ISBN beginnend mit 9783639715
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783639715002: Daniel Kario: Believable player-like chat-able characters in online game
- ISBN 9783639715019: Trimurthulu Reddy Addagarla Prayaga Murty Pragada Venkaiah Malleboyina: Ethnobotany of Narsipatnam division of Visakhapatnam, A.P., India
- ISBN 3639715020: Richard Kim: Revolution and the Mass Marketplace
- ISBN 9783639715026: Richard Kim: Revolution and the Mass Marketplace
- ISBN 3639715039: S. Nithya Lavanya: Spread Spectrum Pulse Width Modulation Methods
- ISBN 9783639715033: S. Nithya Lavanya: Spread Spectrum Pulse Width Modulation Methods
- ISBN 9783639715040: Prasanna Sawant: Peri-Implantitis: Challenges and Solutions in Implant Dentistry
- ISBN 9783639715057: Rupert Loyd Jr.: Navigating Pastoral Transitions
- ISBN 9783639715064: Janardhan Pakkapati: Relations between India and Indo-China
- ISBN 9783639715088: Sadu Ranganadham: Use of Information Resources and Services in University Libraries
- ISBN 9783639715095: Ravi Shanker Datti: Yoga for Management of Type II Diabetes Mellitus
- ISBN 9783639715101: Mary E. Chase: Persistence of Adult Online Learners
- ISBN 9783639715118: Kopparla Narayana Murthy: Back to Basics
- ISBN 9783639715125: Shigeru Masuda: Historical Development of Classical Fluid Dynamics
- ISBN 9783639715132: Ha Phan: HIV and Hepatitis C in injecting drug users in Ha Noi, Viet Nam
- ISBN 9783639715149: Charles Kakule Kalwahali: The Crimes Committed By UN Peacekeepers In Africa
- ISBN 9783639715156: Nirav Joshi Jaysukhlal Parmar Yogesh Naliapara: Studies on Chromene Derivatives
- ISBN 3639715160: R. Santhini: School Health Programme
- ISBN 9783639715163: R. Santhini: School Health Programme
- ISBN 3639715179: Medasani Devarajulu: Tobacco Production And Marketing In Andhra Pradesh
- ISBN 9783639715170: Medasani Devarajulu: Tobacco Production And Marketing In Andhra Pradesh
- ISBN 9783639715187: Dean Browell: WORLD OF STUDENTCRAFT: Student Engagement In An Online World
- ISBN 9783639715194: Randy Tillmutt: The History of the System of Music Education in Jamaica
- ISBN 9783639715217: Ya Ding: Irrigation Technology And Groundwater Conservation In The High Plains
- ISBN 3639715225: Surendranadha Reddy, Katari: Genetic Demography
- ISBN 9783639715224: Surendranadha Reddy, Katari: Genetic Demography
- ISBN 9783639715231: Safia Anjum: Growth of Nano-structured Thin Films of Magnetic Materials
- ISBN 9783639715248: Petra Vondrácková: Internet addiction
- ISBN 9783639715255: Felix Mulengeki: The School Level Human Factor in Education Reforms
- ISBN 9783639715262: Chatterjee, Tapan Kumar: Antioxidant & Anti-diabetic Activities Of Polyalthia Longifolia Leaves
- ISBN 9783639715279: Santosh Kumar: Diversity among pearl millet and Napier grass
- ISBN 9783639715286: Chitra Krishnan: Krishnan, C: Exploring Identity in the novels of Michael Ond
- ISBN 9783639715293: Mahesh Savant Vipul Audichya Yogesh Naliapara: Synthesis of Highly Functionalized Pyrazoles Using Ketene Dithioacetal
- ISBN 9783639715309: Mhenni Benghorbal: Fractional differential equations & symbolic derivatives and integrals
- ISBN 9783639715316: Mulugeta Tamene: Occupational Respiratory
- ISBN 9783639715323: Stefano A. Graziano: From Language to Music
- ISBN 3639715330: Saumya Shankar: Periodontal Regeneration
