ISBN beginnend mit 9783642336
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3642336019: Georg Sorge: Faszination Ultraschall
- ISBN 9783642336010: Georg Sorge: Faszination Ultraschall
- ISBN 9783642336027: Henri M. Duvernoy: The Human Hippocampus – Functional Anatomy, Vascularization and Serial Sections with MRI
- ISBN 9783642336058: Robert Meersman: On the move to meaningful internet systems: On the move to meaningful internet systems
- ISBN 9783642336089: Alberto Abelló: Model and data engineering - 2nd international conference ; proceedings
- ISBN 9783642336119: Hiroyuki Yoshida: Abdominal imaging - 4th international workshop, held in conjunction with MICCAI 2012, Nice, France, October 1, 2012 ; proceedings
- ISBN 9783642336140: Robert Meersman: On the move to meaningful internet systems: On the move to meaningful internet systems
- ISBN 9783642336171: Pilar Herrero: On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2012 Workshops – Confederated International Workshops: OTM Academy, Industry Case Studies Program, EI2N, INBAST, META4eS, OnToContent, ORM, SeDeS, SINCOM, and SOMOCO 2012,Rome, Italy, September 10-14, 2012.
- ISBN 9783642336201: Maik Schlickel: Strategy Deployment in Business Units – Patterns of Operations Strategy Cascading Across Global Sites in a Manufacturing Firm
- ISBN 9783642336263: Josep Domingo-Ferrer: Privacy in statistical databases - UNESCO Chair in Data Privacy international conference ; proceedings
- ISBN 9783642336324: Sebastian Will: From Atom Optics to Quantum Simulation – Interacting Bosons and Fermions in Three-Dimensional Optical Lattice Potentials
- ISBN 9783642336355: David Gilbert: Computational methods in systems biology - 10th international conference ; proceedings
- ISBN 9783642336386: Dinesh K. Maheshwari: Bacteria in Agrobiology: Disease Management
- ISBN 9783642336416: Elvira Popescu: Advances in web-based learning - 11th international conference ; proceedings
- ISBN 9783642336447: Jyrki Huusko: Energy efficient data centers - first international workshop ; revised selected papers
- ISBN 9783642336478: Ad J. W. van de Gevel: The Nexus between Artificial Intelligence and Economics
- ISBN 9783642336508: Marcos K. Aguilera: Distributed computing - 26th international symposium ; proceedings
- ISBN 9783642336539: Hartmut Ehrig: Graph transformations - 6th international conference ; proceedings
- ISBN 9783642336560: George A.F. Seber: Adaptive Sampling Designs – Inference for Sparse and Clustered Populations
- ISBN 9783642336591: Frank Schröder: Instruments and Methods for the Radio Detection of High Energy Cosmic Rays
- ISBN 9783642336621: Rongjun Shen: Proceedings of the 26th Conference of Spacecraft TT&C Technology in China – Shared and Flexible TT&C (Tracking, Telemetry and Command) Systems
- ISBN 9783642336652: Robert B. France: Model driven engineering languages and systems - 15th international conference ; proceedings
- ISBN 9783642336683: Karl Farmer: Growth and International Trade – An Introduction to the Overlapping Generations Approach
- ISBN 9783642336713: Simon Woodward: Modern Organoaluminum Reagents – Preparation, Structure, Reactivity and Use
- ISBN 9783642336744: Frank Ortmeier: Computer safety, reliability, and security - proceedings
- ISBN 9783642336775: Frank Ortmeier: Computer safety, reliability, and security - 31st international conference ; proceedings
- ISBN 9783642336805: Markus Helfert: Practical aspects of design science - revised selected papers
- ISBN 9783642336836: Martin Atzmueller: Modeling and mining ubiquitous social media - international workshops ; revised selected papers
- ISBN 9783642336867: Minhua Ma: Serious games development and applications - third international conference ; proceedings
- ISBN 9783642336898: Ingo J. Timm: Multiagent system technologies - 10th German conference ; proceedings
- ISBN 9783642336928: Florentina T. Hristea: The Naïve Bayes Model for Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation – Aspects Concerning Feature Selection
- ISBN 9783642336959: Kelei Wang: Free Boundary Problems and Asymptotic Behavior of Singularly Perturbed Partial Differential Equations
- ISBN 9783642336980: Isabel Röcker: Die Pflicht zur rahmenbeschlusskonformen Auslegung nationalen Rechts – Zur Begründung und Reichweite der Konformauslegungspflicht im Rahmen der polizeilichen und justiziellen Zusammenarbeit in Strafsachen