ISBN beginnend mit 9783642055
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783642055003: Baehr, Hans Dieter; Stephan, Karl: Wärme- und Stoffübertragung
- ISBN 9783642055010: Virchow, Detlef: Efficient Conservation Of Crop Genetic Diversity - Theoretical Approaches And Empirical Studies
- ISBN 9783642055027: Helming, Katharina; Wiggering, Hubert: Sustainable Development of Multifunctional Landscapes
- ISBN 9783642055034: Khanna, Shiv N.; Castleman, Albert W: Quantum Phenomena in Clusters and Nanostructures
- ISBN 9783642055041: Bohm, Arno; Mostafazadeh, Ali; Koizumi, Hiroyasu; Niu, Qian; Zwanziger, Josef: The Geometric Phase in Quantum Systems - Foundations, Mathematical Concepts, and Applications in Molecular and Condensed Matter Physics
- ISBN 9783642055058: Shimoseki, Masayoshi; Hamano, Toshio; Imaizumi, Toshiyuki: FEM for Springs
- ISBN 9783642055065: Gruden, Dusan: Traffic and Environment
- ISBN 9783642055072: Benesty, Jacob; Huang, Yiteng: Adaptive Signal Processing - Applications to Real-World Problems
- ISBN 9783642055096: Gertsbakh, Ilya: Measurement Theory for Engineers
- ISBN 9783642055102: Kühn, Reimer; Menzel, Randolf; Menzel, Wolfram; Ratsch, Ulrich; Richter, Michael M.; Stamatescu, Ion-Olimpiu: Adaptivity and Learning - An Interdisciplinary Debate
- ISBN 9783642055119: Schalley, Christoph A.: Modern Mass Spectrometry
- ISBN 9783642055126: Anghel, Dan F.: Aqueous Polymer — Cosolute Systems - Special Issue in Honor of Dr. Shuji Saito
- ISBN 9783642055133: Shi, Donglu: Functional Thin Films and Functional Materials - New Concepts and Technologies
- ISBN 9783642055140: Birk, Yehudith: Plant Protease Inhibitors - Significance in Nutrition, Plant Protection, Cancer Prevention and Genetic Engineering
- ISBN 9783642055157: Ax, Peter: Multicellular Animals - Volume III: Order in Nature - System Made by Man
- ISBN 9783642055164: Müller, Tibor; Müller, Harmund: Modelling in Natural Sciences - Design, Validation and Case Studies
- ISBN 9783642055171: Doerfler, Walter; Böhm, Petra: Adenoviruses: Model and Vectors in Virus-Host Interactions - Virion-Structure, Viral Replication and Host-Cell Interactions
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- ISBN 9783642055201: de Kroon, Hans; Visser, Eric J.W.: Root Ecology
- ISBN 9783642055218: Gladkov, S.O.: Dielectric Properties of Porous Media
- ISBN 9783642055225: Pozdnyakov, Dmitry; Graßl, Hartmut: Color of Inland and Coastal Waters - A Methodology for its Interpretation
- ISBN 9783642055232: Lando, Sergei K.; Zvonkin, Alexander K.: Graphs on Surfaces and Their Applications
- ISBN 9783642055249: Bender, Ralf; Renzini, Alvio: The Mass of Galaxies at Low and High Redshift - Proceedings of the European Southern Observatory and Universitäts-Sternwarte München Workshop Held in Venice, Italy, 24-26 October 2001
- ISBN 9783642055256: Hansmann, Uwe; Merk, Lothar; Nicklous, Martin S.; Stober, Thomas: Pervasive Computing - The Mobile World
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- ISBN 9783642055270: Glazer, Amihai; Konrad, Kai A.: Conflict and Governance
- ISBN 9783642055287: Günther, Hans-Otto; van Beek, Paul: Advanced Planning and Scheduling Solutions in Process Industry
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- ISBN 9783642055348: Gasparik, Tibor: Phase Diagrams for Geoscientists - An Atlas of the Earth’s Interior
- ISBN 9783642055355: Bicchi, Antonio; Christensen, Henrik; Prattichizzo, Domenico: Control Problems in Robotics
- ISBN 9783642055362: Nassar, Raja; Dai, Weizhong: Modelling of Microfabrication Systems
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- ISBN 9783642055539: Jackson, John Flex; Linskens, Hans F.: Genetic Transformation of Plants
- ISBN 9783642055553: Schneider, Klaus: Verification of Reactive Systems - Formal Methods and Algorithms
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- ISBN 9783642055577: Wicht, Bernhard: Current Sense Amplifiers for Embedded SRAM in High-Performance System-on-a-Chip Designs
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- ISBN 9783642055751: Gray, Peter M.D.; Kerschberg, Larry; King, Peter J.H.; Poulovassilis, Alexandra: The Functional Approach to Data Management - Modeling, Analyzing and Integrating Heterogeneous Data
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- ISBN 9783642055782: Cho, Kikuo: Optical Response of Nanostructures - Microscopic Nonlocal Theory
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- ISBN 9783642055973: Eggli, Urs; Newton, Leonard E.: Etymological Dictionary of Succulent Plant Names
- ISBN 9783642055980: Mertins, Kai; Heisig, Peter; Vorbeck, Jens: Knowledge Management - Concepts and Best Practices
- ISBN 9783642055997: Fukai, Yuh: The Metal-Hydrogen System - Basic Bulk Properties