ISBN beginnend mit 9783642287
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783642287015: Jianren Gu: Primary Liver Cancer – Challenges and Perspectives
- ISBN 9783642287046: Alexander V. Kolobov: Chalcogenides – Metastability and Phase Change Phenomena
- ISBN 9783642287107: Cameron S. Carter: Brain Imaging in Behavioral Neuroscience
- ISBN 9783642287138: Björn Regnell: Requirements engineering: foundation for software quality - 18th international working conference ; proceedings
- ISBN 9783642287169: Nikolaj Bjørner: Logic for programming, artificial intelligence, and reasoning - 18th international conference ; proceedings
- ISBN 9783642287190: Wolfgang Sommer: Behavioral Neurobiology of Alcohol Addiction
- ISBN 9783642287220: Vladimir G. Plekhanov: Isotopes in Condensed Matter
- ISBN 9783642287251: Kaoru Yamanouchi: Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science VIII
- ISBN 9783642287282: Lars Birkedal: Foundations of software science and computational structures - 15th international conference ; proceedings
- ISBN 9783642287343: Brian Blake: Semantic Web Services – Advancement through Evaluation
- ISBN 9783642287374: Wolfram Hergert: The Mie Theory – Basics and Applications
- ISBN 9783642287404: Fokion K Vosniakos: Radioactivity Transfer in Environment and Food
- ISBN 9783642287435: Wensong Hu: Advances in Electric and Electronics
- ISBN 9783642287466: Thomas Reinhard: Corneal Disease – Recent Developments in Diagnosis and Therapy
- ISBN 9783642287497: Vladimir G. Plekhanov: Isotope-Based Quantum Information
- ISBN 9783642287527: Gerald F. Gebhart ; Robert F. Schmidt ed.: Encyclopedia of pain: Vol. 1., A - CH : with 217 tables
- ISBN 9783642287558: Cormac Flanagan: Tools and algorithms for the construction and analysis of systems - 18th international conference ; proceedings
- ISBN 9783642287589: Sarah Bretschneider: Mathematical Models for Evacuation Planning in Urban Areas
- ISBN 9783642287619: Javier Bajo Pérez: Highlights on practical applications of agents and multi-agent systems
- ISBN 9783642287640: Sigeru Omatu: Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence – 9th International Conference
- ISBN 9783642287671: Tahar Fakhfakh: Condition Monitoring of Machinery in Non-Stationary Operations – Proceedings of the Second International Conference "Condition Monitoring of Machinery in Non-Stationnary Operations" CMMNO’2012
- ISBN 9783642287701: Alexander Gelbukh: Semantic Analysis of Verbal Collocations with Lexical Functions
- ISBN 9783642287732: Hongjiu Yang: Analysis and Synthesis of Delta Operator Systems
- ISBN 9783642287763: Steffen Bangsow: Use Cases of Discrete Event Simulation – Appliance and Research
- ISBN 9783642287794: Alexandra Grancharova: Explicit Nonlinear Model Predictive Control – Theory and Applications
- ISBN 9783642287824: Paulo Novais: Ambient intelligence - software and applications
- ISBN 9783642287855: Yves Demazeau: Advances on practical applications of agents and multi-agent systems
- ISBN 9783642287886: Francisco Fernández de Vega: Parallel Architectures and Bioinspired Algorithms
- ISBN 9783642287916: Michael A. Lones: Information processing in cells and tissues - 9th international conference ; proceedings
- ISBN 9783642287947: Juan M. Corchado Rodríguez: Trends in practical applications of agents and multiagent systems
- ISBN 9783642287978: Ford Lumban Gaol: Recent Progress in Data Engineering and Internet Technology – Volume 2