ISBN beginnend mit 9783388322
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3388322007: Joseph Ellis: Caesar in Egypt, Costanza and Other Poems
- ISBN 9783388322001: Joseph Ellis: Caesar in Egypt, Costanza and Other Poems
- ISBN 3388322015: Joseph Cochrane: Centennial history of Mason County, including a sketch of the early history of Illinois, its physical peculiarities, soils, climate, production, etc.
- ISBN 9783388322018: Joseph Cochrane: Centennial history of Mason County, including a sketch of the early history of Illinois, its physical peculiarities, soils, climate, production, etc.
- ISBN 3388322023: Henry Randall Waite: Carmina collegensia: a complete collection of the songs of the American colleges, with selections from the student songs of the English and German universities, and popular songs adapted to college singing
- ISBN 9783388322025: Henry Randall Waite: Carmina collegensia: a complete collection of the songs of the American colleges, with selections from the student songs of the English and German universities, and popular songs adapted to college singing
- ISBN 3388322031: Bates College: Bates Student
- ISBN 9783388322032: Bates College: Bates Student
- ISBN 338832204X: Charles Rogers: Boswelliana: the commonplace book of James Boswell
- ISBN 9783388322049: Charles Rogers: Boswelliana: the commonplace book of James Boswell
- ISBN 3388322058: Theodore Winthrop: Cecil Dreeme
- ISBN 9783388322056: Theodore Winthrop: Cecil Dreeme
- ISBN 3388322066: Marie J. Hyde: Bread upon the waters
- ISBN 9783388322063: Marie J. Hyde: Bread upon the waters
- ISBN 3388322074: Library Of Congress: Catalogue of Books Added to the Library of Congress
- ISBN 9783388322070: Library Of Congress: Catalogue of Books Added to the Library of Congress
- ISBN 3388322082: Norman Macleod: Character Sketches
- ISBN 9783388322087: Norman Macleod: Character Sketches
- ISBN 3388322090: Levina Buoncuore Urbino: Biographical Sketches of Eminent Musical Composers
- ISBN 9783388322094: Levina Buoncuore Urbino: Biographical Sketches of Eminent Musical Composers
- ISBN 3388322104: Charles Chaillé-Long: Central Africa: naked truths of naked people: an account of expeditions to the Lake Victoria Nyanza and the Makraka Niam-Niam, west of the Bahr-el-Ab
- ISBN 9783388322100: Charles Chaillé-Long: Central Africa: naked truths of naked people: an account of expeditions to the Lake Victoria Nyanza and the Makraka Niam-Niam, west of the Bahr-el-Ab
- ISBN 3388322112: Walter Riddell Carre: Border memories, or, Sketches of prominent men and women of the Border
- ISBN 9783388322117: Walter Riddell Carre: Border memories, or, Sketches of prominent men and women of the Border
- ISBN 3388322120: John Henry Newman: Certain Difficulties Felt by Anglicans in Catholic Teaching Considered
- ISBN 9783388322124: John Henry Newman: Certain Difficulties Felt by Anglicans in Catholic Teaching Considered
- ISBN 3388322139: Peter Martin Duncan: Cassell's natural history
- ISBN 9783388322131: Peter Martin Duncan: Cassell's natural history
- ISBN 3388322147: Samuel Smiles: Character
- ISBN 9783388322148: Samuel Smiles: Character
- ISBN 3388322155: Emily Jolly: Caste
- ISBN 9783388322155: Emily Jolly: Caste
- ISBN 3388322163: Noah Porter: Books and reading; or, What books shall I read and how shall I read them?
- ISBN 9783388322162: Noah Porter: Books and reading; or, What books shall I read and how shall I read them?
