ISBN beginnend mit 9783388813
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783388813004: Bennet Woodcroft: Chronological Index of Patents applied for and Patents granted, for the year 1863
- ISBN 9783388813011: Bennet Woodcroft: Subject-Matter Index of Patents applied for and Patents granted, for the year 1865
- ISBN 9783388813028: Alfred Alexander Woodhull: Catalogue of the surgical Section of the United States Army Medical Museum
- ISBN 9783388813035: J. C. Woods: The Curate's Friend
- ISBN 9783388813042: William Woolls: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia
- ISBN 9783388813059: Thomas Woolnoth: The Study of the Human Face
- ISBN 9783388813066: Theodore D. Woolsey: Essay on Divorce and Divorce Legislation
- ISBN 9783388813073: Theodore D. Woolsey: Essay on Divorce
- ISBN 9783388813080: Theodore D. Woolsey: Introduction to the Study of International Law
- ISBN 9783388813097: Emma Jane Worboise: The Fortunes of Cyril Denham
- ISBN 9783388813103: Emma Jane Worboise: The Fortunes of Cyril Denham
- ISBN 9783388813110: Christopher Wordsworth: Union with Rome
- ISBN 9783388813127: William Wordsworth: Moxon's Miniature Poets: A Selection from the Works of William Wordsworth, Poet Laureate
- ISBN 9783388813134: William Wordsworth: The Select Poetical Works of William Wordsworth
- ISBN 9783388813141: James H. Worman: An Elementary Grammar of the German Language
- ISBN 9783388813158: James H. Worman: An Elementary Grammar of the German Language
- ISBN 9783388813165: James H. Worman: A Complete Grammar of the German Language
- ISBN 9783388813172: Ralph Nicholson Wornum: Some Account of the Life and Works of Hans Holbein, Painter of Augsburg
- ISBN 9783388813189: Lascelles Wraxall: Scraps and Sketches Gathered Together
- ISBN 9783388813196: R. Temple Wright: Medical Students of the Period
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- ISBN 9783388813714: Church of Christ (New Haven): Manual of the North Church in New Haven
- ISBN 9783388813721: B. W. Suckow: Madison City Directory
- ISBN 9783388813738: The Asiatic Society of Bengal: Bibliotheca Indica: A Collection of Oriental Works Published under the Superintendence of the Asiatic society of Bengal
- ISBN 9783388813745: Journal of Horticulture and Poultry Chronicle: The Poultry-Keeper's Manual: Containing Descriptions of all Kinds of Domestic Poultry
- ISBN 9783388813752: Michigan Department of Public Instruction: Thirtieth annual Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of the State of Michigan
- ISBN 9783388813769: George Thomas Rider: Lyra Americana
- ISBN 9783388813776: U. S. Christian Commission: Record of the Federal Dead buried from Libby, Belle Isle, Danville & Camp Lawton
- ISBN 9783388813783: Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society: Wesleyan Juvenile Offering: A Miscellany of missionary Information for young Persons
- ISBN 9783388813790: Frederick William Faber: Hymns
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- ISBN 9783388813844: Patent Office: Alphabetical Index of Patentees and Applicants for Patents of Invention, for the Year 1865
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- ISBN 9783388813875: Robert Lemon: Catalogue of a Collection of printed Broadsides in the Possession of the Society of Antiquaries of London
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