ISBN beginnend mit 9783388325
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- ISBN 3388325006: Ohio University: Ohio University bulletin. Undergraduate catalog, 1876-1877
- ISBN 9783388325002: Ohio University: Ohio University bulletin. Undergraduate catalog, 1876-1877
- ISBN 3388325014: W. C. Cockson: On milk and milk food: diet in health and disease: with remarks on emaciation, dyspepsia, and the preservation of health: the nutrition, care and management of infants
- ISBN 9783388325019: W. C. Cockson: On milk and milk food: diet in health and disease: with remarks on emaciation, dyspepsia, and the preservation of health: the nutrition, care and management of infants
- ISBN 3388325022: William Marcet: On the weather at Cannes during the season 1875-76: a report of meteorological observations made at Cannes from November 1, 1875, to April 30, 1876, with remarks
- ISBN 9783388325026: William Marcet: On the weather at Cannes during the season 1875-76: a report of meteorological observations made at Cannes from November 1, 1875, to April 30, 1876, with remarks
- ISBN 3388325030: Joseph Payne: Pestalozzi; the influence of his principles and practice on elementary education
- ISBN 9783388325033: Joseph Payne: Pestalozzi; the influence of his principles and practice on elementary education
- ISBN 3388325049: Gilmanton N. H. Town: Report of the doings of the selectmen and treasurer of the Town of Gilmanton, for the year ending
- ISBN 9783388325040: Gilmanton N. H. Town: Report of the doings of the selectmen and treasurer of the Town of Gilmanton, for the year ending
- ISBN 3388325057: John Chalmers: Reply of the K'euen Keae Shay: an association of Chinese inhabitants of the city and province of Canton, for the promotion of abstinence from opium, to an address from the Society for the Supression of the Opium Trade
- ISBN 9783388325057: John Chalmers: Reply of the K'euen Keae Shay: an association of Chinese inhabitants of the city and province of Canton, for the promotion of abstinence from opium, to an address from the Society for the Supression of the Opium Trade
- ISBN 3388325065: Charles Austral Leonard: Human ignorance
- ISBN 9783388325064: Charles Austral Leonard: Human ignorance
- ISBN 3388325073: Lebanon Valley College: Lebanon Valley College Catalog
- ISBN 9783388325071: Lebanon Valley College: Lebanon Valley College Catalog
- ISBN 3388325081: McGill University Library: Library of McGill College: supplementary catalogue of authors for 1876
- ISBN 9783388325088: McGill University Library: Library of McGill College: supplementary catalogue of authors for 1876
- ISBN 9783388325095: Township, London Ont.: List of voters for the township of London for the year 1877 | London Ont. Township | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783388325095
- ISBN 9783388325101: Purple, Samuel Smith: Medical libraries; an address delivered before the New York Academy of Medicine, January 18, 1877 . | Samuel Smith Purple | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag
- ISBN 9783388325118: Glaser, Louis: Montreal. | Louis Glaser | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783388325118
- ISBN 9783388325125: Cambridge, Mass. Citizens: Old South Meeting-house. Report of a meeting of the inhabitants of Cambridge, in Memorial hall, Harvard college | Mass. Citizens Cambridge | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024
- ISBN 9783388325132: Disturnell, John: Political economy | John Disturnell | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783388325132
- ISBN 3388325146: James Stevenson: Report on the fever carriages of the metropolis and on the removal of persons suffering from infectious diseases
- ISBN 9783388325149: James Stevenson: Report on the fever carriages of the metropolis and on the removal of persons suffering from infectious diseases
- ISBN 3388325154: Alfred James Bray: Lecture by M.W. Kirwin, editor of the True Witness, in reply to Reverend Mr. Bray, on the "Romish" church: delivered in the Mechanics' Hall, March 13, 1877