- ISBN 3388322171: John Henry Newman: Callista: a sketch of the third century
- ISBN 9783388322179: John Henry Newman: Callista: a sketch of the third century
- ISBN 338832218X: Making Of America Project: Catalogue of books in English, French and German belonging to the class of prose fiction in the public library of Cincinnati
- ISBN 9783388322186: Making Of America Project: Catalogue of books in English, French and German belonging to the class of prose fiction in the public library of Cincinnati
- ISBN 3388322198: S. S. White Dental Manufacturing Company: Catalogue of dental materials, furniture, instruments, etc., for sale
- ISBN 9783388322193: S. S. White Dental Manufacturing Company: Catalogue of dental materials, furniture, instruments, etc., for sale
- ISBN 3388322201: William Harrison Ainsworth: Cardinal Pole, or, The days of Philip and Mary: an historical romance
- ISBN 9783388322209: William Harrison Ainsworth: Cardinal Pole, or, The days of Philip and Mary: an historical romance
- ISBN 338832221X: John Edward Sowerby: British wild flowers
- ISBN 9783388322216: John Edward Sowerby: British wild flowers
- ISBN 3388322228: Franz Delitzsch: Biblical commentary on the Psalms
- ISBN 9783388322223: Franz Delitzsch: Biblical commentary on the Psalms
- ISBN 3388322236: James Thomas Fields: Charles Dickens: Barry Cornwall and some of his friends
- ISBN 9783388322230: James Thomas Fields: Charles Dickens: Barry Cornwall and some of his friends
- ISBN 3388322244: British Homoeopathic Society: British hom¿opathic pharmacop¿ia
- ISBN 9783388322247: British Homoeopathic Society: British hom¿opathic pharmacop¿ia
- ISBN 3388322252: John Milton: Britain under Trojan, roman, Saxon rule
- ISBN 9783388322254: John Milton: Britain under Trojan, roman, Saxon rule
- ISBN 3388322260: Joseph Adam Gustav Hergenröther: Catholic church and Christian state; a series of essays on the relation of the church to the civil power
- ISBN 9783388322261: Joseph Adam Gustav Hergenröther: Catholic church and Christian state; a series of essays on the relation of the church to the civil power
- ISBN 3388322279: Carl Friedrich Keil: Biblical commentary on the prophecies of Ezekiel
- ISBN 9783388322278: Carl Friedrich Keil: Biblical commentary on the prophecies of Ezekiel
- ISBN 3388322287: Kaliprasanna Ghosh: Bandhab Vol. 3 1876
- ISBN 9783388322285: Kaliprasanna Ghosh: Bandhab Vol. 3 1876
- ISBN 3388322295: New Jerusalem Church: Book of worship: prepared for the use of the New Church
- ISBN 9783388322292: New Jerusalem Church: Book of worship: prepared for the use of the New Church
- ISBN 3388322309: South Kensington Museum: Catalogue of the special loan collection of scientific apparatus at the South Kensington Museum: MDCCLXXVI
- ISBN 9783388322308: South Kensington Museum: Catalogue of the special loan collection of scientific apparatus at the South Kensington Museum: MDCCLXXVI
- ISBN 3388322317: Januarius Aloysius Macgahan: Campaigning on the Oxus, and the fall of Khiva
- ISBN 9783388322315: Januarius Aloysius Macgahan: Campaigning on the Oxus, and the fall of Khiva
- ISBN 3388322325: Septimus Smet Thorburn: Bann or, Our Afghan frontier
- ISBN 9783388322322: Septimus Smet Thorburn: Bann or, Our Afghan frontier
- ISBN 3388322333: Jules Claretie: Camille Desmoulins and his wife: passages from the history of the Dantonists founded upon new and hitherto unpublished documents
- ISBN 9783388322339: Jules Claretie: Camille Desmoulins and his wife: passages from the history of the Dantonists founded upon new and hitherto unpublished documents
