ISBN beginnend mit 9783540965
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3540965076: F. Cohadon: Traumatic brain edema
- ISBN 3540965084: Serge Lang: Elliptic functions
- ISBN 3540965092: Donald G. MacKay: The organization of perception and action - a theory for language and other cognitive skills
- ISBN 3540965106: Albert Mehrabian: Eating characteristics and temperament - general measures and interrelationships
- ISBN 3540965149: Pierre Brémaud, François Baccelli: Palm probabilities and stationary queues
- ISBN 3540965165: Kennan T. Smith: Power series from a computational point of view
- ISBN 3540965203: Chieh S. Hsu: Cell-to-cell mapping - a method of global analysis for nonlinear systems
- ISBN 3540965254: Ingwer Borg, James Lingoes: Multidimensional similarity structure analysis
- ISBN 3540965270: Rae A. Earnshaw: Workstations and publication systems
- ISBN 3540965297: Charles L. Weber: Elements of detection and signal design
- ISBN 3540965335: James E. Maddux: Social processes in clinical and counseling psychology
- ISBN 3540965394: Michael A. Arbib: Brains, machines, and mathematics
- ISBN 3540965408: Joel B. Sheffield: The microenvironment and vision
- ISBN 3540965416: Bruce Stephenson: Kepler's physical astronomy
- ISBN 3540965424: Ira H. Bernstein: Applied multivariate analysis
- ISBN 3540965459: Alan Abrams: Alcoholism - a guide for the primary care physician
- ISBN 3540965475: Wayne T. Swank: Forest hydrology and ecology at Coweeta - [based on papers presented during a 3-day Symposium held in Athens, Georgia in October 1984 to Commemorate 50 Years of Research at the Coweeta Hydrolog. Laboratory]
- ISBN 3540965521: David Schlossberg: Tuberculosis
- ISBN 3540965556: Robert K. Scopes: Protein purification - principles and practice
- ISBN 3540965599: Leland N. Edmunds: Cellular and molecular bases of biological clocks - models and mechanisms for circadian timekeeping
- ISBN 3540965637: Noel P. James: Paleokarst - [based on a symposium convened at the 1985 mid-year meeting of the Soc. of Econom. Paleontologists and Mineralogists at Colorado School of Mines]
- ISBN 3540965645: Edward G. Grant: Duplex sonography
- ISBN 3540965653: Dorothy F. Soule: Marine organisms as indicators
- ISBN 3540965696: Jean-Pierre Serre: Complex semisimple Lie algebras
- ISBN 354096570X: Hans-Jürgen Hippler: Social information processing and survey methodology
- ISBN 3540965726: Shikaripur N. Sridhar: Cognition and sentence production - a cross-linguistic study
- ISBN 3540965734: Paulo Ribenboim: The book of prime number records
- ISBN 3540965742: Peter A. Darnell, Philip E. Margolis: Software engineering in C
- ISBN 3540965769: Neal Koblitz: A course in number theory and cryptography
- ISBN 3540965815: Kevin B. MacDonald: Sociobiological perspectives on human development
- ISBN 3540965858: Phillip L. Gould: Analysis of shells and plates
- ISBN 3540965882: Daniel K. Lapsley: Self, Ego, and identity - integrative approaches
- ISBN 3540965904: Allan Gut: Stopped random walks - limit theorems and applications
- ISBN 3540965912: Joan E. Grusec, Hugh Lytton: Social development - history, theory, and research
- ISBN 3540965955: Michel Imbert: Cognitive science in Europe - a report from the FAST programme of the Comm. of the European Communities
- ISBN 3540965971: Ivan Hlaváček: Solution of variational inequalities in mechanics
- ISBN 354096598X: Gerhard Rayna: REDUCE - software for algebraic computation
- ISBN 3540965998: Marco F. Saettone: Ophthalmic drug delivery - biopharmaceut., technolog., and clin. aspects