ISBN beginnend mit 9783388816
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- ISBN 9783388816005: Anonymous: Questions for a reformed Parliament
- ISBN 9783388816012: Anonymous: Report on the Administration of the Madras Presidency during the Year 1867-68
- ISBN 9783388816029: Anonymous: Report on the Administration of the Madras Presidency during the Year 1867-68
- ISBN 9783388816036: Anonymous: Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society at the Semi-Annual Meeting Held in Boston, April 28, 1869; Worcester, October 21, 1869; Boston, April 27, 1870; Worcester, October 21, 1870; Boston, April 26, 1871; Worcester, October 21, 1871
- ISBN 9783388816043: Anonymous: Town Records of Salem, Massachusetts
- ISBN 9783388816050: Anonymous: The Horticulturist and Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste
- ISBN 9783388816067: Anonymous: Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society at the Semi-Annual Meeting Held in Boston, April 24, 1867; Worcester, October 21, 1867; Boston, April 29, 1868; Worcester, June 2, 1868; Worcester, October 21, 1868
- ISBN 9783388816074: Anonymous: Doniphan County Kansas History and Directory for 1868-9
- ISBN 9783388816081: Anonymous: The Dartmouth
- ISBN 9783388816098: Anonymous: The Dartmouth
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- ISBN 9783388816135: Anonymous: The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London for the Year 1868
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- ISBN 9783388816159: Anonymous: The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London for the Year 1869
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- ISBN 9783388816326: Anonymous: The Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal: for January, 1867.....April, 1867
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