- ISBN 3388322341: University Of Pittsburgh: Centenary memorial of the planting and growth of Presbyterianism in western Pennsylvania and parts adjacent
- ISBN 9783388322346: University Of Pittsburgh: Centenary memorial of the planting and growth of Presbyterianism in western Pennsylvania and parts adjacent
- ISBN 338832235X: Edward Payson Roe: Barriers burned away
- ISBN 9783388322353: Edward Payson Roe: Barriers burned away
- ISBN 3388322368: Benjamin Robert Haydon: Benjamin Robert Haydon: correspondence and table-talk: with a memoir by his son Frederic Wordsworth Haydon
- ISBN 9783388322360: Benjamin Robert Haydon: Benjamin Robert Haydon: correspondence and table-talk: with a memoir by his son Frederic Wordsworth Haydon
- ISBN 3388322376: Crisfield Johnson: Centennial history of Erie County, New York: being its annals from the earliest recorded events to the hundredth year of American independence
- ISBN 9783388322377: Crisfield Johnson: Centennial history of Erie County, New York: being its annals from the earliest recorded events to the hundredth year of American independence
- ISBN 3388322384: Hezekiah Niles: Centennial offering: republication of the Principles and acts of the revolution in America: dedicated to the young men of the United States, fifty-four years ago
- ISBN 9783388322384: Hezekiah Niles: Centennial offering: republication of the Principles and acts of the revolution in America: dedicated to the young men of the United States, fifty-four years ago
- ISBN 3388322392: Charles Rathbone Low: Captain Cook's three voyages round the world; with a sketch of his life
- ISBN 9783388322391: Charles Rathbone Low: Captain Cook's three voyages round the world; with a sketch of his life
- ISBN 3388322406: Alfred Nevin: Centennial biography: Men of mark of Cumberland Valley, Pa., 1776-1876
- ISBN 9783388322407: Alfred Nevin: Centennial biography: Men of mark of Cumberland Valley, Pa., 1776-1876
- ISBN 3388322414: William Dunn Macray: Calendar of the Clarendon State Papers preserved in the Bodleian Library / III
- ISBN 9783388322414: William Dunn Macray: Calendar of the Clarendon State Papers preserved in the Bodleian Library / III
- ISBN 3388322422: William Forbes Skene: Celtic Scotland: a history of ancient Alban
- ISBN 9783388322421: William Forbes Skene: Celtic Scotland: a history of ancient Alban
- ISBN 3388322430: Joaquim Manuel De Macedo: Brazilian biographical annual
- ISBN 9783388322438: Joaquim Manuel De Macedo: Brazilian biographical annual
- ISBN 3388322449: William Henry Davenport Adams: Beneath the surface: or, the wonders of the underground world
- ISBN 9783388322445: William Henry Davenport Adams: Beneath the surface: or, the wonders of the underground world
- ISBN 3388322457: Julius Hübner: Catalogue of the Royal picture gallery in Dresden
- ISBN 9783388322452: Julius Hübner: Catalogue of the Royal picture gallery in Dresden
- ISBN 3388322465: John Russell Hussey: Century of independence: embracing a collection, from official sources, of the most important documents and statistics connected with the political history of America
- ISBN 9783388322469: John Russell Hussey: Century of independence: embracing a collection, from official sources, of the most important documents and statistics connected with the political history of America
- ISBN 3388322473: Samuel G. Drake: Catalogue of the private library of Samuel Gardner Drake A. M.
- ISBN 9783388322476: Samuel G. Drake: Catalogue of the private library of Samuel Gardner Drake A. M.