- ISBN 9783388325156: Alfred James Bray: Lecture by M.W. Kirwin, editor of the True Witness, in reply to Reverend Mr. Bray, on the "Romish" church: delivered in the Mechanics' Hall, March 13, 1877
- ISBN 3388325162: Silas Seymour: North Shore Railway: further statement of facts in relation to certain matters in difference between Thomas McGreevy, contractor, and Silas Seymour, general consulting engineer
- ISBN 9783388325163: Silas Seymour: North Shore Railway: further statement of facts in relation to certain matters in difference between Thomas McGreevy, contractor, and Silas Seymour, general consulting engineer
- ISBN 9783388325170: Tolmie, William Fraser: Reply to letter of "Old settler", published in the "Times" newspaper: on the selection of a terminus on the Pacific coast for the proposed Canadian Pacific Railway | William Fraser Tolmie | Buch
- ISBN 9783388325187: Ont., East Gwillimbury: List of voters of the township of East Gwillimbury for the year 1877 | East Gwillimbury Ont. | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783388325187
- ISBN 3388325197: Eugene Grissom: Mental hygiene for pupil and teacher. A lecture delivered before the Normal School at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, August 4, 1877
- ISBN 9783388325194: Eugene Grissom: Mental hygiene for pupil and teacher. A lecture delivered before the Normal School at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, August 4, 1877
- ISBN 9783388325200: Moran, Patrick Francis: Missionary labours of St. Columba and his companions in Scotland | Patrick Francis Moran | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783388325200
- ISBN 3388325219: Charles Edward Montizambert: Prize essay, on the supply, care, and repair of artillery material, including small arms and ammunition for Canadian militia
- ISBN 9783388325217: Charles Edward Montizambert: Prize essay, on the supply, care, and repair of artillery material, including small arms and ammunition for Canadian militia
- ISBN 3388325227: American Social Science Association: Report on a developing school and school-shops / by a committee appointed by the American Social Science Association; and read at their annual meeting in Boston, Mass., Jauary 10, 1877
- ISBN 9783388325224: American Social Science Association: Report on a developing school and school-shops / by a committee appointed by the American Social Science Association; and read at their annual meeting in Boston, Mass., Jauary 10, 1877
- ISBN 9783388325231: Albyn: John Walker's courtship: a legend of Lauderdale | Albyn | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783388325231
- ISBN 3388325243: West Nissouri Ont.: List of voters for the township of West Nissouri, 1877
- ISBN 9783388325248: West Nissouri Ont.: List of voters for the township of West Nissouri, 1877
- ISBN 9783388325255: Loyola University New Orleans, La.: Immaculate Conception College | La. Loyola University New Orleans | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783388325255
- ISBN 9783388325262: Lund, Edward: Internal urethrotomy: with its modern improvements | Edward Lund | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783388325262
- ISBN 9783388325279: Township, Raleigh Ont.: List of voters for the township of Raleigh: appearing on the assessment roll for the year 1877 | Raleigh Ont. Township | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag
- ISBN 3388325286: Baltimore Md. Mayor: Mayor¿s message and reports of the city officers
- ISBN 9783388325286: Baltimore Md. Mayor: Mayor¿s message and reports of the city officers
- ISBN 9783388325293: Hart, Charles Henry: Memoir of the life and services of Colonel John Nixon | Charles Henry Hart | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783388325293
- ISBN 3388325308: John Rogers Bolles: New London, a seaport for the North and West, and outport of New York
- ISBN 9783388325309: John Rogers Bolles: New London, a seaport for the North and West, and outport of New York
- ISBN 3388325316: William Knox: Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud?
- ISBN 9783388325316: William Knox: Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud?
