ISBN beginnend mit 9783540291
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3540291008: Cristian S. Calude: Unconventional computation - 4th international conference ; proceedings
- ISBN 9783540291008: Cristian S. Calude: Unconventional computation - 4th international conference ; proceedings
- ISBN 3540291032: Miroslaw Malek: Service availability - revised selected papers
- ISBN 9783540291039: Miroslaw Malek: Service availability - revised selected papers
- ISBN 3540291040: Michael R. Berthold: Computational life sciences - first international symposium ; proceedings
- ISBN 9783540291046: Michael R. Berthold: Computational life sciences - first international symposium ; proceedings
- ISBN 3540291059: Dominique Borrione: Correct hardware design and verification methods - 13th IFIP WG 10.5 advanced research working conference ; proceedings
- ISBN 9783540291053: Dominique Borrione: Correct hardware design and verification methods - 13th IFIP WG 10.5 advanced research working conference ; proceedings
- ISBN 3540291067: Mario Coppo: Theoretical computer science - 9th Italian conference ; proceedings
- ISBN 9783540291060: Mario Coppo: Theoretical computer science - 9th Italian conference ; proceedings
- ISBN 3540291075: Dang Van Hung: Theoretical aspects of computing - second international colloquium ; proceedings
- ISBN 9783540291077: Dang Van Hung: Theoretical aspects of computing - second international colloquium ; proceedings
- ISBN 3540291105: Hugo Fuks: Groupware: design, implementation, and use - 11th international workshop ; proceedings
- ISBN 9783540291107: Hugo Fuks: Groupware: design, implementation, and use - 11th international workshop ; proceedings
- ISBN 354029113X: Vladimir Gorodetsky: Computer network security - proceedings
- ISBN 9783540291138: Vladimir Gorodetsky: Computer network security - proceedings
- ISBN 3540291148: Walter Doerfler: DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms
- ISBN 9783540291145: Walter Doerfler: DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms
- ISBN 3540291172: Antoni Ligeza: Logical Foundations for Rule-Based Systems
- ISBN 9783540291176: Antoni Ligeza: Logical Foundations for Rule-Based Systems
- ISBN 3540291180: Gerth S. Brodal: Algorithms - 13th annual European symposium ; proceedings
- ISBN 9783540291183: Gerth S. Brodal: Algorithms - 13th annual European symposium ; proceedings
- ISBN 3540291202: L.M. Portnoy: Radiologic Diagnosis of Gastric Cancer – A new Outlook
- ISBN 9783540291206: L.M. Portnoy: Radiologic Diagnosis of Gastric Cancer – A new Outlook
- ISBN 3540291237: Ashutosh Tiwari: Applications of Soft Computing – Recent Trends
- ISBN 9783540291237: Ashutosh Tiwari: Applications of Soft Computing – Recent Trends
- ISBN 3540291245: Thomas Bönisch: High Performance Computing on Vector Systems 2005 – Proceedings of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, March 2005
- ISBN 9783540291244: Thomas Bönisch: High Performance Computing on Vector Systems 2005 – Proceedings of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, March 2005
- ISBN 3540291261: De-Yi Shang: Free Convection Film Flows and Heat Transfer
- ISBN 9783540291268: De-Yi Shang: Free Convection Film Flows and Heat Transfer
- ISBN 3540291318: Frank S. de Boer: Formal methods for components and objects - third international symposium ; revised lectures
- ISBN 9783540291312: Frank S. de Boer: Formal methods for components and objects - third international symposium ; revised lectures
- ISBN 3540291326: Violet R. Syrotiuk: Ad hoc, mobile, and wireless networks - 4th international conference ; proceedings
- ISBN 9783540291329: Violet R. Syrotiuk: Ad hoc, mobile, and wireless networks - 4th international conference ; proceedings
- ISBN 3540291385: Robert Glück: Generative programming and component engineering - 4th international conference ; proceedings