- ISBN 3388322481: John Merle Coulter: Botanical gazette
- ISBN 9783388322483: John Merle Coulter: Botanical gazette
- ISBN 338832249X: James Routledge: Chapters in the history of popular progress, chiefly in relation to the freedom of the press and trial by jury. 1660-1820. With an application to later years
- ISBN 9783388322490: James Routledge: Chapters in the history of popular progress, chiefly in relation to the freedom of the press and trial by jury. 1660-1820. With an application to later years
- ISBN 3388322503: Joel Dorman Steele: Barnes' centenary history: one hundred years of American independence
- ISBN 9783388322506: Joel Dorman Steele: Barnes' centenary history: one hundred years of American independence
- ISBN 3388322511: Charles Lanman: Biographical annals of the civil government of the United States during its first century: from original and official sources
- ISBN 9783388322513: Charles Lanman: Biographical annals of the civil government of the United States during its first century: from original and official sources
- ISBN 338832252X: South Kensington Museum: Catalogue of the Educational division of the South Kensington Museum
- ISBN 9783388322520: South Kensington Museum: Catalogue of the Educational division of the South Kensington Museum
- ISBN 3388322538: Hull Subscription Library: Catalogue of the Subscription Library at Kingston-upon-Hull; established, December, 1775
- ISBN 9783388322537: Hull Subscription Library: Catalogue of the Subscription Library at Kingston-upon-Hull; established, December, 1775
- ISBN 3388322546: Horatio John Suckling: Ceylon: a general description of the island, historical, physical, statistical. Containing the most recent information
- ISBN 9783388322544: Horatio John Suckling: Ceylon: a general description of the island, historical, physical, statistical. Containing the most recent information
- ISBN 3388322554: Virgil: Bucolica, Georgica, Aeneis, the works of Virgil. With commentary and appendix for the use of schools and colleges by Benjamin Hall Kennedy
- ISBN 9783388322551: Virgil: Bucolica, Georgica, Aeneis, the works of Virgil. With commentary and appendix for the use of schools and colleges by Benjamin Hall Kennedy
- ISBN 3388322562: Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History: Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History
- ISBN 9783388322568: Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History: Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History
- ISBN 3388322570: Jacob Whitman Bailey: Catalogue of microscopical slides of the Bailey collection
- ISBN 9783388322575: Jacob Whitman Bailey: Catalogue of microscopical slides of the Bailey collection
- ISBN 3388322589: Thomas Wright: Caricature history of the Georges, or annals of the house of Hanover: comp. from squibs, broadsides, window pictures, lampoons, and pictorial caricatures of the time
- ISBN 9783388322582: Thomas Wright: Caricature history of the Georges, or annals of the house of Hanover: comp. from squibs, broadsides, window pictures, lampoons, and pictorial caricatures of the time
- ISBN 3388322597: Bremisches Urkundenbuch: Bremisches Urkundenbuch, herausg. von D.R. Ehmck und W. v. Bippen
- ISBN 9783388322599: Bremisches Urkundenbuch: Bremisches Urkundenbuch, herausg. von D.R. Ehmck und W. v. Bippen
- ISBN 3388322600: Thomas Frognall Dibdin: Bibliomania; or Book-madness: a bibliographical romance
- ISBN 9783388322605: Thomas Frognall Dibdin: Bibliomania; or Book-madness: a bibliographical romance
- ISBN 3388322619: John Sanderson: Biography of the signers to the Declaration of Independence
- ISBN 9783388322612: John Sanderson: Biography of the signers to the Declaration of Independence
- ISBN 3388322627: Boston Athenaeum: Catalogue of the Library of the Boston Athenaeum
- ISBN 9783388322629: Boston Athenaeum: Catalogue of the Library of the Boston Athenaeum
- ISBN 3388322635: Henry Beebee Carrington: Battles of the American Revolution, 1775-1781: historical and military criticism with topographical illustration
- ISBN 9783388322636: Henry Beebee Carrington: Battles of the American Revolution, 1775-1781: historical and military criticism with topographical illustration
- ISBN 3388322643: Robert Chambers: Chambers's Cyclopaedia of English literature: a history, critical and biographical, of British and American authors, with specimens of their writings
- ISBN 9783388322643: Robert Chambers: Chambers's Cyclopaedia of English literature: a history, critical and biographical, of British and American authors, with specimens of their writings
- ISBN 3388322651: W. And R. Chambers: Chambers's encyclopædia: a dictionary of universal knowledge for the people
- ISBN 9783388322650: W. And R. Chambers: Chambers's encyclopædia: a dictionary of universal knowledge for the people
- ISBN 338832266X: Paulist Fathers: Catholic World, Volume 024, October 1876 - March 1877
- ISBN 9783388322667: Paulist Fathers: Catholic World, Volume 024, October 1876 - March 1877
- ISBN 3388322678: Paulist Fathers: Catholic World, Volume 023, April - September 1876
- ISBN 9783388322674: Paulist Fathers: Catholic World, Volume 023, April - September 1876
- ISBN 3388322686: Henty C. Fish: Bible lands illustrated, a complete handbook of the antiquities and modern life of all the sacred countries
- ISBN 9783388322681: Henty C. Fish: Bible lands illustrated, a complete handbook of the antiquities and modern life of all the sacred countries
- ISBN 3388322694: Sarah Josepha Buell Hale: Biography of distinguished women; or, woman's record, from the creation to A. D. 1869. Arranged in four eras. With selections from authoresses of each era
- ISBN 9783388322698: Sarah Josepha Buell Hale: Biography of distinguished women; or, woman's record, from the creation to A. D. 1869. Arranged in four eras. With selections from authoresses of each era
- ISBN 3388322708: Massachusetts. Bureau of Statistics of Labor: Census of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: 1875
- ISBN 9783388322704: Massachusetts. Bureau of Statistics of Labor: Census of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: 1875
- ISBN 3388322716: American Colonization Society: Information about going to Liberia.