- ISBN 3388325324: Stephen Johnson Field: Remarks of Mr. Justice Field in the Electoral commission on the Florida case, on the 7th of February, 1877
- ISBN 9783388325323: Stephen Johnson Field: Remarks of Mr. Justice Field in the Electoral commission on the Florida case, on the 7th of February, 1877
- ISBN 9783388325330: Smith, Charles Roach: Remarks on Shakespeare, his birth place, etc. suggested by a visit to Stratford-upon-Avon in the autumn of 1868 | Charles Roach Smith | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag
- ISBN 3388325340: Stanford Emerson Chaillé: Intimidation and the number of white and colored voters in Louisiana in 1876, as shown by statistical data derived from Republican official reports
- ISBN 9783388325347: Stanford Emerson Chaillé: Intimidation and the number of white and colored voters in Louisiana in 1876, as shown by statistical data derived from Republican official reports
- ISBN 3388325359: Edward Vogel: Nature of the physical forces
- ISBN 9783388325354: Edward Vogel: Nature of the physical forces
- ISBN 9783388325361: Handyside, Peter David: Shall I study medicine? | Peter David Handyside | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783388325361
- ISBN 3388325375: Luigi Maria D' Albertis: Journal of the expedition for the exploration of the Fly River
- ISBN 9783388325378: Luigi Maria D' Albertis: Journal of the expedition for the exploration of the Fly River
- ISBN 3388325383: Francis Kelly: Judgment of the Supreme Court of Canada on the appeal from the judgment of the Supreme Court of Prince Edward Island setting aside the award of the commissioners under the Land Purchase Act 1875, in the case of Charlotte Antonia Sulivan
- ISBN 9783388325385: Francis Kelly: Judgment of the Supreme Court of Canada on the appeal from the judgment of the Supreme Court of Prince Edward Island setting aside the award of the commissioners under the Land Purchase Act 1875, in the case of Charlotte Antonia Sulivan
- ISBN 9783388325392: Shufeldt, Robert Wilson: Liberia. The U. S. navy in connection with the foundation, growth and prosperity of the republic of Liberia. An address delivered before the American colonization society | Robert Wilson Shufeldt
- ISBN 9783388325408: Dowse, Thomas: Manitoba and the Canadian North-West | Thomas Dowse | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783388325408
- ISBN 3388325413: William Seymour Tyler: Opening of Lyman Williston Hall
- ISBN 9783388325415: William Seymour Tyler: Opening of Lyman Williston Hall
- ISBN 3388325421: Thomas Baldwin: Prize system as applied to small farmers in Ireland.
- ISBN 9783388325422: Thomas Baldwin: Prize system as applied to small farmers in Ireland.
- ISBN 338832543X: Henry Scadding: Prototypography
- ISBN 9783388325439: Henry Scadding: Prototypography
- ISBN 3388325448: Methodist Episcopal Church Holston Conference: Minutes of the thirteenth session of the Holston Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church
- ISBN 9783388325446: Methodist Episcopal Church Holston Conference: Minutes of the thirteenth session of the Holston Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church
- ISBN 9783388325453: Mass., Norwood: Norwood annual report | Norwood Mass. | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783388325453
- ISBN 3388325464: William Murrell: On the treatment of the night-sweating of phthisis
- ISBN 9783388325460: William Murrell: On the treatment of the night-sweating of phthisis
- ISBN 3388325472: Charles Devens: Pacific railroads
- ISBN 9783388325477: Charles Devens: Pacific railroads
- ISBN 3388325480: Susan Fenimore Cooper: Rear-Admiral William Branford Shubrick. A sketch
- ISBN 9783388325484: Susan Fenimore Cooper: Rear-Admiral William Branford Shubrick. A sketch
- ISBN 3388325499: Andover N. H. Town: Report by the selectmen of the town of Andover, for the year ending .
- ISBN 9783388325491: Andover N. H. Town: Report by the selectmen of the town of Andover, for the year ending .