- ISBN 9783639715347: Udaya Prasanna Handadi Rajendra Udupa K.: Indentation Creep Studies on Stainless Steel Welds and Solder Alloys
- ISBN 9783639715354: D., Ayub Khan Dawood;K. R., Sowmya: Trends and Challenges in Entrepreneurship & Business
- ISBN 9783639715361: Samuel Mwangi: Exchange Rate Volatility Effects on Kenya s Exports
- ISBN 9783639715378: Taha Triki: Filtering and reduction techniques of combinatorial tests
- ISBN 9783639715385: Md. Agha Nuruzzaman: Futures : Prospects
- ISBN 9783639715392: Olivier Collier: Statistical Methods for Descriptor Matching
- ISBN 9783639715408: András Huszár: EU Environmental Crime and Punishment
- ISBN 9783639715415: Manohar Ram: Genetic Study of Terminal Heat Tolerance in Bread wheat
- ISBN 9783639715422: Peter A. Bruce: Foundations of Online Higher Education
- ISBN 9783639715439: Tehseen Nisar: The Post- Colonial Society in Pakistan
- ISBN 3639715446: Raj Kumar Tatapudi: Crustacean Nutrition
- ISBN 9783639715446: Raj Kumar Tatapudi: Crustacean Nutrition
- ISBN 9783639715453: Robert Mau: Hybrid Low-Order Modeling for Conceptual Vehicle Design
- ISBN 3639715462: Katharina Lütkehermöller: Climate change related migration: A threat to security ?
- ISBN 9783639715460: Katharina Lütkehermöller: Climate change related migration: A threat to security ?
- ISBN 3639715470: Clemens Drenowatz: Energy Balance in Endurance Athletes
- ISBN 9783639715477: Clemens Drenowatz: Energy Balance in Endurance Athletes
- ISBN 9783639715484: Gnanasekaran Dhorali: "POSS" Nanocomposite membranes: synthesis and gas separation studies
- ISBN 9783639715491: Lada Cechackova: Aid for Africa: Its Mapping and Effectiveness in the Case of Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783639715507: Gauthier Umaña, Valérie: Post-Quantum Cryptography
- ISBN 9783639715514: Kweku Ainuson: Ensuring Water Supply To Disadvantaged Urban Communities In Ghana
- ISBN 9783639715521: Preeti Srivastava: Biosorptive Remediation of Chromium, Cadmium and Lead From Water
- ISBN 9783639715545: Joseph Uyanga: Sustainability Levels in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria
- ISBN 9783639715552: Awad Mahmoud: Studies on some factors affecting the quality of salted anchovy¿
- ISBN 363971556X: Soltan Alharbi: Proactive System for Digital Forensic Investigation
- ISBN 9783639715569: Soltan Alharbi: Proactive System for Digital Forensic Investigation
- ISBN 9783639715576: Evanson Muriithi: Project method of teaching physics
- ISBN 9783639715583: Ashutosh Narayan: Non-Linear effects on extensible cable connected satellite system
- ISBN 9783639715590: Zoltán Fekete: Development of silicon microfluidic systems for life sciences
- ISBN 9783639715606: Juthika Mahanta: Topological Structures Of Certain Generalized Sets
- ISBN 9783639715613: Reda M. Nabil Aboushady: Patterns of Weight Gain among High Risk Pregnant Women - Implementing a Plan of Action
- ISBN 9783639715620: Lisha Liu: Engagement in Learning on UK Full-time Taught Master's Programmes
- ISBN 3639715632: Benjamin Owusu Edwin: Service Quality
- ISBN 9783639715637: Benjamin Owusu Edwin: Service Quality
- ISBN 9783639715651: Vaishali Wadhe Vinayak Bharadi: Cloud Computing
- ISBN 9783639715668: Siddhartha Swarup Jena: Molecular mapping of alternate dwarfing genes in Rice
