ISBN beginnend mit 9783540462
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- ISBN 3540462147: Griebel, Michael; Schweitzer, Marc Alexander: Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations III
- ISBN 9783540462149: Griebel, Michael; Schweitzer, Marc Alexander: Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations III
- ISBN 9783540462156: Bes, Daniel: Quantum Mechanics - A Modern and Concise Introductory Course
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- ISBN 9783540462194: Najm, Elie; Pradat-Peyre, Jean-Francois; Donzeau-Gouge, Véronique Viguié: Formal techniques for networked and distributed systems - 26th IFIP WG 6.1 international conference ; proceedings
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- ISBN 9783540462217: Beyreuther, Roland; Brünig, Harald: Dynamics of Fibre Formation and Processing - Modelling and Application in Fibre and Textile Industry
- ISBN 9783540462248: Broßmann, Michael; Mödinger, Wilfried: Praxisguide Wissensmanagement - Qualifizieren in Gegenwart und Zukunft. Planung, Umsetzung und Controlling in Unternehmen
- ISBN 9783540462262: Müller, Ingo: A History of Thermodynamics - The Doctrine of Energy and Entropy
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- ISBN 9783540462422: La Poutré, Han; Sadeh, Norman; Janson, Sverker: Agent mediated electronic commerce - designing trading agents and mechanisms ; selected and revised papers
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- ISBN 9783540462446: Ahlswede, Rudolf; Bäumer, Lars; Cai, Ning; Aydinian, Harout; Blinovsky, Vladimir; Deppe, Christian; Mashurian, Haik: General Theory of Information Transfer and Combinatorics
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- ISBN 9783540462460: Smith, Ian F.C.: Intelligent computing in engineering and architecture - Ascona, Switzerland, June 25 - 30, 2006 ; revised selected papers
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- ISBN 9783540462484: Stanczak, Slawomir; Wiczanowski, Marcin; Boche, Holger: Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks
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