- ISBN 3388325502: Sharon Educational Committee: Report of the Committee on High School: presented to and Adopted by the town of Sharon at a legal meeting held Nov. 6th A.D. 1877
- ISBN 9783388325507: Sharon Educational Committee: Report of the Committee on High School: presented to and Adopted by the town of Sharon at a legal meeting held Nov. 6th A.D. 1877
- ISBN 3388325510: Anglican Church in Rupert's Land: Report of the Synod of the diocese of Rupert's Land, May 23rd., 1877, with an appendix containing diocesan parish statistics and diocesan accounts
- ISBN 9783388325514: Anglican Church in Rupert's Land: Report of the Synod of the diocese of Rupert's Land, May 23rd., 1877, with an appendix containing diocesan parish statistics and diocesan accounts
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- ISBN 9783388325521: Stanley Pumphrey: Indian Civilization: A Lecture by Stanley Pumphrey of England. With Introduction by John G. Whittier
- ISBN 3388325537: John Milton: Lycidas
- ISBN 9783388325538: John Milton: Lycidas
- ISBN 3388325545: Joseph-Charles Tache: La Mouche ou la chrysomele des patates Chrysomela decemlineata: et le moyen d'en combattre les ravages
- ISBN 9783388325545: Joseph-Charles Tache: La Mouche ou la chrysomele des patates Chrysomela decemlineata: et le moyen d'en combattre les ravages
- ISBN 3388325553: Daniel Thomas Vose Huntoon: Memorial services of commemoration day, held in Canton, May 30, 1877
- ISBN 9783388325552: Daniel Thomas Vose Huntoon: Memorial services of commemoration day, held in Canton, May 30, 1877
- ISBN 3388325561: Francis Mason: On cleft palate
- ISBN 9783388325569: Francis Mason: On cleft palate
- ISBN 338832557X: William Roberts: On spontaneous generation and the doctrine of contagium vivum
- ISBN 9783388325576: William Roberts: On spontaneous generation and the doctrine of contagium vivum
- ISBN 3388325588: Stanley McKenna: Our oddities: an american comedy, in five acts
- ISBN 9783388325583: Stanley McKenna: Our oddities: an american comedy, in five acts
- ISBN 3388325596: Ralph Richardson: Papers on glacial geology: illustrated by the rocks of Switzerland and Scotland
- ISBN 9783388325590: Ralph Richardson: Papers on glacial geology: illustrated by the rocks of Switzerland and Scotland
- ISBN 338832560X: Henry W. Howgate: Polar colonization. The preliminary Arctic expedition of 1877
- ISBN 9783388325606: Henry W. Howgate: Polar colonization. The preliminary Arctic expedition of 1877
- ISBN 3388325618: Bristol Lunatic Asylum: Report of the Committee of Visitors of the Lunatic Asylum for the City and County of Bristol, together with the reports of the medical superintendent & chaplain
- ISBN 9783388325613: Bristol Lunatic Asylum: Report of the Committee of Visitors of the Lunatic Asylum for the City and County of Bristol, together with the reports of the medical superintendent & chaplain
- ISBN 3388325626: London Fever Hospital: Report of the London Fever Hospital, Liverpool Road, Islington, for the year ending 31st December 1876
- ISBN 9783388325620: London Fever Hospital: Report of the London Fever Hospital, Liverpool Road, Islington, for the year ending 31st December 1876
- ISBN 3388325634: James Croll: On the probable origin and age of the sun
- ISBN 9783388325637: James Croll: On the probable origin and age of the sun
- ISBN 3388325642: Charles Wesley: Jesus, lover of my soul
- ISBN 9783388325644: Charles Wesley: Jesus, lover of my soul
- ISBN 3388325650: N. H. Congregational Church Goffstown: Manual of the Congregational church in Goffstown, N.H.
- ISBN 9783388325651: N. H. Congregational Church Goffstown: Manual of the Congregational church in Goffstown, N.H.
