New England cotton manufacturer's association, April 26, 1876
- ISBN 9783388309934: Edward Atkinson: Address of Mr. Edward Atkinson on the export of cotton goods, at the meeting of the New England cotton manufacturer's association, April 26, 1876
- ISBN 3388309949: Stephen Neal: An address containing the history of Boone county
- ISBN 9783388309941: Stephen Neal: An address containing the history of Boone county
- ISBN 3388309957: George Alfred Trenholm: A tribute of affection and respect from the Chamber of Commerce, Charleston, S.C., December 20, 1876
- ISBN 9783388309958: George Alfred Trenholm: A tribute of affection and respect from the Chamber of Commerce, Charleston, S.C., December 20, 1876
- ISBN 3388309965: Benjamin Platt Carpenter: Address by B. Platt Carpenter at the centennial celebration
- ISBN 9783388309965: Benjamin Platt Carpenter: Address by B. Platt Carpenter at the centennial celebration
- ISBN 3388309973: John Van Lear Findlay: Address Delivered at Philadelphia, on the 19th of October, 1876
- ISBN 9783388309972: John Van Lear Findlay: Address Delivered at Philadelphia, on the 19th of October, 1876
- ISBN 3388309981: Frederick Temple Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood Marquess of Dufferin and Ava: Address of His Excellency the Governor-General of Canada on the subject of the relations between the Dominion government and British Columbia
- ISBN 9783388309989: Frederick Temple Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood Marquess of Dufferin and Ava: Address of His Excellency the Governor-General of Canada on the subject of the relations between the Dominion government and British Columbia
- ISBN 338830999X: John Jay: American independence. Did the colonist desire it?
- ISBN 9783388309996: John Jay: American independence. Did the colonist desire it?