ISBN beginnend mit 9783642714
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- ISBN 9783642714016: Clarke, A.; Compans, R. W.; Cooper, M.; Eisen, H.; Goebel, W.; Koprowski, H.; Melchers, F.; Oldstone, M.; Rott, R.; Vogt, P. K.; Wagner, H.; Wilson, I.: Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology
- ISBN 9783642714092: Harvey, John D.; Walls, Daniel F.: Quantum Optics IV - Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium, Hamilton, New Zealand, February 10–15, 1986
- ISBN 9783642714146: Feichtinger, Wilfried; Kemeter, Peter: Future Aspects in Human In Vitro Fertilization
- ISBN 9783642714177: Herrmann, I.F.: Speech Restoration Via Voice Prostheses
- ISBN 9783642714207: Middeke, M.; Holzgreve, H.: New Aspects in Hypertension Adrenoceptors - Symposium, November 1985, Munich
- ISBN 9783642714245: Borner, Silvio: Internationalization of Industry - An Assessment in the Light of a Small Open Economy (Switzerland)
- ISBN 9783642714276: Atta-Ur-Rahman, T.I.: Natural Product Chemistry - Proceedings of the First International Symposium and Pakistan-U.S. Binational Workshop, Karachi, Pakistan
- ISBN 9783642714290: Ehrly, Albrecht M.: Therapeutische Hämorheologie
- ISBN 9783642714320: Thomä, Helmut; Kächele, Horst: Psychoanalytic Practice - 1 Principles
- ISBN 9783642714375: Durst, Franz; Launder, Brian E.; Lumley, John L.; Schmidt, Frank W.; Whitelaw, James H.: Turbulent Shear Flows 5 - Selected Papers from the Fifth International Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA, August 7–9, 1985
- ISBN 9783642714399: Landau, Edmund; Gaier, Dieter: Darstellung und Begründung einiger neuerer Ergebnisse der Funktionentheorie
- ISBN 9783642714429: Koprowski, Hilary; Melchers, Fritz: Peptides as Immunogens
- ISBN 9783642714481: Kelly, Michael J.; Weisbuch, Claude: The Physics and Fabrication of Microstructures and Microdevices - Proceedings of the Winter School Les Houches, France, March 25–April 5, 1986
- ISBN 9783642714573: Eisenmenger, Wolfgang; Liebhardt, Erich; Schuck, Manfred: Medizin und Recht - Festschrift für Wolfgang Spann
- ISBN 9783642714603: Hepburn, H. Randall: Honeybees and Wax - An Experimental Natural History
- ISBN 9783642714634: Ganten, Detlef; Pfaff, Donald: Morphology of Hypothalamus and Its Connections
- ISBN 9783642714702: Arduini, Arnaldo: Principles of Theoretical Neurophysiology
- ISBN 9783642714733: Cooper, Trevor G.: The Epididymis, Sperm Maturation and Fertilisation
- ISBN 9783642714757: Rügheimer, Erich; Pasch, Thomas: Vorbereitung des Patienten zu Anästhesie und Operation - Risikoerfassung, optimierende Therapie Prämedikation 3. Internationales Erlanger Anästhesie-Symposion 2. bis 5. Juli 1986
- ISBN 9783642714788: Heuer, Herbert; Fromm, Christoph: Generation and Modulation of Action Patterns
- ISBN 9783642714856: Seeliger, Ulrich; Lacerda, Luiz D. de; Patchineelam, S.R.: Metals in Coastal Environments of Latin America
- ISBN 9783642714924: Bianconi, Antonio; Congiu Castellano, Agostina: Biophysics and Synchrotron Radiation
- ISBN 9783642714955: Lanyi, Marton: Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Breast Calcifications
- ISBN 9783642714986: Menzel, Randolf; Mercer, Alison: Neurobiology and Behavior of Honeybees