- ISBN 9783639715675: Gunasekar Ramachandran: Synthesis and anti-cancer studies of lactams and [1, 3] oxazines
- ISBN 9783639715682: Thais Zaninelli: New Service Development Process in the collaborative networks context
- ISBN 9783639715699: B. S. Surendra: Fabrication of CuFe2O4 photocatalysts for multifunctional applications
- ISBN 9783639715705: A. Arun Kumar: Analytics
- ISBN 9783639715712: Michael Groys: Pomeron structure and diffractive parton distributions
- ISBN 9783639715729: Emeka Clement Ikezue: Determinants and Consequences of Kidnapping in Southeast Nigeria
- ISBN 9783639715736: Arvind Preet Kaur: Preharvest sprays effecting storage life of peach
- ISBN 3639715748: Joy Onyebuchi Ochu: Evaluation of metals concentrations in imported products in Nigeria
- ISBN 9783639715743: Joy Onyebuchi Ochu: Evaluation of metals concentrations in imported products in Nigeria
- ISBN 9783639715750: Thanh-Nghi Doan: Large Scale Support Vector Machines Algorithms for Visual Recognition
- ISBN 9783639715767: Christopher Brown: Shifting Our Focus to Anti-oppressive Education
- ISBN 9783639715774: Mansur Ahamed: Natural Hazards and Vulnerabilities in the Coastal Areas of Bangladesh
- ISBN 9783639715781: Kathryn Levit: Attention in Action
- ISBN 9783639715798: Nathanael Oke Eriemo: Globalisation, Trade and Nigeria's Economic Development
- ISBN 9783639715804: Kevin Odida: Kenyan Baseline Survey Report
- ISBN 9783639715811: Nikolay Barashkov: Water Resistant Fluorine-Free Technologies for Synthetic Fabrics
- ISBN 9783639715828: Rabah Forar Laidi: Actinomycetes and antibiotics production
- ISBN 9783639715835: Sannar Sattar Albuzyad: Evaluation of Medical Care in Patients
- ISBN 9783639715842: Shankar Warhate: Impacts Of Coal Mines On Air,Water and Soil
- ISBN 9783639715859: Bruce Mitchell: The role of networks in different ethnic groups in South Africa
- ISBN 9783639715866: Bo Byrkjeland: The Reinvention of the Original
- ISBN 363971587X: Mikhail Itskovich: Testing Integrated Circuits
- ISBN 9783639715873: Mikhail Itskovich: Testing Integrated Circuits
- ISBN 9783639715880: Mohamed Ilyas: Effect of Aggregate Shape Factors on Bituminous Mixes for Roads
- ISBN 9783639715897: Ioana Dima: Annular structures in low latitude wind and temperature variability
- ISBN 9783639715903: Mahanti Veera Venkata Chandana Lakshmi Sridevi Veluru: Microbial Degradation Of Phenol Using P.aeruginosa (NCIM 2074)
- ISBN 9783639715910: Mykhailychenko Oleh: Ukrainian Studies
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- ISBN 9783639715934: Tabin Hasan: Life Events and River Metaphor, the Semantic Model and Visualization
- ISBN 9783639715941: Mishra, Urmila: Some Results in Fixed Point Theory
- ISBN 9783639715958: John McQuaid: Effects Of Cognitive Load On Participation Of Online Learners
- ISBN 9783639715965: Amal Hussein Abuaffan: Malocclusion, Orthodontic Treatment Need among Down Syndrom Sudanese
- ISBN 9783639715972: Salvatore Alaimo: Program Evaluation Capacity in Human Services Organizations
- ISBN 9783639715989: Bharati Rajeev Rehani: Powder Metallurgical Silver-Graphite Electrical Contact Materials
- ISBN 3639715993: Alireza Payandeh Najafabadi: Challenges of Electronic Contracts
- ISBN 9783639715996: Alireza Payandeh Najafabadi: Challenges of Electronic Contracts