- ISBN 9783388322711: American Colonization Society: Information about going to Liberia.
- ISBN 9783388322728: Moore, Frederic: IV.¿Descriptions of Asiatic Diurnal Lepidoptera | Frederic Moore | Taschenbuch | Booklet | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783388322728
- ISBN 9783388322735: Chapman, Maria Weston: Letter to Dear Mr. May manuscript | Maria Weston Chapman (u. a.) | Taschenbuch | Booklet | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783388322735
- ISBN 9783388322742: Garrison, William Lloyd: Letter to My Dear Fanny manuscript | William Lloyd Garrison (u. a.) | Taschenbuch | Booklet | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783388322742
- ISBN 3388322759: Muskingum Baptist Association: Minutes of the Muskingum Baptist Association
- ISBN 9783388322759: Muskingum Baptist Association: Minutes of the Muskingum Baptist Association
- ISBN 3388322767: William Stevens Perry: Missions and missionary bishoprics in the American Church: a paper read before the Church Congress, held at Stoke-Upon-Trent, Eng., October, 1875
- ISBN 9783388322766: William Stevens Perry: Missions and missionary bishoprics in the American Church: a paper read before the Church Congress, held at Stoke-Upon-Trent, Eng., October, 1875
- ISBN 9783388322773: Power, William Henry: Mr W.H. Power's report to the Local Government Board on an outbreak of fever at Bedale in the North Riding of Yorkshire | William Henry Power | Taschenbuch | Booklet | Englisch | 2024
- ISBN 9783388322780: Ramsay, E. P.: Notes of a collection of birds from New Britain, New Ireland, and the Duke of York Islands, with some remarks on the zoology of the Group | E. P. Ramsay | Taschenbuch | Booklet | Englisch | 2024
- ISBN 3388322791: M. L. D'Albertis: Notes on some birds collected during the Exploration of the Fly River
- ISBN 9783388322797: M. L. D'Albertis: Notes on some birds collected during the Exploration of the Fly River
- ISBN 9783388322803: Stevens, George Thomas: On the relations between corneal diseases and refractive lesions of the eye | George Thomas Stevens | Taschenbuch | Booklet | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783388322803
- ISBN 9783388322810: Craig, William: On the therapeutics of aloin | William Craig | Taschenbuch | Booklet | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783388322810
- ISBN 9783388322827: Firm, Levy Bros. & Sheuer: Price lists of American movements silver and gold cases | Levy Bros. & Sheuer Firm | Taschenbuch | Booklet | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783388322827
- ISBN 338832283X: H. J. Carter: IX.¿On two vitreohexactinellid sponges
- ISBN 9783388322834: H. J. Carter: IX.¿On two vitreohexactinellid sponges
- ISBN 3388322848: Leo Lesquereux: Land Plants, Recently Discovered in the Silurian Rocks of the United States
- ISBN 9783388322841: Leo Lesquereux: Land Plants, Recently Discovered in the Silurian Rocks of the United States
- ISBN 9783388322858: Butler, Arthur G.: LIX.¿Descriptions of new species of Heterocera from Japan.¿Part I. Sphinges and Bombyces | Arthur G. Butler | Taschenbuch | Booklet | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783388322858
- ISBN 3388322864: Edwin Gilpin: Notes on Nova Scotia pit waters