- ISBN 3388325669: Thomas A. McParlin: Notes on the history and climate of New Mexico
- ISBN 9783388325668: Thomas A. McParlin: Notes on the history and climate of New Mexico
- ISBN 3388325677: James Morris Whiton: Parallel rules of Greek and Latin syntax. For use in classical schools
- ISBN 9783388325675: James Morris Whiton: Parallel rules of Greek and Latin syntax. For use in classical schools
- ISBN 3388325685: John E. Dix: Pastime sketches
- ISBN 9783388325682: John E. Dix: Pastime sketches
- ISBN 3388325693: Robert Parr Whitfield: Preliminary report on the paleontology of the Black Hills, containing descriptions of new species of fossils from the Potsdam, Jurassic, and Cretaceous formations of the Black Hills of Dakota
- ISBN 9783388325699: Robert Parr Whitfield: Preliminary report on the paleontology of the Black Hills, containing descriptions of new species of fossils from the Potsdam, Jurassic, and Cretaceous formations of the Black Hills of Dakota
- ISBN 3388325707: William Mills: Proceedings of the Western Ohio Pioneer Association, at New Carlisle, September 23rd, 1876
- ISBN 9783388325705: William Mills: Proceedings of the Western Ohio Pioneer Association, at New Carlisle, September 23rd, 1876
- ISBN 3388325715: E. W. Bodley: Prayers and responses for the household
- ISBN 9783388325712: E. W. Bodley: Prayers and responses for the household
- ISBN 3388325723: Chas. C. Kellogg & Co.: Illustrated price list of mouldings, brackets, ornaments, lattice, etc.
- ISBN 9783388325729: Chas. C. Kellogg & Co.: Illustrated price list of mouldings, brackets, ornaments, lattice, etc.
- ISBN 3388325731: Isaac Butt: Irish university education: a speech delivered in the House of Commons in moving the second reading of a bill to make provision for University education in Ireland July 26th 1877
- ISBN 9783388325736: Isaac Butt: Irish university education: a speech delivered in the House of Commons in moving the second reading of a bill to make provision for University education in Ireland July 26th 1877
- ISBN 338832574X: Joseph Solomon Moore: Letters on the silver question: as originally published in the "Evening post"
- ISBN 9783388325743: Joseph Solomon Moore: Letters on the silver question: as originally published in the "Evening post"
- ISBN 3388325758: Joseph Ignatius Constantine Clarke: Luck
- ISBN 9783388325750: Joseph Ignatius Constantine Clarke: Luck
- ISBN 3388325766: Frederick Augustus Dixon: Maiden Mona the mermaid; a fairy play for fairy people
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- ISBN 3388325774: Robert Charles Winthrop: Memoir of the Hon. John H. Clifford, LL. D
- ISBN 9783388325774: Robert Charles Winthrop: Memoir of the Hon. John H. Clifford, LL. D
- ISBN 3388325782: Nova Scotia Hospital for the Insane: Nineteenth annual report of the medical superintendent
- ISBN 9783388325781: Nova Scotia Hospital for the Insane: Nineteenth annual report of the medical superintendent
- ISBN 3388325790: Charles Dickens: Old Scrooge: a Christmas carol in five staves. Dramatized from Charles Dickens' celebrated Christmas story
- ISBN 9783388325798: Charles Dickens: Old Scrooge: a Christmas carol in five staves. Dramatized from Charles Dickens' celebrated Christmas story
- ISBN 3388325804: Royal College Of Physicians Of London: On a form of chronic inflammation of bones osteitis deformans
- ISBN 9783388325804: Royal College Of Physicians Of London: On a form of chronic inflammation of bones osteitis deformans
- ISBN 3388325812: Burt Green Wilder: On the brain of Chimæra Monstrosa: published July 24, 1877
- ISBN 9783388325811: Burt Green Wilder: On the brain of Chimæra Monstrosa: published July 24, 1877
- ISBN 3388325820: Robert Cartwright: Papers on Shakspere
- ISBN 9783388325828: Robert Cartwright: Papers on Shakspere
