ISBN beginnend mit 9783639514
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783639514001: Alex Kamwaria: Therapeutic Impulse of Rituals in Post-Conflict Trauma Healing
- ISBN 9783639514018: Antonio Guerrero: Engineered Polyisobutene Rubbers
- ISBN 9783639514025: Robin Kietzman: The Lost MK
- ISBN 9783639514032: Mandeep Rallan Neelakshi Singh Rallan Mousumi Goswami: Bio-Osseous Bone Grafts
- ISBN 9783639514049: Ashutosh Gupta Suneeta Agarwal: Text Compression Schemes
- ISBN 9783639514056: Jain, Praveen Kumar;Kori, M. L.: Hydrogel For Oral Mucositis
- ISBN 9783639514063: Yishuai Wang: The Accountability Function of Legislature within a One-party Regime
- ISBN 9783639514070: Sunil Kaware Dadabhau Yadav: An Economic Appraisal of Dairy Enterprise
- ISBN 9783639514087: Colleen McLaughlin: The Human Aspects of Learning
- ISBN 3639514092: Patrizio Console Camprini: Test Devices in Jules Horowitz Material Testing Reactor (JHR)
- ISBN 9783639514094: Patrizio Console Camprini: Test Devices in Jules Horowitz Material Testing Reactor (JHR)
- ISBN 9783639514100: Sonja Sentocnik: Re-thinking School Leadership
- ISBN 9783639514117: Shiksha Gallow: Retention Recipe: A Guide for Healthcare Professionals
- ISBN 9783639514124: Shiveshwar Singh: Sulphate Fertilization in Sustainable Crop Production
- ISBN 9783639514131: Stoyan Stoyanov Svetlozar Rachev Frank Fabozzi: Optimal Portfolio Management in Highly Volatile Markets
- ISBN 3639514149: Khritish Swargiary: Boycott China?
- ISBN 9783639514148: Khritish Swargiary: Boycott China?
- ISBN 3639514157: Nadezhda Andreeva: Dielectric capacitors versus supercapacitors
- ISBN 9783639514155: Nadezhda Andreeva: Dielectric capacitors versus supercapacitors
- ISBN 9783639514162: Watjana Suriyatham: The Development of Self-Access Materials for Listening Comprehension
- ISBN 9783639514179: Paul Ogendi: Anti-counterfeiting laws and public health
- ISBN 9783639514193: Yao Wang: Phenolic Compounds from Mongolian Medicinal Plants
- ISBN 9783639514209: Adonay Montes: Possible Selves
- ISBN 9783639514216: Grundlingh, Alma: Leader success in the military
- ISBN 9783639514223: Judith McCormick Higgins: Finding the way: Women¿s experiences and becoming state legislators
- ISBN 3639514238: Syed Zahidur Rashid: Radio Access Networks (RAN)
- ISBN 9783639514247: Humera Aziz: Prevention & Treatment of Asthma, Epilepsy, Polio, Autism, & HIV/AIDS
- ISBN 9783639514254: Chunmei Li: Designing Phase Selective Soluble Polymers
- ISBN 3639514262: Ganesan Senthil Kumaran: New Generation Rubberised Concrete & its Basic Engineering Properties
- ISBN 9783639514261: Ganesan Senthil Kumaran: New Generation Rubberised Concrete & its Basic Engineering Properties
- ISBN 9783639514278: Sikri, Arpit: Digital Dental Photography | Dental Photography | Arpit Sikri (u. a.) | Taschenbuch | Englisch | 2024 | Scholars' Press | EAN 9783639514278
- ISBN 9783639514285: Christiana Ayoade: Health and Risk Issues in Adolescent Behavior
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- ISBN 9783639514308: Gretchen Clark Hammond: The Phoenix Rising: Describing Women's Stories of Long-Term Recovery
- ISBN 9783639514315: Kedar nath Mukherjee: Corporate Bond Market in India
- ISBN 3639514327: Sunday Okello Angoma: Post-War Social Recovery in Northern Uganda
- ISBN 9783639514322: Sunday Okello Angoma: Post-War Social Recovery in Northern Uganda
- ISBN 9783639514339: Donald L. Kaufmann: Norman Mailer: Legacy and Literary Americana
- ISBN 9783639514346: Yousef Hamad A. Al-Maini: Curriculum Issues in teaching English: the Saudi Experience
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- ISBN 9783639514353: Aasif Dabbawala: Hydroformylation and Hydrogenation by Transition Metal Catalyst
- ISBN 9783639514360: Bhupender Singh: Mustard [Brassica juncea (L.)Czern and Coss]
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- ISBN 9783639514384: Ajeet Singh Tomar: Legal Separation of Parent: Impact on Adolescents
- ISBN 9783639514391: Youfang Hu: Ultrashort diode laser pulses
- ISBN 9783639514407: Yamsani, Shravan Kumar;Dharani, Sathish;Pothula, Jairaj: Taste Masked Oral Distinguishing Tablets of Tolterodine Tartrate
- ISBN 9783639514414: Harshvardhan Zala: Wheat (Triticum aestivum L. and T. durum L.)
