ISBN beginnend mit 9783642818
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- ISBN 9783642818004: Isaacson, C.: Pathology of a Black African Population
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- ISBN 9783642818400: Shuvalov, L.A.: Modern Crystallography IV - Physical Properties of Crystals
- ISBN 9783642818431: Nagaoka, Y.; Fukuyama, H.: Anderson Localization - Proceedings of the Fourth Taniguchi International Symposium, Sanda-shi, Japan, November 3–8, 1981
- ISBN 9783642818462: Skriver, Hans L.: The LMTO Method - Muffin-Tin Orbitals and Electronic Structure
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- ISBN 9783642818899: Fernholz, H.; Krause, E.: Three-Dimensional Turbulent Boundary Layers - Symposium, Berlin, Germany, March 29 – April 1, 1982
- ISBN 9783642818929: Hitchings, G.H.: Inhibition of Folate Metabolism in Chemotherapy - The Origins and Uses of Co-trimoxazole
- ISBN 9783642818967: Maple, M.B.; Fischer, O.: Superconductivity in Ternary Compounds II - Superconductivity and Magnetism