- ISBN 9783388322865: Edwin Gilpin: Notes on Nova Scotia pit waters
- ISBN 3388322872: Edwin Gilpin: Notes on some recent discoveries of copper-ore in Nova Scotia
- ISBN 9783388322872: Edwin Gilpin: Notes on some recent discoveries of copper-ore in Nova Scotia
- ISBN 9783388322889: Dobson, G. E.: On a collection of Chiroptera from Duke-Of-York Island and adjacent parts of New Ireland and New Britain | G. E. Dobson | Taschenbuch | Booklet | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783388322889
- ISBN 9783388322896: Society, Nova Scotia Barristers': Preliminary law examination | Nova Scotia Barristers' Society | Taschenbuch | Booklet | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783388322896
- ISBN 3388322902: Silas Seymour: In the Superior Court: no. 222: S. Seymour, plaintiff, vs. Thos. McGreevy, defendant; testimony of Mr. Frederick Andrews, given March 13th and 14th, 1877
- ISBN 9783388322902: Silas Seymour: In the Superior Court: no. 222: S. Seymour, plaintiff, vs. Thos. McGreevy, defendant; testimony of Mr. Frederick Andrews, given March 13th and 14th, 1877
- ISBN 3388322910: John J. Mason: Lead-poisoning in frogs
- ISBN 9783388322919: John J. Mason: Lead-poisoning in frogs
- ISBN 3388322929: John Joseph Lynch: Letter of his Grace the Archbishop of Toronto to the Rt. Rev. Bishops of Ontario on the Toronto separate school question
- ISBN 9783388322926: John Joseph Lynch: Letter of his Grace the Archbishop of Toronto to the Rt. Rev. Bishops of Ontario on the Toronto separate school question
- ISBN 3388322937: William Lloyd Garrison: Letter to Honored Sir manuscript
- ISBN 9783388322933: William Lloyd Garrison: Letter to Honored Sir manuscript
- ISBN 3388322945: Arthur G. Butler: LI.¿Descriptions of new species of Heterocera from Japan.¿Part I. Sphinges and Bombyces
- ISBN 9783388322940: Arthur G. Butler: LI.¿Descriptions of new species of Heterocera from Japan.¿Part I. Sphinges and Bombyces
- ISBN 3388322953: George Yeoman Heath: Ligature of the left subclavian artery in its third part for axillary aneurism with antiseptic catgut
- ISBN 9783388322957: George Yeoman Heath: Ligature of the left subclavian artery in its third part for axillary aneurism with antiseptic catgut
- ISBN 3388322961: John William Dawson: Lower Carboniferous fishes of New Brunswick
- ISBN 9783388322964: John William Dawson: Lower Carboniferous fishes of New Brunswick
- ISBN 338832297X: George M. Dawson: Mesozoic volcanic rocks of British Columbia and Chile: relation of volcanic and metamorphic rocks
- ISBN 9783388322971: George M. Dawson: Mesozoic volcanic rocks of British Columbia and Chile: relation of volcanic and metamorphic rocks
- ISBN 3388322988: Canaan Baptist Association: Minutes of the forty-fourth annual session of the Canaan Baptist Association Ala. 1877
- ISBN 9783388322988: Canaan Baptist Association: Minutes of the forty-fourth annual session of the Canaan Baptist Association Ala. 1877
- ISBN 3388322996: George Buchanan: Mr Netten Radcliffe's report to the Local Government Board on the sanitary condition of Gravesend, Kent
- ISBN 9783388322995: George Buchanan: Mr Netten Radcliffe's report to the Local Government Board on the sanitary condition of Gravesend, Kent