- ISBN 9783639514421: Antonio Bonacaro: The Planning Process Applied to Hospital Companies
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- ISBN 9783639514490: Mah-E-Rukh Ahmed: Comparing on Teacher Education in England and Pakistan
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- ISBN 9783639514551: Simon Sandall: Custom and Popular Memory in the Forest of Dean, c.1550-1832
- ISBN 9783639514568: Martin Fradley: Boys in Trouble?
- ISBN 9783639514575: Surekha Krishnan: Corrosion studies of surface treated AA 2219 aluminium alloy
- ISBN 9783639514582: Tamer Elewa: The Evolving Engagement Strategy
- ISBN 9783639514599: David Houvenagle: Local Healthcare Politics: Louisville's Growth Machine 1947-2007
- ISBN 3639514602: Mary Mosha: Factors Affecting Students' Performance in Zanzibar Secondary Schools
- ISBN 9783639514605: Mary Mosha: Factors Affecting Students' Performance in Zanzibar Secondary Schools
- ISBN 3639514610: Sobana Arunagiri Senguttuvan: Preparation and preservation of Shredded Meat Product
- ISBN 9783639514612: Sobana Arunagiri Senguttuvan: Preparation and preservation of Shredded Meat Product
- ISBN 9783639514629: Renny Sie: Francis Poulenc "Huit Nocturnes" for Piano: A Performer's Guide
- ISBN 9783639514636: Victor Ng-Thow-Hing: Anatomy-based models for computer reconstruction of humans and animals
- ISBN 9783639514643: Chitra Jayathilake: Classroom Interactional Feedback in Second Language Acquisition
- ISBN 9783639514650: Shashwat Bajpai: 1990-2012-Two Decades of Sea Change in the Practice of Modern Warfare
- ISBN 9783639514667: Ashok Kumar: Biochemical Studies of Alternaria blight of cluster bean
- ISBN 9783639514674: Aygul Sayakenova: The Analysis of OTEM in North Cyprus
- ISBN 3639514688: Mohamed Shalaby: Multi-Object Tracking by Active Camera
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- ISBN 9783639514728: Taranjit Samra: Medical Device Software
- ISBN 9783639514735: Tarek El-Geziry: Assessment of Tidal-Current Energy Resource in the Strait of Messina
- ISBN 3639514742: Inocencio Rodríguez: Land as a Renewable Resource
- ISBN 9783639514759: Eman Abd Elaziz: Pigment Printing and Functional Finishing
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- ISBN 9783639514766: Kusum Kumari Singh: Regulation of alternative splice site selection
- ISBN 9783639514773: Marina Temelkovska Stevanovska: Analgesia in patients with hip fracture
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- ISBN 9783639514797: Zhisong Tong: Weak Scattering of Scalar and Electromagnetic Random Fields
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- ISBN 9783639514834: Osie Wood: From the Valley to the Mountain Top
- ISBN 9783639514841: Zachary Vanthournout: Using Geography to Develop 21st Century Skills in Learners
- ISBN 9783639514858: Argyro Pavlopoulou: Musical Tradition and Change on the island of Crete
- ISBN 9783639514865: Gachanja, Paul: Total Factor Productivity Change in the Kenyan Manufacturing Sector
- ISBN 9783639514872: Daniel Manoiu: Pangenesis for Piano and Orchestra
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- ISBN 9783639514889: Aarti Rohira: SUMOylation regulates RNA polymerase-III dependent transcription
- ISBN 9783639514896: Mohammad Hossein Sabour: Life-time in Creep-Fatigue Interaction
- ISBN 9783639514902: Hassan Abdulmouti: Measurement of Flow Structures Induced by a Bubbly Plume
- ISBN 9783639514919: Ning Yang: Structured Matrix Methods For Computations On Bernstein Polynomials
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- ISBN 9783639514926: Daniel Cabarcas Jaramillo: Gröbner Bases Computation and Mutant Polynomials
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- ISBN 9783639514940: Brett Ziegler: Metal Fatigue and Fracture Testing and Analysis
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- ISBN 9783639514995: Jameleddine Hassine: Formal Semantics and Verification Of Use Case Maps