- ISBN 9783540291381: Robert Glück: Generative programming and component engineering - 4th international conference ; proceedings
- ISBN 3540291415: Stephan Lunau: Six Sigma+Lean Toolset – Verbesserungsprojekte erfolgreich durchführen
- ISBN 9783540291411: Stephan Lunau: Six Sigma+Lean Toolset – Verbesserungsprojekte erfolgreich durchführen
- ISBN 3540291555: Ping Sheng: Introduction to Wave Scattering, Localization and Mesoscopic Phenomena
- ISBN 9783540291558: Ping Sheng: Introduction to Wave Scattering, Localization and Mesoscopic Phenomena
- ISBN 3540291571: Dieter Klumpp: Medien, Ordnung und Innovation
- ISBN 9783540291572: Dieter Klumpp: Medien, Ordnung und Innovation
- ISBN 3540291601: Burkhard Madea: Die ärztliche Leichenschau – Rechtsgrundlagen, Praktische Durchführung, Problemlösungen
- ISBN 9783540291602: Burkhard Madea: Die ärztliche Leichenschau – Rechtsgrundlagen, Praktische Durchführung, Problemlösungen
- ISBN 354029161X: Lothar Dietrich: Innovationen durch IT – Erfolgsbeispiele aus der Praxis
- ISBN 9783540291619: Lothar Dietrich: Innovationen durch IT – Erfolgsbeispiele aus der Praxis
- ISBN 3540291628: Avner Friedman: Tutorials in Mathematical Biosciences III – Cell Cycle, Proliferation, and Cancer
- ISBN 9783540291626: Avner Friedman: Tutorials in Mathematical Biosciences III – Cell Cycle, Proliferation, and Cancer
- ISBN 3540291636: Pierre Fraigniaud: Distributed computing - 19th international conference ; proceedings
- ISBN 9783540291633: Pierre Fraigniaud: Distributed computing - 19th international conference ; proceedings
- ISBN 3540291652: Daniel Oertli: Surgery of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands
- ISBN 9783540291657: Daniel Oertli: Surgery of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands
- ISBN 3540291687: Ronald A. Hites: Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Great Lakes
- ISBN 9783540291688: Ronald A. Hites: Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Great Lakes
- ISBN 3540291695: Jan Dietz: Enterprise Ontology – Theory and Methodology
- ISBN 9783540291695: Jan Dietz: Enterprise Ontology – Theory and Methodology
- ISBN 3540291725: Robert Dale: Natural language processing - second international joint conference ; proceedings
- ISBN 9783540291725: Robert Dale: Natural language processing - second international joint conference ; proceedings
- ISBN 9783540291770: Robert Troc: Actinide monochalcogenides
- ISBN 3540291792: Yoichi Shiozaki, Eiji Nakamura, Werner Martienssen, Otfried Madelung: Landolt-Börnstein: Group 3, Condensed matter / Vol. 36., Ferroelectrics and related substances / ed.: Y. Shiozaki ... / Subvol. C., Organic crystals, liquid crystals and polymers / authors: E. Nakamura ...
- ISBN 9783540291794: Yoichi Shiozaki, Eiji Nakamura, Werner Martienssen, Otfried Madelung: Landolt-Börnstein: Group 3, Condensed matter / Vol. 36., Ferroelectrics and related substances / ed.: Y. Shiozaki ... / Subvol. C., Organic crystals, liquid crystals and polymers / authors: E. Nakamura ...
- ISBN 3540291814: Peter T. Köhler: PRINCE 2 – Das Projektmanagement-Framework
- ISBN 9783540291817: Peter T. Köhler: PRINCE 2 – Das Projektmanagement-Framework
- ISBN 3540291822: Krishna Gopal Mukerji: Microbial Activity in the Rhizosphere
- ISBN 9783540291824: Krishna Gopal Mukerji: Microbial Activity in the Rhizosphere
- ISBN 354029192X: Ralf Steinmetz: Peer-to-Peer Systems and Applications
- ISBN 9783540291923: Ralf Steinmetz: Peer-to-Peer Systems and Applications
- ISBN 3540291938: D.R.S. Somayajulu: IWNMS 2004 – Proceedings of the International Workshop on Nanomaterials, Magnetic Ions and Magnetic Semiconductors Studied Mostly by Hyperfine Interactions (IWNMS 2004) held in Baroda, India, 10-14 February 2004
- ISBN 9783540291930: D.R.S. Somayajulu: IWNMS 2004 – Proceedings of the International Workshop on Nanomaterials, Magnetic Ions and Magnetic Semiconductors Studied Mostly by Hyperfine Interactions (IWNMS 2004) held in Baroda, India, 10-14 February 2004