- ISBN 3388325839: William D. Chipley: Pensacola the Naples of America. and its surroundings illustrated. New Orleans, Mobile, and the resorts of the Gulf coast
- ISBN 9783388325835: William D. Chipley: Pensacola the Naples of America. and its surroundings illustrated. New Orleans, Mobile, and the resorts of the Gulf coast
- ISBN 3388325847: Walsingham Ont.: List of voters for the township of Walsingham, 1877
- ISBN 9783388325842: Walsingham Ont.: List of voters for the township of Walsingham, 1877
- ISBN 3388325855: Edward Duffield Neill: Notes on the Virginia colonial clergy
- ISBN 9783388325859: Edward Duffield Neill: Notes on the Virginia colonial clergy
- ISBN 3388325863: Fitzwilliam N. H. Town: Report of the superintending school committee of Fitzwilliam, for the year ending
- ISBN 9783388325866: Fitzwilliam N. H. Town: Report of the superintending school committee of Fitzwilliam, for the year ending
- ISBN 3388325871: Henry Scadding: Leaves they have touched, being a review of some historical autographs
- ISBN 9783388325873: Henry Scadding: Leaves they have touched, being a review of some historical autographs
- ISBN 338832588X: George Edward Ellis: Memoir of Charles Wentworth Upham
- ISBN 9783388325880: George Edward Ellis: Memoir of Charles Wentworth Upham
- ISBN 3388325898: Silas Seymour: North Shore Railway: foundations in deep water: being a review of "Remarks by the government engineer, on the ' Contractor's statement of facts'"
- ISBN 9783388325897: Silas Seymour: North Shore Railway: foundations in deep water: being a review of "Remarks by the government engineer, on the ' Contractor's statement of facts'"
- ISBN 3388325901: John Moffat: Remember Zion, or, The captivity and persecution of the Scotch church in Canada: an address
- ISBN 9783388325903: John Moffat: Remember Zion, or, The captivity and persecution of the Scotch church in Canada: an address
- ISBN 338832591X: Alabama Treasury Dept: Report of the Treasurer
- ISBN 9783388325910: Alabama Treasury Dept: Report of the Treasurer
- ISBN 3388325928: W. Fell Woods: Letters on oyster fisheries: the causes of scarcity; the remedies, &c.
- ISBN 9783388325927: W. Fell Woods: Letters on oyster fisheries: the causes of scarcity; the remedies, &c.
- ISBN 3388325936: Nassau and West India mail steamship line New York: Nassau, island of New Providence, Bahamas. A guide to the sanitarium of the western hemisphere, its attractions, and how to get there
- ISBN 9783388325934: Nassau and West India mail steamship line New York: Nassau, island of New Providence, Bahamas. A guide to the sanitarium of the western hemisphere, its attractions, and how to get there
- ISBN 3388325944: New England Conservatory Of Music: New England Conservatory of Music concert programs
- ISBN 9783388325941: New England Conservatory Of Music: New England Conservatory of Music concert programs
- ISBN 3388325952: William Healey Dall: Nomenclature in zoology and botany: a report to the American Association for the Advancement of Science at the Nashville meeting, August 31, 1877
- ISBN 9783388325958: William Healey Dall: Nomenclature in zoology and botany: a report to the American Association for the Advancement of Science at the Nashville meeting, August 31, 1877
- ISBN 3388325960: John Frederick Foard: North America and Africa: their past, present and future
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- ISBN 3388325979: W. F. Gill: Poems of the "Old South"
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- ISBN 3388325987: Henry W. Howgate: Polar colonization and exploration
- ISBN 9783388325989: Henry W. Howgate: Polar colonization and exploration
- ISBN 3388325995: A. M. Dickie: Poultry cholera; its cause, nature, prevention, and cure
- ISBN 9783388325996: A. M. Dickie: Poultry cholera; its cause, nature, prevention, and cure