ISBN beginnend mit 9783540761
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3540761004: Shepherd, Adrian J.: Second-Order Methods for Neural Networks - Fast and Reliable Training Methods for Multi-Layer Perceptrons
- ISBN 3540761012: Man, Kim F.; Tang, Kit S.; Kwong, Sam; Halang, Wolfgang A.: Genetic algorithms for control and signal processing
- ISBN 3540761020: Sheeran, M.; Singh, S.: Designing Correct Circuits
- ISBN 3540761039: Ratledge, David: The Art and Science of CCD Astronomy
- ISBN 354076108X: Macredie, Robert; Paul, Ray; Anketell, Dervarajan; Lehaney, Brian; Warwick, Shamim: Modelling for Added Value
- ISBN 3540761098: Apers, Peter M.G.; Blanken, Henk M.; Houtsma, Maurice A.W.: Multimedia Database in Perspective
- ISBN 3540761101: Tzafestas, Spyros G.: Computer-Assisted Management and Control of Manufacturing Systems
- ISBN 354076111X: Vatalaro, Francesco; Ananasso, Fulvio: Mobile and Personal Satellite Communications 2 - Proceedings of the Second European Workshop on Mobile/Personal Satcoms (EMPS ’96)
- ISBN 3540761152: Hunt, John: Smalltalk and Object Orientation - An Introduction
- ISBN 3540761209: Vidyasagar, Mathukumalli: A Theory of Learning and Generalization
- ISBN 3540761233: Johnson, D.L.: Elements of Logic via Numbers and Sets
- ISBN 3540761241: Evans, G.; Blackledge, J.; Yardley, P.: Analytic Methods for Partial Differential Equations
- ISBN 354076125X: Evans, G.; Blackledge, J.; Yardley, P.: Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
- ISBN 3540761268: Seron, Maria M.; Braslavsky, Julio H.; Goodwin, Graham C.: Fundamental Limitations in Filtering and Control
- ISBN 3540761276: Sepulchre, R.; Jankovic, M.; Kokotovic, P. V.: Constructive Nonlinear Control
- ISBN 3540761284: Sriram, Ram D.: Intelligent Systems for Engineering - A Knowledge-based Approach
- ISBN 3540761292: Wilde, Philippe de: Neural Network Models - Theory and Projects
- ISBN 3540761314: Kelly, James M.: Earthquake-Resistant Design with Rubber
- ISBN 3540761322: Patel, Dilipkumar; Sun, Yuan; Patel, Shushmaben: Proceedings / OOIS '96
- ISBN 3540761330: Khatib, Oussama; Salisbury, Kenneth J.: 4., Stanford, California, June 30 - July 2, 1995
- ISBN 3540761349: Redmill, Felix; Anderson, Tom: Safer Systems - Proceedings of the Fifth Safety-critical Systems Symposium, Brighton 1997
- ISBN 3540761365: North, Gerald: Astronomy Explained
- ISBN 354076139X: Stonier, Tom: Information and Meaning - An Evolutionary Perspective
- ISBN 3540761403: Gray, David F.: Introduction to the Formal Design of Real-Time Systems
- ISBN 3540761411: Leith, Philip; Hoey, Amanda: The Computerised Lawyer - A Guide to the Use of Computers in the Legal Profession
- ISBN 3540761446: Camacho, Eduardo F.; Berenguel, Manuel; Rubio, Francisco R.: Advanced Control of Solar Plants
- ISBN 3540761462: Maunder, Michael; Moore, Patrick: The Sun in Eclipse
- ISBN 3540761489: Cowell, John: Essential Visual Basic 5.0 Fast - Includes ActiveX Control Development
- ISBN 3540761500: Cowell, John: Essential Delphi 3 fast - Includes ActiveX Development
- ISBN 3540761519: Magni, Jean F; Terlouw, Jan C.; Bennani, Samir: Robust Flight Control
- ISBN 3540761527: Vlietstra, Jakob: Dictionary of Acronyms and Technical Abbreviations
- ISBN 3540761535: Xie, Y. M.; Steven, Grant P.: Evolutionary Structural Optimization
- ISBN 3540761543: Poznyak, A.S.; Najim, K.: Learning Automata and Stochastic Optimization
- ISBN 3540761551: McCarthy, Timothy J.: AutoCAD Express NT - Covering Release 14
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- ISBN 3540761616: Dracopoulos, Dimitris C.: Evolutionary Learning Algorithms for Neural Adaptive Control
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- ISBN 3540761632: Landau, Lawrence J.: Concepts for Neural Networks - A Survey
- ISBN 3540761640: Moore, Patrick: Eyes on the Universe - The Story of the Telescope
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- ISBN 3540761675: Mariani, E.; Murthy, S. S.: Advanced Load Dispatch for Power Systems
- ISBN 3540761683: Mariani, E.; Murthy, S. S.: Control of Modern Integrated Power Systems
- ISBN 3540761691: Cooperman, G.; Michler, G.; Vinck, H.: Workshop on High Performance Computing and Gigabit Local Area Networks
- ISBN 3540761705: Orlowska, Maria E.; Zicari, Roberto: Proceedings / OOIS '97
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- ISBN 3540761748: William M. Steen: Laser material processing
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- ISBN 3540761799: Marshall, Gordon S.: Introductory Mathematics: Applications and Methods
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- ISBN 3540761810: Trenner, Lesley; Bawa, Joanna: The Politics of Usability - A Practical Guide to Designing Usable Systems in Industry
- ISBN 3540761829: Levy Vehel, Jacques; Lutton, Evelyne; Tricot, Claude: Fractals in Engineering
- ISBN 3540761837: Tarbouriech, Sophie; Garcia, Germain: Control of Uncertain Systems with Bounded Inputs
- ISBN 3540761853: Walmsley, Mark: Graphics Programming in C++
- ISBN 3540761861: Bicarregui, Juan C.: Proof in VDM: Case Studies
- ISBN 354076187X: Lozano, Rogelio: Adaptive Control
- ISBN 3540761888: Chard, Tim; Lilford, Richard: Basic Sciences for Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- ISBN 3540761896: Redmill, Felix; Anderson, Tom: Industrial Perspectives of Safety-critical Systems - Proceedings of the Sixth Safety-critical Systems Symposium, Birmingham 1998
- ISBN 3540761918: Daniel, Peter: SAFECOMP '97
- ISBN 3540761926: Calvi, Licia; Geerts, Walter: CALL, Culture and the Language Curriculum
- ISBN 3540761934: Dugard, Luc; Verriest, Erik I.: Stability and Control of Time-delay Systems
- ISBN 3540761942: Hromadka, Theodore V.; Whitley, Robert J.: Advances in the Complex Variable Boundary Element Method
- ISBN 3540761977: Jones, Gareth A.; Jones, Josephine M.: Elementary Number Theory
- ISBN 3540761985: Price, Chris: Computer-Based Diagnostic Systems
- ISBN 3540761993: Reed, Duncan; Thomas, Peter: Essential HTML fast